When will the Horde bias end

and nobody cares about you and what you said, espeally you were exposed as liar in the German Forum.
Or shoud remind you about your " in gonna quit wow because blizzard favourd the alliance" or the " i shut my mouth for 3 weeks to become serious" and dindt make even 3 days…

The alliance will fall. And it will be me who is dealing them their death blow. Lok’tar!

Explains your fascination with “strong” leaders such as Garrosh and Sylvanas.

Also explains why you support the military dictatorship faction… or the pro-genocide faction.

You’re basicly one of those regressive elements from German society that longs for the “good” old days of… oh around '30 to around '45, aren’t you?

Is this kind of ‘joke’ allowed? I get the guy upsets you but calling someone who trolls 90% of the time a WWII bad guy supporter over a medfan video game is inappropriate


dude. This is a video game. Just because I don’t want to have the Horde pushed under a rug doesn’t mean I support N.azis. Get a grip of yourself.


You might be taking Erevien a little bit too seriously, just saying. If anything, he’s quite good at trolling. :shushing_face:

Back on topic.

There’s no Horde bias.


I can’t be stopped. Horde bias will end. This is my vow.

Another Erevien? What is going on!

Because they get sh*t done for the Horde…for example, Garrosh destroyed Theramore and in another situation, he killed both Anduin and the Alliance player…

yes, you read that well. Garrosh realistically killed both of them.

Garrosh crushing Anduin under the Divine Bell would be insta-death for Anduin of course, not just breaking his bones (even if it wasn’t insta-death, Garrosh would have checked if he was dead or not. Even as an Orc he was quite intelligent, not dumb at all.)

For the Alliance player, realistically there’s 0% chance Garrosh would have allowed the Alliance player to run back to the Alliance safely just “to warn Varian about the death of his son”…Varian would get the message anyway, eventually. :sweat_smile:

And of course there’s 0% chance an Alliance player alone would beat a raid boss in combat, too. So Garrosh would have killed both.

(unless such Alliance players have the means to disappear immediately into thin air (assuming Garrosh wouldn’t catch you anyway), or means to self-resurrect like Shaman or Warlocks. But even that is iffy, Garrosh is not dumb so he would make sure that the Alliance PC stays dead anyway, like cutting the head of a corpse would probably make a Soulstone useless anyway… so yeah, you all died there lore-wise :stuck_out_tongue:

As for Sylvanas…yeah, she burned Teldrassil. For Erevien, that’s more than enough to prove her a worthy Horde leader, even if later for balancing reasons she had to plague Undercity herself since the Alliance couldn’t actually get the job done by themselves (as usual)…


I wouldn’t say that- the characters are so strong as long the writers want.
Malfurion- Axt in the back.
Jaina, bain and Thrall- easily captured by some random non-name masworn.
Varian- stabbed by random felguards.
Vol’jin the sane.

And in the jainz book- the theramore captain at the one outside tower managed to hit garrosh, who was surprised.

Okay, the power levels of the characters are sometimes a bit wonky (just like in Dragon Ball Z or most franchises, anyway) depending on the situations, but as general rule of thumb, I think you can agree on the fact that a single player can NEVER beat a faction leader alone in combat…

otherwise, if you still want to deny this, then I can say the Horde player alone could defeat Jaina in combat during the Purge of Dalaran…

obviously we could not, but the difference is that Jaina never caught us sneaking around since she was already preoccupied and busy with the Purge itself…the Alliance player is alone and he is in front of Garrosh, who knows that he killed several Horde members in the war.

That’s 0% chance of survival for the Alliance player (realistically). He wouldn’t let the player walk away safely for any reason.

And realistically Sylvanas killed Genn, too. Realistically there’s 0 % chance she would allow Genn to simply walk away after he just ruined her whole business about the lantern and Val’kyrs (and one mean of reproduction of the Forsaken in the process) :sweat_smile:

Solo’ed the entire Horde army when they tried to passover into Darkshore.

teleported out of her own raid fight at 5% yelling “Enough!”

oneshotted a big fel reaver and killed serveral demons with his swords until Gul’dan stopped him and turned him into fel dust. Meanwhile Vol’jin got stabbed from behind by a single fel guard without much glory.

The characters are as strong as they come. Alliance ones are unkillable demi gods. The Horde ones are mere mortals who can barley hold back regular soldiers in a fair fight. The power gap is real. and the Horde is losing at all fronts when you compare them. Horde leaders are not the brightest or best of their races. That is a big problem.

And I’ll make sure that things stay that way!

It is 100% in the writer’s hands:

The strength of the faction leaders is also inconsistent. Just remember Varian, the godking, chosen Avatar of the ancients, slayer of Onyxia - was killed at one point by a no name Assassin and had to be revived by Anduin. Then, before his final death, he suddenly had an Anime-Mojo and even tackled down Killer Robots, before he fought several demons.

Vol’jin on the other hand was killed by a mere trash mob.

In Legion, with the Artifact weapons, we players were suddenly as strong as any important NPC, they even made us class leaders.

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Which is yet another reason why the troll community is angry. Trolls don’t get a break ever. They only ever get crapped on by the writing. Same with Rastakhan and the Drakkari. Blizzards pet races are humans and dwarfs.

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After the horde ridiculous steamrolled the elves on ashenvale, and mentioned another was struck down by Saurfang axes which he doesn’t see coming.

Shall i remind you that Sylvanas survived twice- one the absurd choking by Tyrande in ardenweald and then the raid.

No, and you know thst, if its so, why malfurion got hurt or Varian die if they are so called immoral?

Talanji: cast magic in the ani magic area in the stomwind stockade after the lock down to brig down one barrier and summoned desus ex machina rezzan avatar on the pursuit on the oceans.


Ironically you can thank danuser for this, the move was on purpose to put Sylvanas in the spotlight as warchief.
Because we all kniw how Danuser favored his waifu…
If Danuser wasn’t the lead narrator he would survive.

Was almost defeated by Nathanos. A normal guy with a bow without any special powers.

Yes they are. In Bfa they showed everyone their power and prooved that it takes an entire raid of players to bring them down.

Difference is that at that point she was no longer part of the Horde. Just another villain free to be killed by the alliance.

Because the Sentinel army was away in Silithus. Once they returned they took Darkshore and Ashenvale back with ease. Now they are on Hyjal and back to their full power pre Bfa situation.

The difference here is that the Horde cast is fully depleted. We lost so many characters that Blizzard couldn’t manage to give the Horde a proper leadership. Instead they put C-Tier normies with no lore in these positions who are wanted by no one. Especially not trash like Voss, Rokhan or Gazlowe. The Horde is dead. And alliance bias is to blame for it.

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A normal guy with ranger training and Sylvanas’ diamond hard skin. Who managed to hold his own against Genn Greymane in Worgen Form and the just awakened Nightwarrior Tyrande for quite some time.
But of course, you knew that, since you “know your lore”, right? You just happened to ignore it.

You called them immortal, Dohor gave you an example for a death.
Disproven. Case closed.

Calia also stated that she’s not with the Alliance, yet you claim to know it better.
Double standards, as always.

Yeah, all they needed was an army of Worgen and Night Elves, Heroes and mercenaries, the mightiest living druid and divine intervention. Piece of cake. :clown_face:
Especially, when you consider that the Horde army had already retreated to protect Undercity.

That’s why the “last true patriot of the Horde” demands to

because killing them is totally fine, as long as he gets to chose who lives. :poop:

The funniest part of it is that you still don’t see the irony in your own punchlines:
If the Horde were dead, you would finally shut up, move on or quit the game for good.
Since you do not, you’re either attracted to corpses or… you know that the Horde is not dead and that phrases like that are just… exaggerated drama.


Erevien-die-aldor: mimimi Horde leadership is weak and completely ruined and a shadow if itself .
Also Erevien: want to exterminate the council to bring one strong person in charge.

One if his amusing and hilarious post was about to replace Bain with magatha grimmtotem to have one strong and hard leader.
The person…who is responsible for cains death, that even Garrosh was pissed on her.
The person who staged a bloody coup and killed the own people to strengthen the iron grip and crush any opposition for her leadership… some kills are even for PURE terror reasons (hey English men, are you familiar with the “night if the long knives?”)
And the person who messed up in the shaman campaign in Legion.

“DoEsN’t MaTtEr As LoNg As ShE hAtEs ThE aLlIaNcE!” :crazy_face: :clown_face: