When will the Horde council be killed?

They are traitors to the Horde. They sold us out to their alliance overlords. All of the council should be rounded up and executed by being burnt alive on a pyre. All weaklings need to be purged from the Horde. The Horde will be great again once idiots like Baine and Thrall are dead. Lok’tar!


It was Lor’themar himself who got tired of Sylvanas and allied with the Alliance. And of course his wifu Thirsty Thalassra followed his lead.

The alliance sacrificed too much by forgiving the Horde considering the huge amount of loss they faced.

All of them accepted the peace treaty, aside from Tyrande.

Now the Horde and Alliance are best buddies. Our true enemy is the Jailer.

Don’t you worry, we’ll all be going to kill the Alliance after Shadowlands because in the mean time, on Azeroth, Turalyon has been purging people with the Light like Yrel. Then we’ll be the good guys!

A traitor who deserves to be executed.

The Alliance is doing fine. It is the Horde who gets shafted the most by the peace treaty.

I wipe my butt with that parchement.


Our true enemy is the alliance.

Due to your own actions.

You’ve taken Theramore, Feralas, Ashenvale, Azshara, Gilneas, Southshore, Teldrassil, and Destroyed Darkshore.

The alliance forgives as usual. Next will be Stormwind

/ Sighs. It must truly suck for the ogre heads to come to terms with the fact that the Horde isn’t all about being a unga bunga blindly following some warlord and dominating the world to make more mud huts and tree tents just because your warlods beliefs said so. Cross the races and peoples within it. It’s ironic how much much the Horde hates monarchies and Kings and stuff.
But call it a ‘‘Warchief’’ And your expected to commit genocide and go to war for it or be executed and branded as a traitor.

I like the new Horde council, There is no longer some one guy or girl who thinks they know what the best action forward for the Horde is anymore unchallanged or talked about. Hopefully we wont have more Horde leaders turned into Villains this way.

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Me too.

At the end of BFA the Horde seemed United, and Alliance seemed divided. It’s a BIG loss for us, and BIG win for the Horde. This basically insured no new evil leader will lead the Horde.

But if what they say about Turalyon is true, we are doomed.

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Turalyon could do the same thing… As the Horde Warchiefs I mean. But it would be a radical move for him to go that way, He needs the nobles and the other Alliance members on his side to go that way.

But it honestly wouldn’t hurt if the Alliance got to be the aggressors for a change… Something abit bigger than camp taurajo I mean.

But the lore around Turalyon and the Alliance has allot of potential! I hope they make something out of it.

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I don’t. They are all traitors who worked with the alliance. They shall be burnt alive on a pyre for their treason. They all will die once Sylvanas returns to us.

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I don’t think he’ll have a big role aside from being the side husband to Alleria.

I could, however see his son playing a big role because he is the prophecy. He is the child of light and Shadow. I hope they do more with him as Half-elves are rarely shown in Alliance lore given how rare they are. The only half elves are 3 people and 2 of them are children.

As for Alleria she definitely has a big role to play being a Windrunner and being the leader of the Void elves along with Umbric. I hope they don’t mess her character up considering she saved the Void elves from going completely insane.

They lost the war… Had an Alliance force at their very gates. And their warchief calling them Nothing and fartflew like black gas out of the scene and ditched them. They followed her to genocide and war. And for that she called them nothing. and ditched them to die.

And they got an armastice from the Alliance for it after the loss. I wouldn’t call it working together with the Alliance, As much as their loyalty having been betrayed following Sylvanas for her Jailer plans.

How was break :smiley: ?


Back already? :joy:

You are weak!

edit: Aww Fury beat me to it :grin:


Not gonna judge him considering I say I’m gonna leave and end up coming back and then I leave again and give away my gold; and then I end up coming back. The more I look at it, the more similar I am to Erevien. And it scares me :cry:


Because of treason. The traitors invited the Alliance to Durotar. Even occupied Razor hill. Without the traitors the alliance wouldn’t have gotten far.


She will return and finish what she started. Together.

A whole wopping two ‘‘traitors’’? Baine and Saurgang? Honestly if Sylvanas can’t even notice an Alliance army landing at the shores of her Capital city and have prepared defenses… During a world war no less. Thats more on her than Saurfang and Baine could ever do. And she was still in command of all other Horde forces.

But yes.

After calling the Horde nothing and ditching them all at the gates there? Killing a Orc war hero infront of the gates of Orgrimmar? …Yeah good luck with that.

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Another traitor who deserved to die.

Totally not.

The entire council is traitors.

Then join the Alliance :woman_shrugging:

Don’t know what else you want.

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You lasted 25days

Why I leave - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)


There are (perhaps a bit frightening indeed) some similarities for sure :sweat_smile: but you’re far less radical I’d say!

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