When will the potato servers be replaced?

Sorry should of been more clear, said his delay was “better” then mine, his delay was 5 seconds, mine was over 10 seconds.


small indie company, give them more years


Just curious if they are working on it.

Reset day > Valley laggs hard as unplayable everytime the world boss is up

Fix this sh*t for real.

Can’t believe it’s legal to provide this much of a sh*t festival through the full length of BFA and still require money to pay.

Yes, I pay to gain access to the servers, but also for being able to perform well on them when my hardware isnt the problem.

Fix this sh*t.

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Maybe your internet is a potato? :smiley: I never had connection or lag problems.

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Even tortolan quests lag today :rofl: :joy:




Well, I mean they -are- turtles, going anywhere fast is not their thing.

Also, you know how sometimes you scanread a title, and your mind fills in the blanks, like a sort of brain ‘autocorrect’?

I legitimately scan read the title as “When will the potatoes ever be replaced?” …. and I came here expecting someone to be complaining about the noble potato, giver of chips, ready to defend our spuddy foodstuff and champion its virtue…


Nope it’s not. Asked in the open chats every time and multiple people and lag every God damn time. Have you ever been to the emissary zones when there is a 445 weapon or trinket for free? Or the reset day uldum/valley? Its unplayable…

They barely keep the game on band aid sub numbers and u want new servers…
Sadly never gonan happen.


Only near the world boss. The rest of the zone is completely fine.

Valley unplayable today …

Laggy for real, i have 10 ping everywhere, and it take me 5s to hit

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This is all that needs to be said.

Game design issues are one thing, but this kind of server performance in a paid game is actually embarassing.


Just pushing until we get an update.

Can’t imagine the release of shadowlands in half a year with that sh*t show of what they call servers

I live in Sweden, I have like 30-40 ms. Huge delays every day, especially in the zones where the emissary is. This is a server problem.

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Waw this thread is month old and the high latency problems where even back then.Just adds more to my current rant on how it’s on blizzard and there awful servers are overloaded.Its 240/246 and sometimes World jumps to 2000-4000 especially in instance areas.

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Any server would choke, Its a data issue not a server issue.

Simply put:

• Our characters require a lot of calculations, in BFA more than ever.

• The total “work” done by the server squares with the amount of players.

Ex1) 2 players in same spot, 2 request 2 response, size of response is the data from all other players minus ourselves =1 So “work”=4

Ex2) 5 players in same spot, 5 requests 5 responses (each response here contains 4 times the data) “work” = 25.

Ex3) n players in same spot, n requests n responses (each response n-1 times the data) n+n(n-1) = n^2-n+n = n^2

Eventually adding just one player will cause huge problems

(This excludes server side calculations on those requests and the amount of calculations is the only metric that can be affected, the other issues will always remain)

We don’t see this in classic for a reason, its far fewer calculations to be done for each player compared to bfa.


New server wont do s**t.

Cutting down on character complexity is the solution (sadly)

It did happen on classic, while there was sharding. After sharding was removed most of the lag was removed aswell.

oooor… more sharding? Less character on the same shard/Server = better Output?

I’m not familiar with Servers or that Kind of stuff, but seems Logical too me.

If People constantly complain since the very start of BFA, Bli$$ard should get their heads out of the Butts and actually do something.

It’s straight up ridiculous to pay 13€ a month to have emisarryzones or Invasion zones (current Content duh) unplayable at normal Response rates.

It’s not servers its the game it’s never been built for rng on rng to decide rng of what rng item you get with rng stats and an rng corruption which has rng to proc which talks to each other corruption and talent to calculate the effect within its rng guide lines.

Then you have rng talent calculations trinket proc chances.

Blizzards servers are top notch this is the game crumbling under the preasure of rng which the game source code and engine has not been prepared for and was not built for.

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Apparently there are no servers ,realms are on cloud and cloud scales on demand .
Most likely lag is due to internal cloud communication ,or software optimization.

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