When will the Zandalari leave the Horde?

Because… she did nothing wrong?
I mean, if anyone, Genn was the one in the Pyramid with Rastakhan
In both version, the biased Zandalari survivor’s story (who probbaly wasn’t even there, since you know, he is alive…) and the “true” version, when the alliance strike team was there to do the deed
Anyhow, in both version Jaina wasn’t even inside the Pyramid and the throne room
The Alliance strike team not even killed Rastahan! Wounded him, yes, but for someone who was killed by the mean Alliance, he was quite chatty. No. He was alive when his priest daughter arrived and had a nice mournfull monolgue and passed the Bwonsamdi deal to her
You know who is responsible for Rastakhan’s death?

" King Rastakhan yells: Bwonsamdi! De Alliance invaders have struck down our people! Aid me!
Bwonsamdi yells: Watch be raisin’ such a fuss about, ya majesty? Ol’ Bwonsamdi ain’t gonna let no outsiders take your throne!"

But after that?

King Rastakhan yells: Bwonsamdi! You are my loa! Honor our bargain and strike down dese attackers!
Bwonsamdi yells: Ya be mighty demandin’, Rastakhan! I gonna give ya de power ya seek… but ya watch your tone.

Then finally?

King Rastakhan yells: Why are dese invaders still resisting? You should have dealt with them by now, Bwonsamdi!
Bwonsamdi yells: Ya been king a long time, Rastakhan. Maybe… too long. If ya can’t be gettin’ da job done, perhaps dat pretty daughter of yours can.


King Rastakhan yells: No… de darkness… it is too much to control!
King Rastakhan yells: Dis darkness threatens to consume my soul! I must… be free of it!
King Rastakhan yells: Dis power… dis death… it is a curse, not a blessing! Oh daughter… what have I done?

Bwonsamedi gave him a power that was a curse, that consumed him from inside, and the Loa of Death waited for a long time to have the King’s soul!
The wounded King was living on a borrowed time, but even without godlike or Anduin level of powers (and Talanji is a capable Priest mind you!) they have every tool to save him
Except their Death God , who tricked him, and probbaly prevented any healing spell to be effective (seen that trick before, when he was stabbed and the Horde hero had to bargain to save the King, no matter how powerfull or ancient spells and methods were used)
No my boy, Rastakhan was betrayed by Bwonsamdi who even gloated, how his dauther will be a more fitting business partner
I repeat: Jaina wasn’t even in the Pyramid when he was “killed” (but got better to say bye to his lil girl)


I’ll pass, ta!

Suramar had enough demons walking around, during Gul’dan

Jaina is nothing. Just a human witch with plot armor. She will die and the alliance will suffer. Nothing can stop me.

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Like me.

Nothing can stop me. I’m the best Priest in the game.

Careful that same insanity sent Kael’thas to the Venthyr.

In your case, you might end up in the maw.


Even the Maw have standards…


The maw is bad, but we shouldn’t punish it with sending Erevien there.

God help the new Jailor.


I can already see Erevien pulling a Rorschach…

“None of you seem to understand. I’m not locked in here with you. You’re locked in here with me!”


Zandalari will among with all other Horde races merge with the Alliance and become a new all-race faction. You’re welcome, Everien.

The Jailer might send him back to the world of the living :laughing:

We will settle your cities to dust and kill your leaders. Then we murder your people in their sleep and dance on their corpses. No mercy for the alliance ever. You will all die.

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And why is that again?

Because your evuuullll!

Or maybe the Horde needs to be edgy and bad boy-like.

I mean, Erevien’s Horde is just a bunch of undead monsters - totally uncouth for perfect races like the Shal’dorei and Sin’dorei.

Because you are the alliance. You deserve nothing. Just suffering.

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Why do the Alliance deserve nothing but suffering?

Also how are you going to distinguish Alliance High Elves and Void Elves from Blood Elves with the new customisations we have?

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Same way you distinguish pandas

If it’s green you ignore; and if red you attack :woman_shrugging:

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Their patriotism towards the Horde of course. The blood elves are superior in every way. Horde elves ae just better and that is the truth.


Horde living Elves are much better than Alliance or Undead Elves.
I mean, Undead Elves live in sewers.

Uncouth to the upmost.

Undercity is my favorite Horde city. I wish they would turn it into a flying necropolis.

Suramar and Silvermoon are the only cities for Elves.

Elves that want to live in sewers must be stripped of their “elf” tag.