When will the Zandalari leave the Horde?

He’s so mad he believes he is a Zandalari Troll.

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Dat voodoo, mon… 'As ya mind wicked diamn quiiick…:skull:

When will the blood elves leave the horde? They’ve suffered humiliation after humiliation since yoking themselves to the orcish empire that burned their homeland, treated as expendable vassals and had their dwindling species wasted in pointless wars of aggression against allies of thousands of years. Owing their entire existence to the benevolence of the draenei would have been a turning point yet still they remain in enthusiastic subjugation.


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The… what now? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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The orc supremacist horde that treats its constituents as meat for the endless war of expansion.

Hardly an empire
The Ogre had an Empire
Azshara had an Empire… actually she still have one
The Trolls had one
The Zandalari still have one
The Mogu had one and technically the Pandaren are still an Empire…
The orcs? The Horde?
Never had one, don’t have one, and will never have one!
Heck, that two-three shipworth of spiritually broken survivors of the original invasion force (mainly magically aged kids) should have already died out, go extinct, not multiply, like damn rabits!

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