When will the Zandalari leave the Horde?

The Zandalari don’t owe anything to the Horde. All the Horde brought them was misery and suffering. The death of Rastakhan is on their hands.

If anything should be burned to the ground it will be Stormwind. Shut up filthy traitor. Nobody wants your nonsense.

Good. The sooner the alliance is destroyed the better it will be for Azeroth.

Not even close. Talanji is just another alliance puppet just like Baine and Thrall are.

More nonsense from you and lies. Aren’t you getting tired of sputing so much BS?

They are. All the fertile lands belong to them. From Elwynn to Dun Morogh. Get your lore right.

They owe them nothing. Only a kick in the butt. Because that is all what the trash council deserve.

Do you know that horde don’t have resources to do that right now?
Canonicaly Horde lose every war, we lost almost all ships and on other side alliance have full Kultiran fleet, Draenai Deathstar and alliance with Black Dragon.
Horde is dead because of this. I really hate writes because everytime Alliance is winning.

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Fixed that for ya

We have Ebyssian. That is enough.

Perhaps it’s part of the involution process some Blood Elves have started ever since Void Elf customizations were announced.

:musical_note: I’m Slim Shady, yes, I’m the real Shady
All you other Slim Shadys, are just imitating
So won’t the real Slim Shady, please stand up
Please stand up, please stand up🎶

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If everyone you want gone leaves the Horde there wont be much Horde left… :sweat_smile:

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I already did many threads in the past where I point out possible new leaders to replace the trash we are currently forced to deal with. I have no love for the council and I think the Horde would be better off with all of them being killed off.

I am the true Erevien

You mean just like Tyrande and the nightelves???

Quitting really lasted long…


My good fight for the Horde continues. I can’t leave until the alliance is destroyed for good and the Horde rules all of Azeroth unapposed.

Horde burns down allance capitol city killing thousands of civilians

I sleep

Alliance kill a king in a raid on an enemy capitol


Yes indeed. It is alliance bias. The worst sort of. It can only be solved if the alliance loses Jaina.


You alliance scum will lose. We will burn your cities, kill your people and enslave your leaders. No mercy. No peace. Only suffering. You will all pay for your crimes. Lok’tar.

That dream might happen sooner rather than later with the current population of Alliance players.

In other words, addiction and obsession got the best of you.

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There’s some freaky forum RP going on here.


We told him a dozen times if not more to seek professional help
This is not healthy