When will you get over Taurajo?

Yes? What your point?

So we are forced to discuss this nonesense as it is and as it stands Horde has its story as warmongers and Alliance as incompetents, the whole reason of this thread and discussion that debunking what horde did with Taurajos and such is bit silly.

So is grinding the reputation and with each grievences reputation goes down even more until there is not trust.

And now Alliance members have little to no trust.

I remember in WoT Orgrimmar members were happy to start a war. I mean people are mob manipulated by the propaganda.

Yeah its been issue for both factions - one cant find its way after Thrall is gone and another is just overshadowed by Human potential.

Debatable, there’s lots of unresolved stuff still going on in Horde vs Alliance. But I agree there are new seeds of hope that really happened in later expansions.
But these kind of moves just drops us back to square one.

Again mate - just because you didnt experience it doesnt mean it did not happen. The evidence is there.

There’s a parchment in the quest signed by Sylvanas.

Both were excellent positions to land in and get some foothold on the continents. That’s their value. Places hard to defend.

Still canon and I agree not authorised by Warchief, it was the rash act of a bloodthirsty general enacted in Horde’s name thus why he deserved instant death from Garrosh. Responsibility still lies on Horde, even though never served their agenda.

So the alliance supported Arthas, yes?

You wish. They’re more trustful of horde leaders than ever.

“They got a council now! That’s so progressive of them!”

I mean yeah, Saurfang put up a pretty damn good plan for that one. And his positioning of the catapults was great as well.

In what?

Only Anduin and Jaina, it seems.

There’s a lil pride here I sense.

In everything up until him murdering his father.

There’d be lot more if he didn’t betray his own plan because he acted “dishonorably”, truth be told. I don’t understand his sudden moodswings in BFA, i genuinely don’t.

He puts the catapults where they are, makes the plans for the war of the thorns but somehow tossing an axe at one of the key figures of the enemy, while you’re fighting with ballistas, ranged weaponry and magic, is dishonorable?

It’s just very inconsistent :confused:

Yes. ?

Only explanation I could find to that is that Warriors cant learn Backstab.

But warriors always attack from behind so the enemies don’t parry…

But I like the explanation nontheless.

Glad we could bring this discussion to one liners. :slight_smile:

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The horde will never forget camp Taurajo.

We will burn every alliance settlement to the ground.

Teldrassil was just the beginning.

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We will get over it when the criminals responsible for Purge of Dalaran will be brought to justice. Naming Jaina and Vereesa. No peace with the alliance dogs ever. Lok’tar!

Great. Its one questline. That is COMPLETELY ignored by both factions straight after. Its a bad attempt of forcing faction war while the original idea was a quilboar attack. Period. They didnt even see it through. The whole area is literally being ignored.

Never received such orders.

The Horde made landfall and camp at a different spot. Brennadam held no strategic value at this point and attacking it would have been utterly stupid given how closely its being located towards Boralus. The Horde could not effectively hold Brenadan in any imaginable scenario given the information the Horde had at this point (alliance being there as well as Kul’Tiran military)

Both Warfang Hold (actual Horde landfall) and especially Fort Daelin both held way more strategic value. Not to mention Sagehold.

Fort Daelin because well, its an fort you can actually use, which would serve as a fortified position for the Horde Navy if desired. It also housing the Military Branch that is most loyal to the Proudmoor Admiralty and it also being weakened by the Naga prior. It also being of morale value.

Warfang because its a chokepoint where an ambush can easily be created for advancing Alliance/Kul’Tiran troops. While also being somewhere located in narnia where nobody checks that gave the horde plenty of time to establish a base.

Sagehold (which was attacked by Horde btw) because well, its literally one of the key points in regards of the Kul’Tiran Tidesages and it also being directly next to Mariner’s Strand which happens to be a not so unimportant Shipyard

Responsibility was taken by executing everyone involved but one.

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What’s Taurajo? It sounds like a jucy pasta receipe.
OK, I’m out (really don’t know what it is though)

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Its not about the importance of the event, but the fact of its existence - its just another warm in the can.

https:/ /wow.gamepedia.com/Warchief%27s_Orders
He did.

And consequences of those dead elves are still due to be paid.

See this is why we so rarely get to see cities rise and fall in World of Warcraft. Because we have so many little Bs (on both sides) that just can’t stop crying about it when it happens. They take it as some sort of weird personal affront.

The game would be so much more interesting if you delicates didn’t get butthurt at the drop of a hat.

Make no mistake, btw. This is my human warrior yes, but I’m bi factional. There are plenty of you goons on both sides, red or blue.

Nah. We still didnt. As i said its disregarded by both factions.

They have been paid. In blood. Now shoo.

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Sure go on play ignorant game. It wont make it go away.

It will. Since both factions wont ever talk about it.

Yet, it will always be brought out in discussions.

No one ever brings up Camp Taurajo as well.

Like anyone cares about it. Yet alone the Kul’Tirans.

That one however is addressed by both factions and part of the books.

Taurajo also had a “legitimate” reason to be attacked. Brenedan held absolutely no value. Town of peasants.

No one cares, if Sylvanas makes such a roockie mistakes.