When will you get over Taurajo?

So this basically a vaguely cunningly posited (By Vaguely cunning I mean clumsy and obviously) post to be an Alliance Pity thread?

Well done. You made the Alliance look like needy weaklings. Thanks for that, and here was me going to level my Kul Tiran, Hells with that. I don’t want to associate with spineless losers.

Joking aside, come on, seriously, stop with this, you make the Alliance look bad.

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Oh, you’re one of those that takes in-game events too serious.
I don’t, so I don’t have to get over anything. :wink:

Sadly even in the real life it is full of people who think that they can actually even out wrong with more wrongs.
Within this decade there was for example that incident in Greece where a mentally deficient policeman accidentally got a teen who sashed him killed and in responce it was mass burn and loot unrelated shops time. One of the victims of this reprisal was a pregnant woman who was a a bank when the molotovs were thrown in.

We (humanity) never learn do we?

Agreed. The tauren in general are overall the nicest people in Azeroth.
Because the value a simpler life that is closer to nature, they have less avarice than the races where wealth and power is valuable.

The modern night elves are supposed to be the same but they were being poked by orcs and co for way too long and are also prideful AF as lots of them lived since back when they controled almost all the planet.

If Humans have shown countless time flaws, We have also shown honr and compassion saving the son of r.i.p wise and mighty Cairne, Baine.

Those humans that did Taurajo deserves death, I would court martial them mysel to it and execute them on the spot after wearing their coffins and diggin’ it but those were a**hole like that Rodgers and that Daelin and Jaina, bipolar: I love you thrall tgether it’s gonna be different , then proceed to another gnocide/offense on the horde…

The witch got for now what she deserves, Theramre trying to conquer Kalimdor by guilde and charm.

She nearly lost everything and is aging like a demented old hag , We showed we had some good in us saving Baine from a sacrifice.

I do not ask You don’t punish and kill but punish the good one Jaina proodmre, rogers and the like not Anduin or childrens of Stormwind as You said two wrong doesn’t makes one right, let past be past, Please !!!

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It’s really simple.

As far as we’re concerned, you lot are a bunch of barbaric sods. As far as you’re concerned, we’re a bunch of uppity ninnies. We throw punches, kick faces and more because that’s what happens. Part and parcel, aye?

Yet some form like feel an urgent need to become mathematicians in all this and count and calculate who did what, and what counts.

Bloody waste of time. I don’t care if the horde has done this or that and that’s technically less worse than this thing we did over here. As a dwarf, we’ve been decking orcs and their chums for way too many years now and that’s just how it is. Who’s keeping count except those who are too yellow bellied to be involved in the faction brawl in the first place and want an out?

No pity here. Let the daffodils cry about things if they like, plenty of us around who like all this to and fro and understand this ain’t playgroup we’re dealing with here.

If you consider Brenndam then you should also consider the Alliance going to Vol’dun to incinerate/mass murder vulpera for them helping the Horde out by moving supplies across the island.

Just for fairness sake.

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Not only that but that Zandalari king was no one’s friend.
He tried to kill both horde, alliance and other troll tribes many times. He was no saint. He had it coming. His survival would’ve been as logical as Gromash’s in Draenor.

General John Hawthorne attacked Taurajo, and the reasoning was that Taurajo was supplying and equipping fighters, which it did.
But he did it with the civilian population in mind, as he ordered his men to not kill those who did not fight back and he to leave a huge gap in their lines to allow the civilian population to escape.
He was heavily criticized by his superiors for doing this as the “population would be valuable as prisoners.”

Alex Afrasiabi (who wrote that questline) has admitted the Garrosh in Stonetalon was a mistake, a miscommunication.
So that sudden shift to “super-honorable” orc doesn’t make sense in the big picture.
But yes, the Tauren were against the bombing and almost a whole tribe was killed for it. The Cliffwalker tribe.

Jaina is extremely scarred after the bombing of Theramore.
Her own apprentice literally turned to dust in her arms after the Manabomb, I imagine that would make anyone a little unbalanced.
What bothers me is not that she went all “Punisher”, but rather that she apparently turned back to normal after just sitting on her butt in a shadowy land for a while until you and her mom find her?
One would think that would scar her more not less.
If they wanted to show her getting her bolts in place again they should have done it differently imo.

Well, technically the Horde already did that in Warcraft 3.

Blizzard have always been bad at relaying information from the books into the game.
So if you didn’t read the book you’re sitting there like: “What? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That’s debatable, she was showing her intent on invading Teldrassil until the Delaryn Summermoon says she can’t kill hope. As just a minute before she orders her forces to prepare for an invasion.
But after Delaryn’s comment Sylvanas is like REEEEEEEEEEEEEE and orders the entire thing burned instead and goes like "SEE? I CAN KILL HOPE!!! I CAN!!"

Not entirely correct Brig, Taurajo did supply and arm fighters.
I think this is a reference to Taurajo being a quest hub with quest rewards and whatnot before Cataclysm.

Taurajo is an example of a mostly civilian town being used for military purposes.
Countless examples of this exist in ancient and modern history.
With results ranging from leveling the entire place to the ground and killing everyone to leaving it alone and letting the enemy keep using it.

(With much more of the former in ancient history and of the latter in modern history, no news media that could call you evil for doing it when media didn’t exist.)

Get it right lad, the alliance imprison the vulpera and they burn their caravans. There’s no mass murder going on. I know ye think your caravans have souls an all, but they don’t.

Brennadam? Ye pretty sure bombing civillian houses and setting fire to them is taking place there. Similar, but not exactly.

Anyway as said above, does it matter? You bomb Brennadam we light up some caravans. All good. If ye need to keep justifying all ye do to assuage guilt, probably shouldn’t be joining a faction of barbaric pig cuddlers should ye? Such is bound to come up sooner or later. Just enjoy it.

Because I am certain that all those caravans are empty my man, it is not like vulpera live inside those caravans. There are a lot of mages over there, attacking vulpera while telling the imprisoned that they will kill them off (which is something that does not show up that way from the Alliance side. For them they are merely told to ‘discourage’ the vulpera from assisting the Horde.)

In the end it does not matter, but including one and leaving out the other intentionally/unintentionally is a pretty dishonest step. If one happened, the other did as well, no need to sugarcoat it.

As you said, just enjoy it.

Nice - I never saw it so It never happened -arguement.

Where did you get that from? Garrosh was not always bottomless tw@t.

Jaina will pay for what she did to Rastakhan. You and the entire alliance will die this I swear. Down with the alliance dogs!

Next time we kick you alliance bastards where it hurts. Vengeance for Rastakhan! For taurajo! For the purge of Dalaran!

Its more about it being a quilboar attack originally. It was changed due to “faction war” bullpoop. We never attacked it. Period. It wasnt even a place of strategic value. Players dont even know about unless they play alliance or read it up online. Not even the Alliance NPCs talk about it after it had happened.

Blizzard said that themself. Alex Afrasiabi (who did the questline) said so himself.

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Whatever you say.

This is not an excuse though, there was many original ideas Devs had in many various expansions and it has been altered. That doesnt make them true or excuse to what we have in game.

But you did and with Sylvanas’ orders. You can go there and those Horde troops will be friendly to you.

It was an act of aggression from Horde as much as Alliance hit Voldum hard. The strongest strongholds of respectives factions lie in these areas.

Yes but it doesnt abolish the canonity of the act. General Krom Gar went against Garroshes will and nuked the whole thing to the ground.

Sounds like Alliance need to up their game - they don’t seem too good at "War"craft when a little isolated camp is their biggest claim-to-fame.

Horde razed 2 of the Alliance’s biggest strongholds the ground. Alliance killed 2 quest givers, 4 Horde guards and a skinning trainer. It’s like kicking puppies at this point.

Darnassus was assaulted from afar.
Theramore too.

Let’s not forget the alliance successfully mounted frontal assaults on a horde capitol city (UC) and a psuedo capitol (Dazar Alor) and successfully breached them. If Sylvanas had not plagued UC the alliance would have taken a well fortified city in a frontal assault, which is a feat you shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss. Neither is assaulting DA.

Dropping a mana bomb doesn’t exactly require the same kind of strategy. The main difference is alliance don’t engage in burning down the areas they invade or killing civillians as part of the exercise when working on official policy (Taurajo was something ppl were punished for)

Nah we didn’t. Some horde soldiers did, but we didn’t.

We, as champions of azeroth, are far too important to assault some garbage location nobody has ever heard of.

By you I meant Horde, I thought that obvious…

But that’s the thing, isn’t it?
Horde doesn’t equal Horde and Alliance doesn’t equal Alliance.
The Horde did some things at some point that aren’t equal to the current Horde doing these things and the Alliance did some things at some point that aren’t equal to the current Alliance doing these things.

Sylvanas loyalists are the very opposite of Saurfang loyalists and Tyrandes actions don’t define Anduins point of view.

Don’t generalise.