When will you nerf siege of boralus ty

Yes, so make it the same as in bfa.
I only responded on someone who said it is old content so blizz does not look at it. While especially this mechanic is changed by blizzard, so they have had looked at it. We aren’t getting out of nothing 2 waves.

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as a tank i agree to that.

only frustration. blizzard really should check their own dungeons. That boss is headphone destroyers.

Esply if you get stuck in the fence around the statue.

I died on weaves first time in m0 and practice later in it , so why something needs to be nerfed just because people dont pay attention.

I agree with you that boss is not fun avoid this dungeon until blizzard changes it

yeah the whole boss is just a heartbreaker. Espley if you get stuck on fence and move out to soon in the wave.

it used to be only one wave. Guess blizzard don’t want you guys to get loot these days.

yeah that boss is a group breaker. Not fun at all as a tank or a healer or a dps.

also the 2nd boss jumps and then shots your healer when you need to always be in melee range is hard should be looked at.

She doesnt jump if snared or rooted.

This. Last boss with dots hitting like trucks was the hardest for me. Unless there is some tech there i havent seen.

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this dungeon today made me rememebr why i wasnt doing m+ back in BFa - its was just so much clutter compared to dungeons later in SL :slight_smile:

in general this season is beyond horrible when it comes to m+ . beating even S1 of SL and S1 of DF :slight_smile:

they did…
they added mechanics and removed the mechanics to cheese the dungeon.

Isn’t posting on your alt to agree with your main, weird?

I don’t find 2 wave hard at all
Like it’s going from one side and then you can see
immediately next one from another side.
It can’t kill you if you play properly
only if you miss play your movement you gonna die on that boss…

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I just timed a 7 siege it was pretty easy


Its just frustrating i bet.

Don’t care if its to hard they will tune them, if they are fine they will remain unchanged, i will do whatever.

very frustrating to say the least.

Enough people posting feedback, and they will listen makes game easier for me to but if it does not, i just get good.