Seething faking Shore, it’s amazing how my team always manages to blow up 500 point lead there.
This is a mentality I’ll never understand in this game, that you should be rewarded for having fun, if the fun of the game isn’t reward enough, then I am at a loss to understand why you would play a video game to start with.
True. But people are different, some find “fun” in the challenge and the competitiveness. Online games, especially in PvP, encourage exactly that: be faster and better than others. It is about the next carrot on the stick (the finish line) instead of enjoying the actual journey. Some people try to max their gear on patch day, and never touch that content again ^^ I think more like you, the actual gameplay is my focus and the “rewards” just a bonus. Rated PvP has some rewards, but haven’t had fun with that environment for a long time (I also play very casually, timewise), I prefer playing random BGs, even if there is no real reward anymore
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