When your guild gets sabotaged

It’s a problem on both factions - it’s just less spoken about on Horde due to the passive “hush hush” attitude there (especially amongst Blood Elf guilds).

If they are weak enough to submit to peer pressure, then they are not really worth your time.

Dishonoroable, dubious, w/e you want to call it, yeah. It certainly carries a negative stigma to it, but that doesn’t really solve the issue, now does it?

Taking it up to the chin and either acknowledging that you’re better off without these people or looking where you could have done differently is the mature thing to do. But sure, you can dwell in your victimhood and blame somebody for your shortcomings.

All I know that it is much easier to change something about your own behavior and actions and attitudes, than others behavior.

It doesn’t take a 4th dimensional chess wizard to be able to stand your ground and say “no” or look into the matter and make a rational thought about the matter, and base your decision upon that. Me and several others are perfectly capable of doing that.

If you want to coddle the OP in sympathy and pat him over the back over how some meanie took his guildies or that it’s their fault, sure, go ahead. But that doesn’t fix up the guys problems, now does it?

What fixes his problems is that he finds out, through communication, why are people leaving his guild. Be it gullible reasons or because they genuinely didn’t feel good in the guild anymore. Whatever the answer, he’ll be better off since now he can use that experience to build on the future.

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Everyone is aware of your hate for all belf guilds, Lukas, especially when you frame them in the zone chat during campaigns for no reason lol


I don’t hate anyone. Hate is a very strong word to use for something over a video game.

Sounds like there are open wounds yet to be closed :thinking:

I don’t think it’s so much an open wound as much as fatigue at your constant toxicity and vagueposting, despite the fact you’re willing to slur guilds – who you’ve had zero interaction with in general chat. Double standards much?

I didn’t care back then and I don’t care now. Just stop being an absolute weapon.


opinions that someone dislikes does not = toxicity.

A non-term, what does that even mean?

Yet you’re willing to lay into someone for perceived slights that happened what? A year ago?

Why post about it? Why post about it in this particular thread? I find the idea of sabotaging someone’s guild absolutely despicable - as i’ve been the victim of it myself and had narrow escapes of it happening in other guilds i’ve been in.

Sounds to me as if there’s something deeper afoot than alleged claims of toxicity.

Not at all tbh, I didn’t particularly care back then and I don’t really care now. We continued to have a good night of RP-PvP with Lionheart and some night elf guilds.


I have serious concerns if you can’t figure that one out.

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I mean you have been pretty toxic over your long career here on AD.


Subjective term, I don’t pull punches when it comes to opinions though. If that = toxicity, then it’s term that no longer has meaning honestly.

I usually see it on Facebook so sometimes it’s also called vaguebooking. It’s when you basically post stuff like “Not naming names but…” then going on to explain only for the meat of the issue (names usually) to be excluded or “PM for details.”

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I mean gathering tons of screenshots to use against people (even if you don’t interact with them) you disagree with to the point of an unhealthy obsession is a pretty serious issue.


What’s wrong with cataloguing all your rp? Quite a lot of people do it (its laborious for sure) even some people that are widely considered -excellent- rpers (although I wouldn’t put myself said band). Seems a bit strange for this to come out of the woodwork when I protest against big guilds trying to poach members from smaller guilds.

Have I struck something unknowingly here?

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hypocrisy [noun]

UK /hɪˈpɒk.rɪ.si/ US /hɪˈpɑː.krə.si/

a situation in which someone pretends to believe something that they do not really believe, or that is the opposite of what they do or say at another time.

“If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best!”


Linking a dictionary definition of a word does nothing.

When have I ever tried to poach people?

When have I infiltrated guilds to destroy them?

I wouldn’t say infiltrated, but collecting evidence far beyond cataloguing your own RP just to slamdunk a guild/person is a pretty good way of trying to destroy them.


So completely irrelevant to the topic at hand and that I am referring to.

I don’t need screenshots to “slam dunk” (whatever that is) anyone.

Not entirely irrelevant as it boils down to being a toxic individual of which you’re pretty much guilty.

Yeah, I heard general chat during a RP campaign’s enough. My bad!


Bold claims. By whom’s authority?

Also still not relevant to the topic, as this is guild sabotage, not AD Etiquette