Where all men cry

Blizzard knowingly changed the lore from Pandaren to Mogu and Garrosh. Hell, the Mogu were a last resort because Greg Street even admitted that sole focus on Pandaren was bad.

Also, how has it nothing to do with the Expansion itself? I played it back then. Heroic dungeons were… well useless. Sure, professions were handy. I enjoyed those. Then you have “scenarios”, which were a huge fail. So much that Blizzard handed out a free epic if you did them every week.

I did enjoy my time in MoP, but it was more thanks to Cross-realm bringing back world PvP. I think I spend most of my time at the Dark Portal or in Hellfire Peninsula haha.

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I left after Cata, it was mostly because the lose of talents trees and the game becoming more and more boring.
Mop was one of rare beta i was in (with SL), i test a bit, i saw nothing exciting or new.

I have recently play a alt on Mop campaign, if zone building is really cool and probably one of the best of all extensions. Just the quests is basically helping panda, and more panda, and more more pandas.
And i just can relate to them, i don’t care of them, i don’t like them, i don’t like how they talk. They are just boring for me.

And mop dungeon have the same problem of woltk dungeons, so many unskippable speechs and boring outside gameplays.

I have better time to discover Wod with another alt even if alternate timelines are just a game trap.

Words that aren’t said a lot but are deeply true.

Most underrated race in the game.

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Wasn’t it supposed to be Sindragosa? iirc it looked very similar

MoP is really overrated tbh.


Likewise :slight_smile:

Pandaria produced some of the few WoW soundtracks that I can listen to in my head because they were just that memorable. Shadowlands… some of it is nice enough as ambiance, but it doesn’t stay with me next day.

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Of course the 2 button class wouldn’t enjoy the expansion with the most spells in the bar.


I liked that too, but the problem is when people act like she was crazy.

Wrath is true overrated expansion

Ok let me try that again: “MoP is really overrated tbh.”

Better ?


It was actually really under rated when it was current.


As much as I love just hitting the big play button from Bnet, I do kind of miss actually seeing the login screen, now it flashes for like 5 seconds at most before i’m in, I honestly in this very moment can not picture the SL login screen. I think it’s like an orange sky? I think BFA was Undercity with armor and weapons on the ground? No idea what Legion was, can’t remember.

WoD and earlier I remember everything though.


Same here :smile: It has been so long since I saw that screen, but I listen to the soundtrack regularly. MoP, WoD and to a lesser extent Legion soundtracks are part of my playlist for work.

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People were right at the time, then wod happened and made mop look great by comparaison.

Just get a slower pc lol.

We’ll have to agree to disagree. :stuck_out_tongue: MoP got everything but dungeons right in my ideal version of WoW.

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Haha just a bit - being able to cast everything on the move was fun though!

Okay I’m not agreeing with the guy but a pally calling other classes 2 buttons is very funny

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People were upset about classes being able to do everything and wayyy to complete classes (Yeah, they could do everything)

The only rightful criticism towards mop is 5.4 being too long.

Or I guess people only like wrath and that’s it, nothing is good after wrath, even wotlk brought things like LFD, catch ups :slight_smile:

BfA has the best screen imo. The artwork give off the exact vibe azeroth gives and the music starts with the tones from Anduin’s theme

Feels good to have the vale back… only for it to be purple and tentacly…

MoP music is sooooo good.