It’s a little extreme but… make thread “Titanforge is bad” and you’ll get 150 post thread within one day, half of them made by one specific mysterious person.
Or make a troll bait thread about wow dying or insulting Blizz and the thread will skyrocket into popularity well before they give you a forum vacation that is.People have forgotten how to have fun in the game so they always talk the game sadly.
Try writing sonething slightly sarcastic, or as a jokey bantery bit of an insult. Guarantee someone will lose their head abd get you a forum vacation.
Had about 20 of them so far. Some well deserved, some just ridiculous. Still chuckle at the 3 day ban from auto correct changing post to an “i” instead of an “o”.
I have to get my mind out of the gutter as they say because I can imagine quite a bit there although I wasn’t intending to think that way but I have overactive imagination .