Where are MM buffs?

Ouch hunter touched mage’s sensitive spot here :d

Low representation doesn’t mean weak.


Can we please take into consideration, that spec representation on several ratings are meaningless without overall representation of the spec.

If 5 mm are above 2200 but there are only 7 mm in total, it would be a crazy performing and overtuned spec.

And of course, damage buffs to mm would be completely retarded at this point. If anything, they need some tuning to their class design and something like this won’t happen if every dev is working on the new expansion rn!

Hope it gets a better design with TWW if it is weak or bad right now and deal with the spec how it is until then.


to every Hunter Player, u know what to do :smiley:


Hunter dmg is completely Fine, but the gameplay is more of a Problem, and the Survivability

This dev update frankly speaking was just insulting

Like design-wise trees are awful, not picking capstones at all, spending multiple points for the same talents other classes have more effectiveness just for 1 point, useless stuff is needed to go through.

Watching when every spec rework brings more mobility and defensives, hero talents synergy with toolkit and even more mobility, when hunter receiving awful hero talents across a board, with our defensive pick is gaining 5 yards range on disengage :clown_face:

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This. I saw what they posted about MM and had to take some action. We were all expecting a rework of MM spec was taken into their consideration for next expansion, and receive meaningful defenses, and also an extra disengage due to infinite melee mobility.

But since ‘rework’ is out of talk and never coming we MM mains can not wait anymore for imaginary reworks. They dont want to do it so the last solution is to increase our damage profile. Because if it doesnt happen MM is going to get shred to pieces by melees because we dont have defenses or extra disengage to get away atleast from infinite gap closers. MM doesnt have enough damage to push back melees in Arena aswell so we are stuck behind in everything.

Right now the only place we are viable is in unranked modes such as BGs. How unfair is that? Why cant we enjoy ranked Arena like every other specs? Why do we have to hide under mommys skirt AKA hiding behind our team to do at least some decent damage? And when we step into Arena we just get trained and slaughtered?

Yet the casual plebs coming from the Battleground forum section think MM is the most disgustingly OP spec they have seen. And I explain to them you all wouldnt have suffered pain and death if you and your team had focused on running down the MM. But still, those people are incapable of understanding good feedback from me.

Their perception is limited to BGs thus they can never understand how Ranked Arena works. They dont know how to use their own spec kit to deal with the MM in BGs. However, experienced players at high rating do. When the casual plebs in BGs dont know how to use their own class abilities of course MM then becomes ‘OP’ in their mind.

They dont know how to play properly and then come here and give false information about MM. But…we all clearly know this is not true…MM is getting annihilated in Arena. What to say more… they can only see through their own limited lens; by playing only BGs and not exploring the rest of the world (Ranked PvP). It is impossible to discuss with those people since their perception of PvP is limited.

So back to what is happening to our spec in Arena; We WANT our spec to be a viable spec for Arena for next season. Rework for MM is getting denied by Blizzard and last solution is to give us a flat damage increase or MM will be non-existent. We MM hunters want it. And so do I. I want to have buffs.
I want it now!!!

Why in the name of sniper shot rapid fire into a mage would we need any more damage buffs.

We can still put preasure on plate with Salvo Arcane shots.

Honestly, I think it would be best if we got a disarm and/or some disarm protection.

MM doesn’t need buffs.

It needs nerfs.

It needs a redistribution of damage and a rework. People here are calling for a radical rework, but I dont think it is neccessary.

Our damage spike prior to Legion was Aimed Shot into Chiamera Shot. Would be cool to go back to that. Rapid Fire is boring without Double Tap. So a healthy mix of phyisical/magical damage so mages don"t trigger PTSD. For real, MM into mage is really frustrating for the mage, I dont think there is an example of such a hardcounter in this game anywhere else.

We need either double turtle (or even better, old Detterence) or double disengage, and preferably a disarm reduction.

Sniper Shot is super cringe in arena. So embarassing to watch MM try to cast it into anything mail/plate, and so cheesy vs cloth/leather. In BGS it is fun, but for the sake of overall game health, it should probably be removed.

I can’t one shot the Prot pally in BiS in RBG?
Can you guys buff me so I can?

yeah i heard that from other hunt players too, that the hero tree is awful

at this point, i dont know why specs like Mage and Warri got another rework, and gave them utility on top of it, while other classes that need it more are unchanged

yeah, it feels like, that devs are fine with how mm currently is “just a bg onetrick spec”

the problem also is, how many meele specs have disarm, it´s most likely a stun into disarm in trueshot aura

mm jungle also isnt anymore that what is was in the past, it´s for a long time now a Bm “meta” when it comes to Hunt in rated pvp, sometimes Sv too, but they are even Struggle with the Designe of Sv and gave him with every Patch a 3% dmg increase bandaid Fix

i dont know, why they reward the Ai Spec when it comes to the rated mode, most of the players hate to play against, and most of the hunters hate to play this spec

yeah i watched the threads haha

i think last time when this spec was really good/viable was probably in Legion, sometimes u saw a Onetrick mm hunt php, thats it

weapon chain for ranged weapons

no, it needs a rework this spec is a meme in team cordinated arena

Just in case you haven’t realized


Just saying.

Man if you die MM is because you chosed to.
When the pillar is found and hugged MM becomes a meme spec
Same goes for 3s, first time people meet an MM team they usually choke and die out of cc
Second time they find the pillar and just rot you down

well pvp and pve are different when it comes to mods

and yes this spec doesnt need a buff, it needs a rework

It is, but is there really anybody left who thinks MM hasn’t enough damage right now? I mean, you literally see them everywhere!

in Arena? i never see them, and bgs idk could be, but i dont play normal bgs so i cant say anything about other brackets/game modes besides of Arena

in m+ i have seen more Bm´s than mm´s tbh

I saw like 3-4 mm during last season push, every single of them was free pts

to me hunter is always absurdly broken.when u have so much damage into cloth you cant complain to me.blizzard will never put effort into pvp/arena and balance each match up.

No ability to save team,no mortal strike=useless class
No mather how much dmg you pump.
Just jumping bacwards and loosing own healer.

why dont we need a range dh? to be any good in wow yes we dont