Where are MM buffs?

Why in the name of sniper shot rapid fire into a mage would we need any more damage buffs.

We can still put preasure on plate with Salvo Arcane shots.

Honestly, I think it would be best if we got a disarm and/or some disarm protection.

MM doesn’t need buffs.

It needs nerfs.

It needs a redistribution of damage and a rework. People here are calling for a radical rework, but I dont think it is neccessary.

Our damage spike prior to Legion was Aimed Shot into Chiamera Shot. Would be cool to go back to that. Rapid Fire is boring without Double Tap. So a healthy mix of phyisical/magical damage so mages don"t trigger PTSD. For real, MM into mage is really frustrating for the mage, I dont think there is an example of such a hardcounter in this game anywhere else.

We need either double turtle (or even better, old Detterence) or double disengage, and preferably a disarm reduction.

Sniper Shot is super cringe in arena. So embarassing to watch MM try to cast it into anything mail/plate, and so cheesy vs cloth/leather. In BGS it is fun, but for the sake of overall game health, it should probably be removed.

I can’t one shot the Prot pally in BiS in RBG?
Can you guys buff me so I can?

yeah i heard that from other hunt players too, that the hero tree is awful

at this point, i dont know why specs like Mage and Warri got another rework, and gave them utility on top of it, while other classes that need it more are unchanged

yeah, it feels like, that devs are fine with how mm currently is “just a bg onetrick spec”

the problem also is, how many meele specs have disarm, it´s most likely a stun into disarm in trueshot aura

mm jungle also isnt anymore that what is was in the past, it´s for a long time now a Bm “meta” when it comes to Hunt in rated pvp, sometimes Sv too, but they are even Struggle with the Designe of Sv and gave him with every Patch a 3% dmg increase bandaid Fix

i dont know, why they reward the Ai Spec when it comes to the rated mode, most of the players hate to play against, and most of the hunters hate to play this spec

yeah i watched the threads haha

i think last time when this spec was really good/viable was probably in Legion, sometimes u saw a Onetrick mm hunt php, thats it

weapon chain for ranged weapons

no, it needs a rework this spec is a meme in team cordinated arena

Just in case you haven’t realized


Just saying.

Man if you die MM is because you chosed to.
When the pillar is found and hugged MM becomes a meme spec
Same goes for 3s, first time people meet an MM team they usually choke and die out of cc
Second time they find the pillar and just rot you down

well pvp and pve are different when it comes to mods

and yes this spec doesnt need a buff, it needs a rework

It is, but is there really anybody left who thinks MM hasn’t enough damage right now? I mean, you literally see them everywhere!

in Arena? i never see them, and bgs idk could be, but i dont play normal bgs so i cant say anything about other brackets/game modes besides of Arena

in m+ i have seen more Bm´s than mm´s tbh

I saw like 3-4 mm during last season push, every single of them was free pts

to me hunter is always absurdly broken.when u have so much damage into cloth you cant complain to me.blizzard will never put effort into pvp/arena and balance each match up.

No ability to save team,no mortal strike=useless class
No mather how much dmg you pump.
Just jumping bacwards and loosing own healer.

why dont we need a range dh? to be any good in wow yes we dont

I just do 250 k dps in shuffle at 1700 mmr cause I had to swap spec from survival because it has useless set bonuses.

MM dont need buff :smiley:

Imagine this game without melees and only ranged, or only melees without ranged. Of course the game wont be complete. For it to be complete there MUST be a ranged dh (MM hunter). I hope you see logic to this…

Oh and since MM is going to be a ranged dh we need a blur aswell to dodge incoming attacks. And since we are a squishy ranged it needs to be usable in stuns.

I will use my precious time to explain this to you so you got to listen and then in the end agree with my reply.
MM → needs buff
Survival → needs nerf
Why? Every season IS survival season. Look at the top ladder, full of survival players. And where is MM? :laughing: There are no MM at top ladder meanwhile Survival players are always at top every season since Legion!!!

So if all those survivals are capable of getting to R1 then surely your spec is not bad, but you. You changed to MM and think you will do great on a much worse spec lol. Well lets see if you can do 250k dps if you get to higher rating at all, where people knows how to poop on MM!

Yes indeed we are useless spec. Only place we are useful is in random bgs lol and even then people want to nerf us lol

It is so bad MM has to rely on raptor pet to have mortal strike we have to choose between it or Lone Wolf (10% more dmg) so if we take mortal strike we lose lots of dmg and other talents in mm talent tree. Aimed shot and Rapid Fire needs a mortal strike built-in so we dont need to have a pet, thus allowing us to have 10% more dmg from Lone Wolf. And one more thing, Sac needs to be replaced with a dodge blur if we dont have a pet active.

Blur of Sacrifice
‘When you dont have a pet active Roar of Sacrifice becomes Blur of Sacrifice. 10 sec dodge 1 min CD. Useable in stuns. All incoming CC are reduced by 30% for 5 sec after dodge ends.’ Only for MM!

To me melees are always absurdly broken. When they have so much damage and mobility into you I have the right to complain. And do you want me to mention Ultra Tanky Casters too? I think we need absorb like dark pact aswell and on top of that blur so we are on par with melees and Ultra Tanky Casters.

Haha so true. Last season I played around 400 games of 2v2 and I only saw MM twice.

You casuals plebs see them everywhere because you only play BGs, and that makes their perspective of PvP limited. To have an open mind all you need to do is to explore other parts of real PvP, then you will discover there are no MM hunters! :slight_smile:

I mean MM is a professional sniper class so we should have the right to sniper anyone to death. Do you think you can survive a bullet to your head in other games or in real life? No.

The most sad part about this is that they gave disarm to the wrong spec. A spec like survival that is so mobile, able to zoom in and out on the map and with ridiculous tools that makes them a spec suited for arena shouldnt have received disarm. MM should have received it since we struggle against double melees, it would have been perfect. Since melees have 3-5 close gaps each to be honest we should have 3 charges of disengage aswell.

And I am going to mention monks with skyreach built-in their attacks and rogue too with shadowstep built-in their attack Shadowstrike. They can spam it as much as they want to connect to you. Basically they have 100 gap closers. lol imagine if mm got disengage built in arcane shot ‘if you just spam this arcane shot you can leap backwards as much as you want’ but the world is very unfair indeed.

And in additional we need a reduced time to turtle from 3 min to lets say 1.5min and it should heal to us full health and on top of that we should be able to attack in turtle like ALL other classes can in their defensives.

MM needs buffs.
BM is the one that needs nerf! But I know for people like you its hard to know what a pillar is. And you probably enjoy getting smashed by the bm zoo doing 100% of dmg even if you hide behind pillar, but no MM is the problem here!

Either blizzard has to buff our dmg or we need a talent node for MM that makes trap is spammable like cyclone is. There is no other option at the moment. You choose!

You saw it because it was on 1.5k rating lol. Go climb in rating and your perspective will change. Everytime solo que pop your going to pray you wont get MM in your lobbies.

I cant comprehend my mind how people dont want MM to get some slighty buffs so everyone flocks to MM and BM gets cannibalized. Its insane how people want to face BM in arena than MM, at least you can line MM at your command but you can never line the BM zoo… If I played other classes I would face MM any time over BM. Thats just logic but in todays society people dont have it.

No one is getting 100-0’ed unless your holding the orb in hotmogu or if the MM has beserker + 30% dmg pot and other multipliers… and even then all classes can do it. Yet another person that comes straight from the BG forum section… If you havent seen it for yourself go check arena MM is getting slaughtered and is just a rag doll people throw to each other like a football. Go try 2v2 with a MM you can never hit 1.8k with the comp and then you tell him switch to BM and then suddenly your at 2.2k lol. I want you to ALWAYS remember this: The game is balanced around arenas and so should the specs be, and random BGs doesnt matter!

We need dmg buffs and also we should get disarm so people wont dare to sit on us. We also need a talent called ‘Aspect of the Walls’ where we can stay behind the pillars in arena and do our rotation safely. This will prevent people from sitting on us. We had the kyrian ability through walls in shadowlands and that was perfect but its very unfair we dont have it anymore.

I have a good deal for both of us. 20% buff to both mage and MM. This way MM wont be oppresive towards mages but will be oppressive towards melees and locks instead. And you will have it easier against melees and locks too. Deal? :slight_smile:

Yes you are right. There is other problems aswell for example with lone wolf and hunters knowledge talent (10% more crit on rapid and aimed) we have to take lone wolf so we kinda waste 1 point just to get the 10% more crit. Thats fine for bgs but in arena its big no because then if you play without pet you lose mortal strike + sac + freedom and thats too much.

I think we need mortal strike built-in one of our attacks,it can be steady shot aswell I dont mind. And we should be able to use freedom + sac when we dont have pet active and that is only for MM if we are speced into lone wolf talent. I think this will work perfect. What do you think? Do you perhaps have another solution?

Yeah, this is bullsheisse.

At least you could lie and exaggerate with a more believeable number, 250k dps just makes you look silly.

Also, not having the best tier set is not what is holding you down as Survival (which is fairly balanced in the current pvp spectrum).

It has its share of problems, but that concerns the whole class.

And yes, it is insulting that the disarm talent isnt classwide.

For the rest of you, MM is a noob stomper, and it was even mentioned as such on numerous videos like Skillcap guide.

I actually can’t believe a single person above 1.6k rating who says Sniper Shot is consistently being casted by a MM.


No, nerf it to the ground.

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as an german guy, i can confirm, this is bullsheisse

Needs a rework, or atleast a Weapon chain for ranged weapons back

idk sounds like legion numbers to me, the highest dps i have seen from a mm hunt was 120k in the opener, then he got disarmed and did nothing the entire game

yep it is, thats why this spec is in rnd bgs so good

I consistently cast sniper shot at 2.3mmr shuffle atm, pretty successful

Every mm we met at 2.4-2.6mmr in 3s last season consistently casted sniper shots.

Kasu played all season ending at 3k cr consistently casted sniper shot, locking it every single game