I was expecting some Cult of the Damned / Scourge RP guilds to appear before or during the prepatch. Seems it’s not yet happening?
Indeed, it would be cool for one to pop up. I’ve always had a soft spot for antagonist guilds.
Sad times. I do want one but there’s only been a few that have come and gone.
SB should make one
I imagine if one is to pop up, it’ll likely be later in the expansion given it’s predicted that most won’t go to the Shadowlands IC - or at least won’t stay there for long IC.
There’s not been much in the way of opportunties plotwise for someone to make a Cult of the Damned or scourge-based guild going from Legion to BFA, and now BFA to SL in terms of Blizzard giving a hook, not when compared to all the void stuff that happened in BFA for example which ended up inspiring a range of different void-based guilds.
This is the only one I know of, though it isn’t quite (current) Scourge as they oppose the Jailer, I think.
Umm you have one? Least last time I looked
The Dread Covenant is a recent RP community which hosts plenty of Cult of the Damned / Scourge characters and has rather frequent meetings, but it’s not strictly CotD or Scourge, and also hosts other “Evil” factions and people.
with Ne Lox
beware: if u comment on this thread nelox will be on ur tail
Pfffftht leading is too much like hard work. I wanna be a follower for once
I somehow feel this, despite not leading or co-leading a Guild for YEARS by now. Regardless, your Guild should have an Opposite Day whereas everyone is the Leader and the Leaders are followers.
I doubt I’d ever get the guild running again (like yourself, it’s been years now) because I’m not on too much and… Yea, leading is such hard work and tiring. I honestly don’t know how people cope lol
Ne lox Ne lox.
I’m willing to bet it’s all part of your charming personality and the fact that the Guild is clearly a fan club dedicated to the character from DC Comics!
I heard scourge RP bois are r cool but I’d have to make a toon and level it. Again.
There’s only one character that one can level per patch. It’s the rule
Well yes. Being Scourge insta makes you cool. Join us!
I tried to lead, but proven above my powers
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