Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

  • Mom can we get Half-Life?
  • We have Half-Life at home
    Half life at home:

Ahh yeah nevermind you’re right, we’re all wrong, all the threads are people are making, all the posts about it are nothing, it turns out there was smoke without fire. Lmao.

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I understand if some people do not like some things, but this argument is the most idiotic thing to have against a character.
Women weaker-> cannot be soldiers, so it is unacceptable!!! Horrible ,ruined wow.
Crippled can’t be soldiers!! Horrible ruined wow.

Meanwhile pirates with hooks as hands? Completly fine
Gnome warriors that don’t even reach up to your knees? Completly fine.
Carrying a sword that is 2-3 times the length of their entire body? Nah, that’s realistic.
But shield as an arm ,for a light/magic user soldier? Dear god, no that is for some reason too much.


It’s astonishing to consider that even in a fantasy world, body type 2s—by embodying their inherent qualities—are more compelling, likable, and authentic than those who attempt to emulate body type 1s. Even if a body type 2 were a soldier, 2s would carry themselves, act, and make decisions in a way distinct from body type 1s because of their unique traits. Treating body type 2s as if they were body type 1s leads to cringe-worthy portrayals and rejection, as they exhibit different types and qualities of strength. Reducing characters to superficial archetypes that can be arbitrarily inserted into any role results in a redundant and unengaging narrative. This approach is dehumanizing, condescending, and pedantic, particularly coming from a firm that has exploited body type 2s for decades.

I apologise if my use of gendered language accidentally comes through. I know it’s difficult for they/them’s and kin folk. It’s so hard living in 2024 where mental threats are everywhere.

They had gryphons and their escape was not blocked. He chose to do a suicide drop. There’s a alot of different things that could have been done.

Varian’s death, that was literally his only option. Someone had to break the ship free from the enemy grip, he took it on himself to do. Now if the fel reaver wasn’t literally pulling their ship out of the sky, as in they have a path of retreat available, yes it would have been a stupid sacrifice. See the difference.

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I think you mean Male and Female.

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Has been like this in videogames since the 90s btw.

Sorry, but it’s 2024—using pre-COVID terms is like denying a they/thems existence. Referring to they/them as a binary is incredibly dehumanizing. You need to respect how the collective evolved the language to reflect its worldview. Clinging to outdated terms is conservative, traditional, and frankly, evil. You should be ashamed; it’s not my job to educate you.

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No one cares—it was stupid then, and it’s even more ridiculous now. This conversation isn’t new; it’s just gained more attention as the issue has worsened for the traditional audience and has proven bad for companies. The modern audience, which was supposed to support these changes, is nowhere to be seen.

Because they don’t care about the audience, the companies have learnt they no longer need to turn a profit, ESG funds invest not on the profitability of a company but on it’s ESG score. Disney and Blizz and many other media companies just play to that score sheet to get millions of investments. The ESG fund over the last 10 years has done well because it targeted thriving companies, however because of companies realising they can spend next to nothing to rinse and abusing the fund the fund now become static and starting to dip for the first time in years, which means people will pull money from the fund, which means no more free ride etc etc.

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It’s never been about profit; even as ESG initiatives lose momentum, catering to your traditional audience would have been more lucrative and would have fostered organic growth over time. Instead, the focus has shifted to promoting a specific worldview, as seen in statements from teams like those behind World of Warcraft cinematics, who assert, “Imagine the world as it should be, not as it is.” This approach results in mediocre, politically charged content rather than rich, imaginative worlds that offer a quality experience. Rather than crafting cohesive, engaging narratives, they produce incoherent, politically driven content devoid of real canon or foundation. Disney’s attempt to revive interest by resurrecting Robert Downey Jr. underscores their struggle; the resulting film might be their final misstep, failing to deliver the quality needed to restore their reputation. Similarly, Lucasfilm’s quest to “let the past die” while trying to distance themselves from their foundational legacy reveals a desire for innovation and respect that their current efforts cannot match. It should have been a major red flag when Blizzard brought back Metzin, indicating the extent of their internal issues.


But the point is it’s hard to keep an audience enthralled.

In this hypothetical you’re a greedy souless corp, we’ll call you AlizzBctavision. Do you want to spend alot of money on a product and make sure you paying top dollar for a great team that make high quality products and try and keep an audience, which comes with the risk of messing up means you lose money.

Or do you want to ignore making a good product and just follow the checklist of what your product needs to contain to get a massive investment from an ESG fund, which you as the execs will get a massive bonus from. You can then pay poorly and hire whatever hacks you can, slap in one member of staff that fans like and costs abit to act as a face to get the die hard fans to still buy the product so you make money twice.

What do you think a greedy corp will chose?

Once upon a time, people said: “Could we have more diversity in our games? It’s boring always seeing white men do everything.”

And Capital G Gamers :tm: said: “Lol no, leave our games alone, if you want this crap in games then make your own games, hue hue hue!”

So those people got into the gaming industry and started making games they want to see. Cue Capital G Gamers :tm: losing their damn minds. So I’m going to parrot their talking point: if you want strong male figures, get into the gaming industry and make games with strong male figures.


Maintaining an audience’s interest is straightforward; many people continue to support the idea of decades-old franchises from the 80s and 90s, which have since faded. These IPs, back then, thrived without the benefit of $100 million budgets but were driven by a deep understanding of what made them special. Today, corporations often interfere with the formula, driven by individuals seeking career advancement and personal recognition. This meddling typically results in a subpar product and a disillusioned team working minimum-wage jobs, unhappy with their managers and work environment. Moreover, the rise of activist developers, who mistake their agenda-driven actions for virtue, accelerates the erosion of cultural pillars. As one iconic property declines, these developers move on to the next, perpetuating a cycle of exploitation and deterioration. While the C suite sell the IP or company then leaves the company to do hollow out the next firm.

because blizzard is afraid of sending the correct message.

yes i miss our true warchief garrosh hellscream the most and how inticing the story was driven by his hate and anger and his determination to do the things thrall was afraid to do.

yeah the game is very plain and boring. might as well call the game: world defender.

because you always need to defend the world with zero interesting people in it.

there is no narrative as to why people are interesting. and they keep cutting off the most interesting characters as if they were nothing.


This might come as a shock but I am in no way forced to believe in deluded nonsense that others do. Feel free to do it yourself. Your delusion is not my responsibility.

Are you serious? :rofl: How can you not tell it’s a joke. Wow! You need to lighten up. You are as soft as the people who don’t put pronouns in their bio.

You post like a woke fanatic.

Are you thick?

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Id say game is devolving in all directions.