Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

My interpretation is that people who are complaining do not actually really care about the phenotypes themselves.
But the reason they complain about them is cause in the last decade they have associated some tropes and phenotypes with the not-good-enough writing that came included.

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Anduin started out as a foolish, self-important teenager way out over his skis, aiming to Save The World. I remember Mists well. I could have strangled him. I didn’t think they could make him any more annoying.

Little did I know.

Even since, the devs have written him as A Victim. Whatever the current Twitter fashion, A Victim is not a good thing to be. Nobody wants to follow a victim. And embracing the psychological damage of thinking of yourself as A Victim doesn’t help you or anyone else in any way. And it definitely doesn’t make for a compelling story.

The character delineation in WoW just keeps falling. :frowning:


Yes, that’s primarily the issue people have been talking about. If you insert something into a plot, not to further to add to or advance the plot but for external world factors, then your product is going to suffer. The poochie phenomenon. It doesn’t matter what type of character is inserted into it, if it’s done for the wrong reasons or done in a poor way it’s going to be seen as bad.

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Where are they? Probably fled because they are sick of people whining that there’s not just flat, stonefaced manly-man characters in their fantasy MMORPG. Which is valid.

Women, minorities or men showing emotions existing (yes, even in leading positions) is not automatically bad writing.

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They saying goes:
Once burned, twice shy
I always hope that the expectations are subverted…in a positive way.

Good storytelling generally needs a hero’s journey.
Other than that, people generally enjoy either displays of spectacularly cool action and handsome/cool/beautiful characters (fruit do not count).

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Aaaaand this is why Chris was VERY clear on explaining that they had really almost finished this expansion when he came back, and the reason he was rehired is that we started voting with our wallets. Now it was too late to change all of it, and he came up with the idea to make what would be a short and lousy for being an expansion into 3 shorter ones, where he can only really correct things like this in the 2 he is involved in.
He DID work with game developing while away too, so he has perspectives, and is keeping a close eyes on our wallet voting, and they KNOW that the hate for men among the blue/pink/green haired women in lead of developing while he was away have put the game in a very bad place. They did not fill in the gaps they made with this part of the saga, but now they see we are not afraid to react and say what we mean anymore and are not letting ourselves be scared into silence because we are men. And they are not blind, they see the expectations we have put on Chris shoulders now, and if they mess up his plans and work it is going to be a bloodbath with many people loosing their jobs at activision blizzard, then they will be shut down by microsoft for not performing and being productive. And they do read these posts, I know that because I had a few of my comments being removed when it’s one of those DEI hires that is sitting there moderating. I look forward to the day there shift comes. Either they will have to cater to the players who carried the game thru 20 years, or it will become a brutal goodbye. We know who we are, and seen it all, and we know the community we been in for 20 years, and they cannot fool one of us that this woke garbage is catering to anyone else than their DEI hired developers.


In WoW it is bad writing. Such example is Faerin. She hits all DEI check boxes (a black crippled woman soldier).

  • Normally women are weaker than men so they don’t become soldiers, but she is one OK.
  • Crippled people like her don’t fight. She is blind in the left eye so she can’t protect herself from that side and must have help. Her arm is cut almost to the shoulder. How exactly is she carrying the shield? That is unrealistic.

This is spot on. I can’t agree more.

Alleria vs Xal’Atath feels like Tyrande vs Sylvanas 2.0

The destruction of Dalaran is like the burning of Teldrasil. A catalyst which made Alleria feel only one emotion exactly like tyrande. Xal’Atath is a carbon copy of Sylvanas.

Bad writing everywhere. Add to that the forced DEI and it is no wonder people will complain including me

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Finally had the time to do some of the quests.

Are you people serious about Baelgrim being badass?

The guy goes from



“Outlander, you gather the ore… Adelgonn, how can I help?”

After a single quest.

I’m sure glad our bearded girlboss was there to change his old ways in a matter of literal seconds. Truly an achievement considering dwarves are typically known for being stubborn and all that.

Oh yeah, and then ten minutes later he’s dead. You slurp up this slop and then tell me with a straight face we have strong male characters at home.


I just want to go back to the good old WoD days when we complained about how AU Velen’s sacrifice meant nothing because we still had our timeline’s Velen. Back when we had young Yrel who needed to go through an arc that spanned multiple zones, not a couple of quests.

We really didn’t know how good we had it. Just look up Maraad and Velen’s sacrifice on youtube, I’m not allowed to embed.

The build-up, the music, the animations. Everything was executed better and WoD was considered ‘bad’(though not necessarily from a story / writing pov by Warcraft’s standards).


jk rowling would love this thread


He forfilled his edict

and this come from gen who dont know what woman is.


When will this dude return…


Probably the last badass. Although he too may have become soft over these years :joy:

I think it’s quite funny (sarcasm, that was sarcasm) that Baelgrim is somehow dismissed as a strong male character because he died.

Sorry Varian, turns out you were a bit of a wimp all along.

The difference is, Varians sacrifice made sense the giant fel reaver that he takes out was going to take down all his forces, there was literally no other way for him to stop it. It wasn’t done just to hand the reins to the latest girl boss.


Oh yes DEI the new N word.

The trap we’d set for the nerubians had failed, so it was either getting overrun or him taking out their commander to turn the tide. Making him a legend.

Poor Baelgrim. Imagine going out like warriors such as Grom and Varian, only for his sacrifice to end up diminished here. Oh well.

Thanks for sticking up for body type 1, body type 2. As a 27-year-old body type 1, I can confidently say that we’re exactly the same as those with body type 2—no physiological or mental differences whatsoever in how we perceive or express emotions. Therefore, all body type 1s express emotions in exactly the same way. When body type 1.5 becomes more prominent, we can simply disappear, since they’ll be just as strong, charismatic, and resilient as body type 1, but even better at being body type 2 than current body type 2s.

A more progressive world is a homogeneous one, where there are no differences at all, and everything is streamlined into the same corporate paste. This way, we can boost our social credit scores, ensuring the banks don’t block us from spending our credits. Remember, depicting real humans is bigoted, and diversity—except in ways we dislike—is our strength.

We must extend our gratitude to our corporate and government sponsors at the WEF, WHO, UN, and other such esteemed bodies for devising this remarkable plan. Spearheaded by body type 2s who recognize their own redundancy, this initiative aims to evolve body type 1s into a superior version of body type 2. The number of body type 1s who self-destruct is irrelevant—it’s about quality, not quantity. If we can just focus on targeting the body type 0.5s, we can ensure the next generation self-destructs in lower numbers.

Yours sincerely, world government drone 095234563523244535. None of my opinions are my own, as self-ownership was abolished and now belongs to the collective.


Oh yeah, let’s dismiss the fact that Varian has multiple books/comics dedicated to him and that he was with us for a couple of expansions and was featured in a proper CGI intro / trailer for Legion. One of the best cinematic trailers, by the way, and definitely hit home for many.

How is that even close to having some dwarf dude act all tough and bossy for 2-3 quests before dying with a whimper only to be replaced by yet another girlboss?

Not even going to mention the difference in quality between the two pivotal cutscenes.

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For one, they are not ‘making all the male characters incompetent and weak’. That’s just complete and utter nonsense. This is why this is ideological; because you’re bringing your horrible bias into this; you’re not looking at facts and reality.