Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

I hope we are close to the end of this “era”

Problem is how much he’s crying compared to Aragorn or other characters similar to him. Maybe you are not a man so you wouldn’t know this but most man with PTSD don’t just cry, they get frustrated, angry maybe hit something. Not just bawling eyes for multiple years. “Just let him grow up” things like this people were sayng in MoP 12 years ago.

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Guess u haven’t heard of Merrix.

Impressive that this thread is still going.
I had fun much earlier on in this one but just spectating now.

Aragorn, although he was reasonable, sometimes (almost never) moderately emotional, had his weaknesses, from the very beginning to the end he gave the impression of a mentally and physically strong man, and behaved accordingly, no matter what situations he was in. He never complained.

Anduin was always the exact opposite.

dunno why people are throwing essays at one another when it really ain’t that deep: make good stories with narrative as the focal point; don’t make diversity the focal point

I think characters with internal problems and strugles and their journey to overcome them are way more interesting then ones that ore “perfect” and their only characteristic is “OHHHH BIG MAN! GONNA KILL SMALL MAN! AHHHH.”


Not everyone is into Bara

Exceptions dont change the rule.

Cool, dont let the door hit you on your way out

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Did I imply in any way that I’m leaving?


Nope but if you are so ashamed why stay?

Eitherway i think both body type 1 and 2 have characters that shouldnt be there and are either me woman me strong and important or me man me strong and important.

Though most of the story of DF was yea… the few good story ones were like blue dragonflight side quest etc

The one arguing in bad faith is you. You are trying to compare altering an existing character to creating a new character. This is silly.

(And even if, Lex Luthor is such a bad example I genuinely pity you. DC has a multiverse of worlds with alter version of many characters. A version of Lex Luthor that is a black woman is not any stranger than a version of Lex Luthor that is an alien teenager. So yeah. You failed.)

I get your inclination.
However, I have a different one.

I’d like those types of people to leave.
So decent people can enjoy the game. :blush:

Microsoft has a lot of DEI but it’s the most valuable company in the world. Same with Apple.

We need to stop pretending that DEI breeds incompetence.

Diversity at the cost of skill can cause trouble - that is when you hire for race and disregard skill entirely and just hire the first person you see with the “correct” skin colour, but it doesn’t have to do so.

But I will definitely grant that they can make extremely bad stories. But you can get those from the right as well. All those Jesus bible games for instance.

Nah then there wont be any endgame.


I think you overestimate the amount of those extremists.

I’m not talking about people who have issue with some things; that’s fine.
I’m talking about the nutters. The conspiracy theorists who see an afront to their way of thinking absolutely everywhere. I’m also talking about the true haters; racists, misgonynists, misandrists. All kinds of extremists; I’m not limiting it to only one side of the issue here.

And hey; if there are more of them than I except; we’re in even deeper trouble than I thought. But I still have hope for humanity. A balanced middle-ground is what we need.

Its not extremist its what most people think.

Meh we can only have that if they stopped policing what people said etc which will never happen

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I don’t know what you mean with that.

Some people believe that having crap opinions means they’re somehow granted immunity to people going like, “Hey, that’s a pretty crap opinion!”