Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

“DEI” is just the new version of “woke”, since someone finally realized nobody would take that nebulous angle seriously. Change my mind.


You are just creating and beating up your strawman there.
Matriarchy is simple. Female rulership. Built by the females for the females.
Females build it - protect it - maintain it - grow and advance it.
Not the usual men do the above and women say “we are in charge now”

Primititve if that and being unable to protect yourself from would be conquerors. This can be said about Matriarchy but not Patriarchy’s.
The Amish in America are not a Matriarchy however without the United States to protect them they will not survive as they would be conquererd.

To make things clear for you. ALL of the female characters are “strong independent women/girls” it is almost like just a different flavour of ice cream but still ice cream. Good / Decent female characters are a thing of the past. Just agenda pushing mascots.

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Ye, because you’re nuts :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Has no one learned from Lord of the Rings? A man can cry, empathize with his fellow man, offer forgiveness even in the face of betrayal, and still be manly. Aragorn did all these things and is still one of the best and strongest male protagonists in the whole book, and yet somehow Anduin having PTSD makes him a wimp. War is trauma. You’re all old enough to learn how to process emotions and understanding.


It could very well be a smokescreen. As converting - ahem Soldier76 from Overwatch “coming out” as gay was very suspicious timing.
You can either get Woke or make money but you can not do both. Since paying customers - content consumers decide what they will purchase or content to consume.

A fantasy game has to be FANTASY. The cult of “diversity inclusion representation” is killing fantasy. The Elves are constant reminders of real world humans. Just pointy eared humans.

Look at Mortal Kombat. It was once FANTASY now fantasy is dead. Gender swapped Sektor and Cyrax is current year. Cyborg ninjas became - Ironman suits. The Wakanda accents is pushed - ALL of the women are Strong Independent Women that don’t need men.

Constant reminders of current year politics has ruined any kind of fantasy that it once has. Gender swaps - tearing down male characters to elevate female characters. Such as Raiden no longer being god of thunder and Shao Khan becoming a has been subservient to Sindel.

People like you are part of the problem.
If Lex Luthor was race and gender swapped into a Black Woman. The response will often be similar to yours. Oh you just don’t like to see Black Women play as Lex Luthor.
Bad faith arguments.


Why? It’s your parents job to educate you. Then the states. Then yourself. Not some rando on the internet.

If you want to be stupid its your right.

Right because patriarchies are exclusively built by males?
Come on. Stop spewing nonsense.
Like I said: You don’t even know what you’re talking about.

Such utter nonsense. History is full of examples of patriarchies unable to protect themselves from would be conquerors. Absolutely chock-full.

So it’s an example of a weak patriarchy then? Is that what you’re saying?
Defeating your own claim.

Factually not true. :person_shrugging:t3:

I am going to stop interacting with you; because it’s clear you’re delusional.
And I’m not continuing an argument with someone like that.

To be fair: A lot of people don’t really have a choice in the matter. :sweat_smile:

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I think you mean “body type 1 figure”.


Actually yes. They are. Female contribution is usually reproduction and maintaining of the population. Family and household which is essential.
How did nations survive before females were given the vote or joined the workforce in mass?

Reality clashes with your dreams.

You are making emotional arguments. Yes history is full of those that have been conquered. This does not negate teh fact that Patriarchies is what works. The matriarchies that you list can ONLY exist because of Patriarchies protecting it. Just like how the Amish can not survive outside of America. As they will be conquered by someobe else.

You are clearly looking for a got you moment. They might be weak militarily but they are a strong community that are constantly growing. Doubling their population all the time. No divorces or broken families. Without the family unit quite literally everything else falls apart.

Dominica / Iceland / Costa Rica / Andorra / Liechtenstein / Kiribati / Aruba / Cayman Islands / Cook Islands / Curaçao / Faroe Islands / French Polynesia / Grenada / Marshall Islands / Mauritius / Greenland / Micronesia / Saint Lucia / Solomon Islands / Macau / Panama / Kosovo / Monaco / Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:
Above are a list of nations that do not have a military. Leaving themselves vulnerable to conquest. Thus arrangements and agreements have to be made to ensure the survival and wellbeing of their people.

Translation: retreat to the safe space.
Fair enough.

Yes. The new regime means Males and Females do not exist anymore.
Imagine being a Forsaken player. That must be extremely confusing for them. Since they literally have different body parts attached to them. Not just the abominations but the player characters themselves. Like the jaw.

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Unfortunately, the same applies to you.

Really? Is this like official lore? If so, didn’t know that. Other than monsters like stitches ofc. But undead humanoids themselves replaced body parts?

Im not the one posting ‘change my mind’ on a fantasy game forum…

G.I.R.L = guys in real life

Also if a dude a plays a female gnome , you know he’s a weeb irl

You’ll probably come up with something eventually. Hang in there :panda_face:

There’s Brann :smiley: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Typical american woke culture that ruined marvel, star wars and most modern shows.


Indeed, he did convey what you couldn’t.

So even I agree now from a factual PoV.

There is already one


Need more posts everyone. I went outside today and nothing had changed, this thread doesn’t seem to be making a difference IRL.

The more I read this thread since I left my last reply a few days ago it feels basically like this

Official lore yes. You have oddities like Nathanos Blightcaller who was decaying but they used a fresh human to strength his body in some odd ritual.
But yes. Forsaken replace body parts all of the time.

It does not work everywhere. Look at Spiderman 2 of Saudi Arabia?
Insomniac games completly removed Wokeness and LGBT content for UAE (United Arab Emirates) Saudi Arabia and other nations.
If Western customers could by the Arabian versions of Spiderman 2 then sales numbers will show what people want.

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