Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

That’s not the whole game. This expansion is called The War Within.
The game is called World of Warcraft.

So if anything; you should’ve made a joke about ‘The War Within’ title.

Just gonna repost this on why what you said is dumb.

The issue is not with Anduin suffering or even being emotional and disappearing for a few years to deal with his trauma, it’s that there is nothing heroic or praise worthy about a someone who when faced with a situation that demands action they wallow in their own grief and do not take action. This is weakness not someone being strong and showing their emotions.

Take the cannon suicide attempt, I flat out, refuse to call that an attempt at heroic sacrifice.

  • He defeats a nerubian,
  • Goes to use the light
  • Gets scared because of his trauma
  • Doesn’t actually try to use the light, decides others can use the light I’m not needed
  • Jumps at the cannon.
  • Surrounded by enemies and he makes no attempt to fight back, just backs into a corner and gets captured.

This is cowardice not bravery.

Bravery would be the following:

  • He defeats a nerubian,
  • Goes to use the light
  • Gets scared because of his trauma
  • See his allies are in trouble and bolsters his determination
  • Attempts to use the light, whether is works or not is irrelevant to the next bit but for argument sake say it doesn’t work
  • Jumps at the cannon to make it miss
  • Surrounded by enemies and he fights back standing his ground until he is eventually swarmed.

See the difference, they could keep the plot exactly the same, but the characters behaviour goes from whiney coward to a brave hero.

Being a hero is not about not showing trauma or emotions, it’s about rising above your issues, know that others are more important than your feelings.

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Sure but we’re not experiencing bad stories from the right, right now. We’re experiencing bad stories from the left.

And just to take apart the narrative of your argument. Microsoft was successful then in recent years it started lots of DEI, your implication is that the DEI came during or before the success, that’s just not true. Also in the last year microsoft has scrapped a ton of it’s DEI teams specifically because it turns out hiring based on race, gender or sexuality is not just bigoted, it also means your hiring process is not attempting to get the best employees.

Apple TV is dreadful imo, and Microsoft makes a lot of entertainment products, too. Like this one. :rofl:

They’ve been massively growing during DEI.

“Go woke go broke” just isn’t true.

But certainly the far left do make some horrific stinkers out of our favourite franchises. That much cannot be denied, and it’s very annoying when they do.

I mean, their (microsoft) competition is pretty much non existent or horrible. And for companies its simply not worth expanding into other areas if pretty much everybody is using the same (windows). Blizzard even dropped Mac support because it was a waste of time and a financial loss (piratesoftware also called Apple absolutely horrendous to work with when it came to mac).

What are Microsoft Windows competition on the PC market really? Ubuntu and Linux at best and ye, thats not really a competition. I will ignore Mac in its entirety as that ship has sailed.

Then please explain why they’ve been reported as scrapping the DEI initiatives? If these initiatives are wildly successful and are bringing in money why would they get rid of them?

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I play WoW on both Linux and macOS. Never on Windows for many many years.

It’s great. :+1:

Linux is growing very fast by the way. You should try before discounting it!

Or just stay on Windows - up to you. Just don’t tell me it’s no competitor. It’s gaining ground.

Because a large and vocal group associate the term with toxicity, so they renamed it. At Blizzard it’s now called “Inclusive Growth”. Same deal, different name.

Microsoft still allows you to set your preferred pronouns on your Microsoft account, displaying it prominently everywhere, and they also added an inclusive language grammar checker to Word and enabled it by default.

The huge flamewar sent out is just what they do when fired. It doesn’t mean anything.

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I havent said they are bad. I said they aren’t a competition. And they aren’t right now. This may change in the future but as of currently its just not that attractive for companies. Blizzard did drop Mac because it was a headache (at that time) and didn’t yield a profit. Also I heard its expanding well over 10 years ago.

With Mac you’re100% right and Apple is in panic mode and paying porting studios copious amounts of money because of how toxic they were previously. It’s hilarious.


The sad part about this is that Macs are insane gaming machines when the app works. It just almost never does.

Today I played WoW at 8/10 settings, native almost 4K resolution with 100-120 FPS without a power cord for 2 hours. Find me a PC that can do that. :rofl:

But Linux is entering the 4-5% area now. It’s not a formidable competitor yet, but I would council Microsoft to be careful. Linux is growing by 30% per year, exponentially. If this keeps going for 5 more years Microsoft will have a big problem on their hands.

It would help if Apple wouldnt be so restrictive and behave like a toddler when it comes to dealing with their code.

And thats the point I was trying to make.

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Sure - it’s not a formidable competitor, but it is a competent and capable one. It’s a genuine competitor. You can use it. If you’re tired of Windows, I genuinely recommend you try it. One of the top posts on my profile tells you got to install WoW when you do.

I think it’s on the top links actually.

No Blizz has renamed it, Microsoft is a different company and they have got rid of their DEI departments as of june.

I like your idea a lot


maybe Jaina will discover his true self and transition to a man and then we can have a poggers new strong male figure to keep you guys happy

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Yeah yeah yeah. Just ingest the hopium. :stuck_out_tongue:

It will end, of that I am certain. But not yet. And I don’t know how or when. But culture always changes. Perhaps a technology will come along that changes everything.

Yes, they got rid of that department, but if they really cared they’d roll all those changes back.

It’s just hiding under a different name. I guarantee it.

If only you were on Blizzard’s writing team. You know how to pull off diversity in a logical, coherent, and interesting way.

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There’s absolutely zero evidence of that, they let the staff go. What’s more likely is that the DEI initiatives are fine to have when people thought that culturally people cared. But it turns out people care more about the quality of a product than the maker, who would have thought…

There’s also zero evidence of the DEI influence having died at Microsoft. Yes, a team got fired. Okay.

But they did just “rename” DEI to D&I, turns out, after I looked it up. Or rather, they eliminated duplicated work.


This was two roles impacted in the events team, doing work that was duplicative of the centrally managed D&I org – called Microsoft’s Global Talent, Development, Diversity and Inclusion team. GTDDI work continues and commitments remain unchanged.

They’re just renaming it, all of them. It hasn’t gone anywhere.

There is no question that projects that have DEI writing in them are dropping like flies, but it’s gonna take more than this to make Microsoft change course.

All I know is that Khadgar dying like that was … questionable.

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That depends on several things.
Concord took 8 years and $200 million to make. So the staff that made it already got paid by 8 years of work and a slice of $200 million pie. They have zero interests or investments on if the game actually sells or not.
Firewalk Studios the creators of Concord think that removing the LGBT tag would get people to play the game. But the Actual audience - Paying customers - Content consumers will not purchase or play it.
They can’t even get 1000 players to play it. Yet Concord lost 92% of it’s playerbase 1 week after release.
The Lesson is: Despite the player numbers. It’s DEI and ESG score is extremely high. With all checkboxes imaginable ticked.

Future business studies classes will look back on the Woke era.
Devs have to accept that they can either make product that will actually sell or they can quadruple down on Woke. They can’t do both.

Infecting successful intellectual properties with this stuff kills the successful brand and IP. A shining example of that is Mortal Kombat franchise. Mortal Kombat 12 (reboot into 1). Yet another roster of “Strong independent women” the Cyborg ninjas are Iron Man suits and the black girl Cyrax sounds like a Wakandan.

Imagine being a gamer who happens to be Black and you only hear the Wakandan accent. It’s the Killmonger hairstyle that is EVERYWHERE all over again.
Even if not Black you would question why there are more and more Wakandans.

In his defense he only mentioned he will be fleeing to his echo chamber / safe space.

You proved my point. The multiverse is just an excuse or crutch for bad writing. Throw spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks. If it don’t work then write it off as alternate universe.

You people always use the same tactics no matter what IP is invaded.
Don’t engage in talks or debates - Dodge points raised - Attack the person not the ideas - attempt to derail through slurs that almost always end in ist / ism / phobic.

Dear Tourist.
You are going to kill the IP like that. The “Modern audience” does not show up. If they dead then there would be an Acolyte season 2. But Disney can not afford to burn another $180 million with nothing to show for it.