Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

Yeah, it shows.

Care to correct me then, the German and Italian facist of the 20th century, from what ideology did they come… Was it maybe Socialism…

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I’m not arguing with people who believe national socialism is actually socialism. Wasted time.

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Yes, because no true Scotsman would ever do such a thing.

The right wing is equally capable of doing horrific things, but to try and say egalitarianism is the hallmark of the left is clownish beyond belief. The further you go toward either right or left, the more and more totalitarian you become, until eventually there’s very little difference and you’re just another fascist. Libertarians and Egalitarians are generally politically neutral it’s where the vast majority of people in the west sit, around centre.

To further prove my point DEI practices are anti egalitarian. By nature, they are a twisted form of equity instead of equality.

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You are either extremely illiterate, have zero interest in learning(or even lacking education), or maliciously spreading misinformation. Pick where you feel like you fit in.

Both WW2 Germany and Italy were far-right and the fascist movement was specifically right wing and conservative. It is the extreme definition of it.

Mussolini coined the term after he got fed up with socialism and decided to instead embrace the complete opposite and form a new party focused on nationality(a right-wing view) and national pride over other issues.

Germany’s WW2 party called themselves socialist at the start to win votes but was extremely conservative and right wing.

You also seem to confuse dictatorship with fascism. Dictatorship is simply a one person rule and can fit on either political side. Fascism is specifically far-right as an ideology and usually involved dictatorship.


Which proves my point, both groups started from what we call left, because at their core the left believes in Collectivism where as the right believes in Individualism. The left are farm more likely to fall for tyrants as they believe in the idea of consolidating power to a single person, the right is generally opposed to a large government and believe more strongly in the distribution of power.

But again it’s irrelevant because the further you go either right or left you end up a facist.

Source: I made it up.

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No it absolutely does not. Please read what I said and do some actual reading.

Both have their origins and core identity in the far-right and in conservatism. Mussolini who coined the term literally changed ideology because he didn’t believe in his previous one. The other group actively lied about what they were.

Using your logic, if I say that I am a deep-conservative but then decide “I don’t like this ideology anymore, I’m going to make a new party based on the ideas of socialism”, then I’d still be a conservative or my party would have roots there, do so you see how nonsensical it is?

Not at all. If you go far-left towards the extreme you end up with anarcho-communism (Or if it takes another side path, communist dictatorship). If you go far-right you end up with fascism. Which will usually also be a dictatorship. But it will always be fascism.

Both sides can form dictatorships, but the far-right will specifically lean towards a belief in nationality, national pride and eventually ethnical differences and eugenics.

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If this was true, then how come every single conservative government currently existing across the world all focus on centralizing their power towards themselves & their specific leader? With many pushing or trying to push laws that slowly wither away opposition.

The vast majority of conservative parties believes in a “strong unified leader”.

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They all are heavily nationalist as well, which apparently is “individualism” now, hah.

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Nationalism is absolutely not the same as individualism, yeah.

It is also very much a specifically conservative ideology.

It is also worth mentioning that patriotism and nationalism are separate things entirely. (Patriotism is that you love your country deeply. Nationalism is that you consider your country and your nationality superior to other ones and more worthy of existing.)

The left does no go to Anarcho-communism, the left like the right becomes totalitarian.

Take political compass:
North (Authoritarian)
South (Libertarian)
East (Left)
West (Right)

The more extreme you go left or right you will always end up having to enforce these actions on others. For instance, let say you wish to distribute the money equally amongst the people. That’s what most would call left wing. Some people don’t want to do this. Your options are
A: Don’t do it which means you haven’t done the left wing thing.
B: Use force to make the person give up their money.
Which moves you more and more Authoritarian with each act. Same on the right.

Libertarians are functionally centralists, the dangers of extreme libertarianism is anarchy.

Everything has it’s pro’s and con’s, the further you move from centre the more likely you’re to cause misery.

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If you have two sides where one side specifically believes in that people of different ethnicity, genders and sexuality does not deserve to live (The far-right), and the other simply thinks those people deserve to exist, then trying to fence sit that “both sides are equally bad” just means you ally with the far-righter.

That is not what left wing politics is about. No one is coming to take your money. The general belief is that people should have more equal opportunities to live.

It is becoming very clear that you are either heavily misinformed or actively posting with malicious intent with spreading misinformation. The only saving grace is if you are misinformed, you can still turn around.

How do you wish history to remember you? As someone who was fooled and then turned to the correct and nicer path or as a willfully evil person?

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The left pushes equity not equality. That’s been the big drive from the left, it’s fundementally a way of punishing people for how they were born… Sound like anyone else. o yes the far right.

You see the difference yet.

What you actually have is two groups functionally being racist, arguing about different tactics of how to be racist. While the centralist disagree with both and believe people should be allowed to live their lives however they want under the agreed principle that they aren’t causing physical harm to others in doing so. I will also put it out there that this is my stance on life too, just to expose my bias of being a centralist.

The left and right the further you move towards either, devolves into bigotry and totalitarianism.

Far Left is progressive and amusingly push the progressive versions of bigotry, their bigotry is wrapped up in layers of passive aggressiveness and mind games. The far right is traditionalism, they keep their bigotry old school and generally pretty out in the open.


You are beyond help and not worth to have any more conversation with.

Don’t be bigoted, don’t be racist, don’t be homophobic and don’t be misogynistic. If you are neither of those, congratulations, you are a bit on the left.

You do not get to re-write history and claim that the people pushing for a better life in the world and others being treated fairly is the source of evil.

With that said, blocked. For my own sanity of not needing to listen to such absolute drivel anymore.


Fascism quite literally started with armed bands of people hired by factory owners to intimidate and beat up the workers. How anyone can say that it came from Socialism is beyond me.
Fascism outlawed and hunted socialists and communists. Under fascism they either lived in hiding or in prison, if they lived at all.
Antonio Gramsci, one of the sharpest minds of the last century and secretary of the Italian Communist Party, died in prison because, according to his prosecutor, “we need to stop this brain from functioning for the next twenty years”.
They were complete and irreconcilable opposites.

Collectivism-indivualism, just as liberalism-dictatorship, is a false antinomy with no historical ground. Power is a matter of capital and class, not whatever fantasy buzzwords randians keep repeating. “Government” means nothing, ask yourself what class interests a particular government serves, and why.

The political compass is a meme template and nothing more, politics doesn’t work that way and never has.

If “the rich shouldn’t exploit the poor, collective ownership over the means of production will make work more democratic” sounds like “inferior races should be exterminated” to you, I don’t know what to tell you.

Thomas Mann said: “To place communism on the same moral level with fascism, because both are totalitarian, is, at best, superficial, in the worse case it is fascism. He who insists on this equality may be a democrat; in truth and in his heart, he is already a fascist, and will surely fight fascism with insincerity and appearance, but with complete hatred only communism.”

He also said: “If ever Fascism should come to America, it will come in the name of freedom.”


It’s overcorrection, same happened after ubisoft got caught in sexual scandals. After blizzard got caught they have basically purged anything that could be seen as male toxic because of optics. I also bet that they have over hired women for optic reasons in the last few years after the scandal, and women obviously are not going to write high testosterone fueled stories of war. So don’t ever expect dark gritty adult themes in the game again.


How to tell people you never interacted with a woman before that wasn’t your mom or your immediate family.

I didn’t realize we all had to be dainty girly girls (Which is nothing wrong in the slightest to be) with no interest in war stories or capable of writing grittier tales.


This is my sentiment as well for the most part. But the problem isn’t that they are hiring women, problem is they are hiring specific type of women(and men) based on their political leanings and victim points(being gay, being a PoC, being disabled etc).

The lore and story for one of my favourite game series for example, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, was mostly written by a woman and it supersedes even old school Warcraft lore in terms of depth and nuance.


rolls eyes