Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

Elaborate that for me. How are they oppressed in media? Each of them. Give me specific examples.

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Speaking as a gay guy myself, I do not believe that minorities were ‘oppressed’ in the media. There’s always this strange assumption that representation is important but in my experience it is largely only narcissists who need someone on screen who looks like they do and has the exact same opinions that they do.

The Witcher 3 is one of my favourite games of all time. Geralt of Rivia is canonically straight. I am not Geralt of Rivia, nor am I straight, yet it did not prevent me from thoroughly enjoying the game.

Though if we assume that representation is important, then that just exposes the grift - because many of the same people pushing for it are driven by spiteful revenge, which is why ‘inclusivity’ often equals taking things away rather than adding to what already exists.

On my part, I am attracted to masculine, stoic and competent men. As it happens, that is exactly the type of character to now be killed off or forced to step down which displeases me.


Maybe not in this day and age but start looking at older series/cartoons and there are some blatant uh… well, racism, and homophobia, I obviously wont name any here but… google is your friend !

How far back are we talking, though? If it was before many of us were even born then it is counterproductive to seek to ‘make up for’ perceived or actual slights. Chances are those responsible are either dead or retired anyway…not to mention cultural differences and laws at the time should realistically be taken into account.

I can point to TV shows like Little Britain that had some naughty jokes in them, though they poked fun at everyone regardless of the demographic.

I can find some even in the late 80s, but a lot of it was during the 40s 50s, which we still have people from so long ago !

Being not represented in media is not really oppression, just under-representation.

Representation = “The action of speaking or acting on behalf of someone or the state of being so represented.”

Oppression = “Prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or exercise of authority.”

And on the other hand, the idea that now (due to lack of representation) the under-represented should become over-represented is an action of spite. Not of tolerance or equality.

If the people in charge would actually care for equality, they would give each group a fair amount of representation. A mathematical quota solution, if you will.

Like 33% male, 33% female, 33% LGBTQ+.

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i have grown in power since i left this comment 9 days ago. i am now even more strong than before. same amount of masculine.


So, here’s my last thought before this all gets lost: How is it forced diversity? You choose to consume the media. There’s plenty of conservative media out there for you to consume. You choose to pay for it and you choose to consume it. It’s not forced if you choose to play it. If you don’t like soft men being represented, don’t consume it.

It used to be something for everybody. Then few activists attempt to hijack the intellectual property then turn characters and such into an outpiece for THE MESSAGE.
Fandoms and hobbies are invaded by those that create division. Instead of having common interest in a hobby or fandom. Now division like “conservative” is created. When nobody cared.

If activists take over. Then similar to Saint’s Row 2022 Reboot it will not sell. As the activists have driven away the paying customer - actual audience - playerbase - content consumer.

It is forced because you have companies like IGN that are SUPPOSED to give unbiased reviews. Yet Samar Abedian Black Myth Wukong was marked DOWN due to “Lack of Diversity and Inclusivity in the game”.
You see HOW it is forced? Unless studios conform to an ideology such as DEI and ESG then there are negative CONSEQUENCES for doing so. Should IGN have any credibility among gamers. Then it could have cost Black Myth Wukong sales.

However relations have gotten so bad. That for reviewers to give something a bad score is having an oppossite effect. IGN hates it? I might just check it out.
To recap. Journey to the West. Chinese game based on Chinese folklore and Mythology is “problematic” because it is TOO Chinese and does not have American Left Wing and Far Left initiatives such as Diversity Equity Inclusion and Environmental Social Governance.

I state this as clearly as possible to demonstrate that such things are happening.
Also to demonstrate to the readers that some people just disagree with facts.


Its mostly Anduins fault. It would be so much better if he wasnt such a crying loser. He acts like Alleria was his mother and he needed her permission for everything.
I really dont like his transformation, poor old Varian is spinning in his grave now :smiley:
The more I think about him the more im convinced it doesnt make sense to have such character in TWW. Other than to serve as a contrast to a strong female character - Alleria :roll_eyes:
She never needed a sidekick, why start now?

I do miss Varian. He was hot headed at times but also prone to bouts of stoic reflection - I liked that he was willing to consider allowing the Blood Elves to rejoin the Alliance until Jaina and Vereesa made a mess of that plan after the Purge of Dalaran.


Poor Anduin

Some of you guys should get jobs as mental health experts for ex armed forces suffering from battle /war trauma

“No hugs, no medication, no therapy, stop yer damn crying!!! I don’t care what horrible things you have seen, pull your socks up and get back in the battle” pats him on the bum and points him off to war again.

I don’t play retail so not sure exactly what the poor wee lads been through

Sylvanas cheated on him or something /shrugs

Give him a break to recover, maybe Thrall will take him out one weekend and he will meet a new girl/boy and he will pull his finger out his butt and start hitting the gym get all buffed up and macho and the pinnacle of strong manliness for ya’all

/whoo hoo

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This lad was mentally fine after as a teen, Garrosh picked him up and smashed him into a giant bell so hard that the bell broke.

As far as /war trauma is concerned, most sane Orcs who are veterans from the atrocities against the Dranei, have seem much more than Anduin can imagine.

I do hope that there will be some positive character development for Anduin now

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What? With all the stuff Anduin is dealing with, I’d say he’s one of the strangest characters in general.

Mr.NoEmotionsMurderMan is not a valid form of strength imo.

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Ideally he’d step back and allow the other, more experienced leaders to make the major decisions for their people and the Alliance as a whole.

Though the game will continue to prop him up far more than deserved at the expense of the other playable races.

I wonder… I think we was supposed to be someone who would grow into a great king…

It is almost as if humans have a human bias when writing a story.

Aren’t you forgetting one teeny tiny detail here? The fact that, you know, Anduin happens to be a king? He has much more responsibility compared to your average war veteran.

Imagine if the head of the fire department decides to just take a break without a good explanation cause he has anxiety or depression. Or the head neuro surgeon. Screw em dying people, you should do you boo and take care of your mental health!

No, we won’t get off Anduin’s case. He’s not in a position where remaining angsty forever is an option.

I’m sorry but he’s the King at the end of the day. He needs to get over his ‘CRAAWWWLLLING IN MY SKINNN’ phase already.

That or they need to give us variety. One heroic deed, one angsty / sadboi scene. That’s the typical formula if you wanted to make a more fleshed out male character. Stereotypical? Sure, but how are you going to handle a leader type of character in a story about war? At the end of the day there are only two options. He’s either a stoic who can man up when it is required of him or he can remain weak and be devoured.

Again, I don’t think anyone would necessarily mind the writers showing his more sensitive side and all that but it -neeeds- to be contrasted by action. Either by Anduin himself or some other male character. But they are all being conveniently shelved or ignored.

Facism exist in both the left and right wings of politics. It’s the political equivalent of religious zealotry.

Anduin: I was mind controlled and forced to do horrible barbaric acts.
Literally Every Orc: First time.

But seriously Anduin’s issue is so clownish, he’s faced the same trauma that about 80% of beings in wow have faced and then gets to go home and be a little princeling. In fact based on the political leanings of the wow writing team I guess that’s probably his purpose, he’s supposed to be an allegory of white privilege.


Fascism is a far-right ideology, you probably confuse it with totalitarianism, which is a very blurry concept in general.

Arguably the moment something becomes authoritarian it’s not really leftist anymore anyway, because egalitarianism is a defining trait of leftism, but whatever, this is a wow forum.

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