Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

It will stop for certain. It is just not sustainable. Some companies like Sony are losing millions and other like Microsoft are firing people and the 3rd are just shutting down.

You misunderstand me, the quote came after, it doesn’t mention any means of production, and it’s between marks, straight from The Prince, Chapter IX, De principatu civili.

Apart from the fact that I have exactly zero interest in starting a business, as it’s an activity, if you’d call it that, deeply contrary to my temperament, you are aware, I suppose, that starting any business requires at the very least a conspicuous capital to begin with? That money does not indeed grow on trees? A random worker can’t build its own factory, the system relies on that inability. And even if one worker could, that factory would still require subordinate workforce, so I don’t see how that’s a solution.

It was actually 547823956743897027598437548903 billions.
We also eat newborns and copulate with the devil.
I know the death-toll argument is quite compelling, because it instantly forces anyone who doesn’t want to look like a genocidal maniac to meekly accept it.
Luckily, truth concerns me more than appearances: the number of deaths attributed to communism is often wildly exaggerated and hotly debated among historians, so if we’re being honest you should at the very least be very uncertain of the number, instead of throwing it out there as a fact and even inflating it further by tens of millions over even the worst estimates.
Now let’s play a little game, since we shifted from discussing political ideas to making an instrument of debated historical tragedies: let’s count all the people who lived as literal slaves over the last 4-5 hundreds of years, all the people who lived and died as ants in total misery, all the people who died in the colonial wars and because of the wealth theft of the western powers, let’s count all the people whose life expectancy dropped by more than half when they lost their sovereignity, let’s count everyone who died in capitalist wars, american coups and the resulting ethnic cleansings, from the World Wars to the Indonesian mass killings, from Churchill to Bush.
According to Utsa Patnaik (doctorate in economics at Somerville College), England alone in India alone directly caused the avoidable deaths of an estimated 1.8 billion people. Every year in capitalist India at least several hundred thousands of people die avoidable deaths from deprivation, while China, with all its flaws, lifted 800 million people out of poverty.
Why the selectiveness? Let’s count all the dead, let’s make a really big pile of tombstones and start throwing them at each other, in order to avoid holding capitalism to its objective and systemic flaws. But keep in mind I would have far, far more munitions.


Been engaged, this is the usual “you are an incel I win the arguement”. Men and women are different, male power fantasys are a thing and men like them and this game lacks them.

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From the first link you linked, " Araminta Hall has written an exciting, controversial and unputdownable [feminist] thriller. Meet Cole, the perfect husband. He is romantic, supportive of his wife and keen to be a hands-on dad".

Mate, lmao you are proving my point.

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You are one disingenuous fella, you know that? You have no clue what you are talking about, I could tell when you started implying that guy is an incel for not sharing your opinion.

This isn’t a thing. Guys made of stone or whatever dances around that head of yours. Guys showing emotions has been a thing in writing since ever. From the old comics to the action movies from before this crap started. So you are, in fact, lying.

The difference is that they didn’t do it non stop. A guy breaking down a showing raw emotions was a special and powerful moment in that story. Sort of like Picard broke down and crying and hugging his brother after he was turned into a borg and forced to kill people.

What is it with you people and men crying anyway? You get off on it or something?

Maybe cut the crap and stop insulting people.


I can see why you put that in the past tense.

Male power fantasy is perfectly fine if its not straight up sexist. WoW itself was never just a male power fantasy and was for a lot more people than just those who enjoy that.

Not at all, what I said was extremely genuine. I’m also not a ‘fella’.

I never said he was an incel, but if someone gets fuming at women existing in a video game and that emotions are “weak” and whatever, yeah they very much are. I’ve had my unfortunate experiences with incels being aggressive to me enough to yeah, I do know what I am talking about.

Neither does WoW though. So far I’ve done the entire questline and the loremaster and there’s maybe been one or two times in TWW where there’s been an overtly emotional moment with a male character. There are also quite alot of them. It is very evenly spread this expansion in terms of men and women main characters.

It is a healthy thing to do and alot of men seem allergic to it being a thing.

Take your own advice when you exactly this to me. But also no, if someone straight up insults my gender for simply existing or belittles that we are weaker or less important than them, I will rightfully tell them off.

It says alot more about people like yourself than me that you’re foaming at the mouth screaming because this expansion happens to feature slightly more women than usual or Anduin having one or two moments when he shows some human emotions. It’s all very insecure.

So your whole argument is that of a child,

You: It’s not fair that these people have things.
Rational People: Well then you can go out and make things and get those things too.
You: No we should take those peoples things because everyone doesn’t have them.

A bit of an over reaction, you asked why does the west hate the idea of communism so much, I responded with the reason, because it killed over a hundred million people in under a century so is considered a terrible idea. Slavery is also a terrible Idea, which is why only morons would advocate for it. You see how people can examine an idea on it’s merit. Communism is a bad idea, it’s never worked without turning into an absolute nightmare, well actually no, there was one singular Venezuelan leader, I can’t honestly remember his name, he did the things he was going to do then peacefully handed over power. Which was a shock considering the despots that usually lead communist parties.

I kept soloing that nerubian every time he appeared, so that death of Baelgrim felt very unnecessary mind you.

People like myself? I never actually brought up the number of women in this expansion, hell, I’m not even sure what it is. So here you go making assumptions again. My issue was with your statement about crying men and the fact that you have no idea what you are talking about as far as that subject is concerned. Like I said, disingenuous.

Typical grasping at one tiny straw and ignoring literally EVERYTHING ELSE. :sweat_smile:
I wish I could say that kind of thing is a rarity with these kinds of topics.

Why are you so fixated on thinking calling people insecure is an insult?

I was pretty fat (not average person levels) and I was insecure about it. If I wasn’t insecure about it I’d still be fat.

  1. I don’t think saying it once in a fairly extensive post is ‘fixating on’.
  2. Why do you think it’s meant as an insult? It could merely be a logical conclusion based on given evidence (I’m not saying the conclusion is correct perse, mind you; but it’s not based on absolutely nothing).

Well, that’s great. It can be a driving force, like in your case, but it can also be an obstacle; insecurity can hold you back.

So depending on how you deal with it, it can be a positive or a negative. The same can be said for many emotions.

In general it’s been thrown around a lot this thread. As though being insecure is somehow bad. That person is saying men should share emotions but why would anyone share feelings of insecurity if they’ll just be mocked?

It just seems so bizarre a thing to say because most people are insecure about something or other.

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See my previous reply: It can be bad.

No; I don’t think they would be mocked.
I also don’t think many men would come out and admit to being insecure, because to a lot of men there’s a stigma attached to such a thing (there shouldn’t be - but this thread shows there’s men who still adhere to outdated views on what it actually means to ‘be a man’).

Being insecure about certain things is completely normal and nothing to be ashamed (or insecure) about.

However… We’re talking about men here who would be insecure because a few men are not depicted in a traditionally macho way in a game. Wouldn’t you agree that being insecure about that, seems rather silly?

I said no such thing, and I find it quite baffling that you hold such an individualistic mentality that you cannot even fathom the idea that I’m not talking out of personal concern for myself, but of the system in its entirety.
I want nothing more than what I deserve, but you’re the one defending capitalists getting rich off of other people’s work, not me.

You’re gliding over most of my points just as casually as you’re gliding over decades of efforts from liberal democracies to destabilise and impoverish socialist countries that “just didn’t work”.
If socialism doesn’t work, why did the US make it top priority to undermine it? If it just doesn’t work, let it be, it will fall on its own. No need to kill Allende, no need to invade Vietnam, no need to strangle Cuba with sanctions.
Except when it does indeed work very well, like in doubling life expectancy, defeating Hitler or sending men to space for the first time.
And by your own logic, why aren’t we talking about “absolute nightmare” in reference to what western powers did and still do in the global south? Why doesn’t that prove that capitalism “is a bad idea”? If famines under communism prove that the system doesn’t work (they don’t, of course), why don’t you apply the same logic to capitalism?


Is it your actual gender or made up gender lol.

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They have a chip on their shoulder, said I am fuming over women in a video game which I never said I was upset about just will stop playing like alot of people do when games go like this concord etc. They are in here on the defence.

I wouldn’t necessarily say it even is insecure to be upset there are no macho guys.

If stuff changes too much people get upset. I personally don’t care but if it was my favourite thing and it got removed I’d be upset. I mostly like the silly stuff, which there is still lots of.

Sure, I was going by the assumption that the conclusion made was right.
I already admitted that I’m not saying it is right.

But that wasn’t my question. So, hypothetically: If someone would be insecure for the reason I gave; would you think that insecurity is justified or that it’s misplaced?

I agree. But the thing is; some of the changes that these people are upset about are so small and insignificant that anyone who isn’t obsessed with it, wouldn’t even notice it or at worst would just brush it off and continue on because there’s much, much bigger things to worry about.

If the opposite were to happen, it would be just as silly. Let’s say someone made a post like this:

“Blizzard depicts another man going out in a blaze of glory! Sacrificing himself for what he believes in. Why don’t women ever get that treatment! It’s so unfair. Clearly someone at Blizzard hates women. It’s an agenda at work!!!”

Wouldn’t you think that’s utter nonsense?
Yet this is happening, just in reverse.

I love the new kobold voices. :blush:
The way they say ‘It’s treasure’, gets me every time.

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It was nick named “The Woke Within” now.

There is a strange double standard. If one call themselves openly a facist they will face social and legal consequences. If one call themselves openly a communist they face little or no social and legal consequences.
You agree that of the opposing sides Socialism and Communism consistently has a higher death toll across peoples and nations.

The problem with your theory of history being rewritten is that there are those that remember how history actually happened and pass it on.
Romanians that lived under Communism still live today. While some Americans and Westerners champion it as something noble.
Yarl Harkoon is a tall blonde Norwegian man. But the modern day Historical revisionist cast a Black Woman as Yarl Harkoon. Something similar was done to Mary Queen of Scotts and Greek warrior Achilles even Queen Cleopatra is not safe.

History is not being rewritten. It is not forgotten that the above historical figures are not black. Even though Communism is the inevitable outcome of Socialism. People will never forget.
