Where Are the Strong Male Figures in the Latest Expansion?

All genders are made up. There is a vast difference in biological sex and gender.

But I was referring to women and your clear disdain for us.

But putting you on ignore as well, absolute waste of breath to speak with you and others like you. Because you’ll never go beyond being hateful & thinking the world revolves around you, and get genuinely upset when you learn that it does not. You are willfully choosing to be bigoted and hateful of other people just existing on the same level as you do. You are choosing evil.

No but you clearly jump into the defense of someone who was moments beforehand throwing temper tantrums that women simply exist.

But you can join them on that block as you are as you try to call me, disingenuous. As you only seem to have an issue with it being called out rather than the actual hatred itself.

Again, I was specifically only calling out the subsection of people like Sugalumps who are absolutely furious that people other than men seem to exist. I find that very pathetic and in fact some deep signs of insecurity.

Other insecurities that people have are their own and not worth being mean over. But when someone’s insecurity is directly tied to that other people simply exist or are getting more prominent acceptance, then yeah, that is worth mocking.

This is incredibly ironic considering up until then I had never insulted you personally and you had insulted me and others multiple times personally, and now you flip out that I made it personal. You like to dish it out but can’t take it.

People want better video game stories does not mean we are furious lmao, the only person who is clearly visivibly upset is you.

yes yes wat garrosh said time change

I clearly did? Where? Where do I defend this fella? Where do I say, YES HE’S RIGHT, or NO HE’S NOT WHAT YOU SAY. I just pointed out you insulted him harshly over a difference of opinion and called out your, lying, pretensive statement how males roles are perceived on a general scale in entertainment. Nothing else. So please, either say something with a little thought put behind it or if you can’t, don’t say anything at all.

Rightfully so. The very idea of comparing the two is absurd. The USSR payed a price in roughly 20 million live lost fighting against fascism, and you’re here saying they’re the same thing.

As if first-person accounts don’t carry biases, personal opinions and interests. This is thought in the first lesson of any history class. Also, I very much doubt that many living people remember the NEP, but we can still know a lot about it through the power of written language and comparative analysys of historical sources.

And 63% of Russians regrets the dissolution of the Soviet Union, are they secretly from San Francisco? I know the next argument: they must be brainwashed. Just like the Chinese, the Korean, the Vietnamese and so on.
This “people remember the horrors of communism” narration is in stark contrast with the simple reality that in most soviet countries, economic regression and inequality arose after the privatisations following the fall of the USSR, especially in Russia the 90s were hell due to massive sales of public assets. Soviet economy right before the fall was stagnant, not apocalyptic. And even then the USSR fell by force despite the fact that 77,85% of Soviets voted against the dissolution. After that you couldn’t walk a street where kids didn’t sell themselves.
Since your argument is that history can’t be rewritten because people remember, there we have unrefutable evidence of people who lived under communism wanting to keep it.
Who’s rewriting history here?

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Is there no recognition for Councilward Merrix? That’s a chad. Willing to become a secret smuggler in order to make the lives of his people a little more comfortable. I thought it was badass he was Steelvein.

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We’re still talking about World of Warcraft, right?

We lost control of this gooofy guacamole jaloppy ages ago. It’s way off the track and somehow still hasn’t crashed.

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I am no expert, but when posting such numbers, I think one is supposed to also give citations

Why didn’t you tell that to the guy who pulled numbers from his butt for communist death toll?

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I did not read that.
Masterfully deflected though

You didn’t read the comment Valthydra responded to but still felt the need to make some weird one sided accusation towards their response? A response you have failed to understand fully without that context.

Alright then.

All I see is people talking about things they cannot quote about their beliefs on things outside WoW.

The topic is about how the writers of the game are too busy ticking checkboxes and not a debate about the viability of the soviet union

It’s not even that. People just wanna see badass characters in the story again like Hellscream, illidan, etc. with a more rough/serious vibe. If that was the case in the game, people wouldn’t be complaining as much.

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By checkboxes I meant that they have a mandate to make characters be and act in ways that do not appeal to their main demographic as much as they used to.

All this thanks to the fallacy that the main audience is guaranteed and that they only need to attract new people

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We truly did try and keep it on topic however Anapo, vixi and Valthydra, decided that we can’t discuss the matter, invoked marxist communism and called everyone a sexist bigot, o and fascists.

I can’t post links or images, but the stat about current regret over the USSR dissolution is taken from a study by the Statista Research Department, which was conducted in 2021 in 137 localities and 50 regions. In total, 63% of respondants said they regret the dissolution, while only 28% was fine with it. The numbers are even more favourable among people of 55+ years old, who could have had a more meaningful and direct experience of the era: in that case 84% missed the Soviet Union, while only 14% showed no regret.

As for the 1991 Soviet Union referendum, the data is taken from the german Database and Search Engine for Direct Democracy, which holds data about most national referenda from 1790 to present day.

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Be fair though: You don’t just want better video game stories, you want different video game stories. Because if it was an incredibly well written story about Faerin, you’d still have issues with it.

Also: They’re trying to do better stories. This is why we’re seeing different subject matter. Because like it or not; big burly men being big and burly isn’t a ‘good’ story.

With the sorts of complaints I’ve been seeing I don’t think that would be the case.
Some people are grasping at the tiniest of straws just to complain about something simply because they dislike ‘the agenda’. So anything that could be in the most minor of ways be connected to that, must be complained about and vilified.

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Because it’s an extremely stupid matter. Anyone who hasn’t yet burned their synapses on dumb american online discourse can see how TWW features several prominent male figures, and each of them, in one way or another, shows strength and aspirational qualities.


And yet I’ve given several examples in this thread on how that’s not true, anduins weak as hell.
Baelgrim dies for no real reason, it’s not a heroic sacrifice if it’s pointless.
Magni is literally forgotten about in the corner while his daughter, whom is a traitor to her own people is somehow taking the lead…

Am I missing anyone, o yeah Dagran, andruin 2.0.

The only strong male character so far has been thrall, for leaving the storyline.