Where are you Blizzard?

As the title says, where is the communication from Blizzard regarding a lot of the issues posted on the forums? How can a company like Blizzard just ignore communication with their players/customers on their own forums?


They’re working on MDI and Blizzcon. Important stuff :wink:


Blizzard reads this forum but half the time therea nothing worth replying too. And when there is something worth replying too they usually dont because people like to take blizzard replies as conformations on changes. So if a feature cant be added or updated its just better to not reply

Not true. There’s a ton of valuable feedback here that they need to consider. Sure, there’s plenty of troll threads but those are easy to filter.


I can understand that, but there should atleast be some kind of responses or communication. Do they even have someone taking care of their forum (maybe not after the layoffs)?

The Community Managers are not allowed to get involved in the player discussions and they wouldn’t be able to give us any answers regarding game development anyway. They are here to moderate and pass on the feedback.

Im not talking about the threads from trolls, there are some real good feeback that is being completly ignored.

What part of HALF the time did you missread. I even said “when there is something worth replying to”

See above post

yeah sure “a ton” :joy_cat:

I was actually just thinking that, the game has become so automated and impersonal!

I’ve been away for 6 years and came back for SL, back then you could at least get a GM to talk to you in game about your issue and they would try to solve it. Now everything is automated and if you can’t find an issue that’s related to yours then you’re ship outta luck!

They were more active on the forums as well, engaged the player base more often, well actually gave a crap what their player base thought.

I remember once having a boss bugged in a dungeon in wrath and then a GM showed up as a Gnome, reset the boss, transformed us all into rats, and then he transformed into a giant cobra. It was funny, it was cool, it had a personal touch to it…cracked a few jokes and then we carried on.

Activision ruined Blizzard.


Their waiting for a legal team to get in touch apparently.

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Ok my bad, I missed that half. You have my apologies.

If thats the case there should atleast be some kind of communication like twice a month so we as players feel that we are heard. Or atleast get a reply that the issue (posts that are being brought up several times every day) or whatever is beeing discussed or anything. Now its just ignoring threads and hoping for the next major patch.

I’m still waiting for a post where they explain what happened to server merges…are they done? Are they not done? When will they continue if they aren’t done?


Whining isn’t valuable feedback.

Ion Hazzikostas (game director) once said that even though he rarely replies on the forums or on twitter, he reads almost everything that he can on both Eu and US forums.

The torghast changes are an example how they listened to feedback and forum posts.

i don’t think this is the case at all. Torghast is built specifically from feedback from the mage tower, island expeditions and visions.

If I were a Blizzard employee I wouldnt want to read or reply to the forums either. Just a cesspool of whiners.

The point is there are no updates on issues that is being discussed here. A simple blue post saying we are investigating this or that is enough. It makes us feel that our feedback is heard atleast. For weeks if not months there has been posts on the loot system (especially M+) and class balances (real feedback and not trolls whining) and still no posts about how they are tackling those issues. You cant just say we are reading the forums and just be MIA when it comes to communication here on the forum.

The thing is it has already been revealed that Blizzard has a private forums where they discuss game related issues.

I assume only a select handful of people participate in these discussions.

These forums seem to be only for our own amusement.

Right, because the game is perfect in its current state and people have no reason to whine.

There is serious issues plaguing the game right now and whining will definitely tone down if fixes started coming in.

A lot of this “whining” is legitimate and this is coming from someone who is enjoying Shadowlands. I am having a good time and I don’t plan to unsub just yet, but it seems like a lot of people don’t and they got valid reasons for it.