Where are you Blizzard?

Hmm…I wonder if Puny is included in this elite club!

If she is, probably get the blame for something lol

Knowing Blizzard it’s probably top raiders/PvPers and people who constantly provide feedback during beta/PTR testing.

Not sure of the Puny’s progression but I don’t see why wouldn’t she be included. She’s quite a decent person and she legit enjoys the game.

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They have to be carefull what they are responding for. Mostly they are responding to “for fun” threads like “it s weekend thread how are you doing?”.

Well then its pointless to have a forum for feedback if there is no response.

The only time I see blue posts are either threads made by one, or responding to a thread of praise.

The forum isn’t here for feedback though, it’s for discussion

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We don’t know how much feedback reaches them, at least on the EU forums but I know the Community Managers are doing their best. It’s not their fault. It’s the devs that distance themselves from us.

The blue posts we’re getting is from people who’s main job is to make sure this forum stays clean. They aren’t devs so they aren’t actively involved in designing and fixing this game. What do you want them to tell you?

A while back we did get a blue post confirming that they do read; but they don’t respond because thousands of people jump on them, dissect what’s been said and draw conclusions about the future of the game. Then get angry when the future of the game wasn’t that.

Although I do think a few “Thanks, we’ve passed this feedback on to the devs.” would do absolute wonders for morale.

I would rather them spend the time that they would take posting on here actually fixing things, just my opinion.

Is it wrong that I read the thread title in Tyrande’s voice?

That’s because the posts are so few and in between that people are desperately trying to make some sense out of every single word. Constant communication would solve this issue.

Well im not asking for responses on every posts, just a few responses to hot/relevant topics is enough once every week.

just make a post about the shape of blood elves ears or “rate the transmog” and you’ll have tons of blue replies

Just acknowledgement would do. They don’t even have to tell us what’s being considered at Blizz, they just have to let us know that they’re there.

It does seem odd that we have community managers who post less than once/day…

I understand what you are saying, I think one of issues is the sheer size of the forums and the game itself. Because Devs can’t reply to all posts, maybe they don’t reply to any. However in MMOs like SWTOR and LOTRO you have devs that are more active on the forums but their player base is much much smaller.

Also this. Not many people know there is a “Feedback” option ingame.

Yeah, can’t imagine why they don’t want to talk to us anymore. Hmm, maybe because every damn time they write something, even if its something good, at least the usual muppets immediately respond to them with “fix the damn game Bli$$ard/fire Ion right now/why are you not responding to MY thread, Blizzard”.

And then people stand there with their surprised pikachu face when none of big gaming companies don’t give a damn anymore. If i was in their position, making enough money without talking to people like we have on the forums, i would do the same.

The game was never in perfect state, but “delete demon hunters/nerf rogues to the ground/i don’t have enough to do/i have too much to do/i’m unsubbing” threads contain no constructive feedback, people’s issues contradict each other, someone loves what others hate and vice-versa. There is nothing to be said about nonsense like that.

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Agree, what shpuld they write on many treads? Erhmmn ok personal thoughts you are 1 out of 10000000000000 players with that issue so we wont fix it.

They can acknowledge an issue that the Devs are aware of. Relaying, you know?

To be honest I have no idea what’s their relationship with the devs and how much they know regarding game development.

And I absolutely agree with you but certain important issues can and should be addressed.

Problems like covenant imbalance and the inability to swap them freely, the staggering PvP imbalance, certain speccs underperforming and loot drop rates are issues that an overwhelming majority is dealing with right now.

The term “entitled” and “spoiled” fly around everyday. Coming here for discussions is like putting a rope around your neck because not Blizzard but the community itself will hang you.

The “fire Ion” and “delete x class/race” is not feedback but those are easily spotted.

There’s so many I quit threads that are just attention seeking but some of them are well written and have a lot of issues well explained.

And right now we’re just discussing GD, but Class threads are packed with valuable feedback and they never get a blue post.

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