Where are you Blizzard?

Too busy collecting monthly sub fees, no time for worthless stuff like balancing the game or reading feedbacks,


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Ah yes, the esport nobody cares about.


Holy crap this tool me too long to find. Here is a blue post responding to my post on why they rarely reply to posts regardless of good or bad ones. I recommend also reading my post for context. The linked post at the end is also good

Now ofc, eu ignorance is another issue but this is at least why they dont interact more

We are discussing major issues here not minor stuff that may or may not end up being implemented.

Things like loot drop rates and severe PvP imbalance aren’t things they need to “consider”. These are issues that are so bad that drive people away from the game.

The point of the post i linked is for all we know they are trying to fix it, or csnt fix it or are not allowed to fix it for some stupid reason. But if they replied with any of those 3 things it would just go badly unless it was perfectly implemented like the players wanted. Which we all know it never will be

I would PREFER them to reply and interact with us. And i do thinm its a little silly they dont do it more. But i do understand why they dont most of the time

I think they should grow some thick skin and stop being so sensitive about certain comments here.

They rather hide behind some staged “interviews” with Youtubers and throw people a bone every once in a while.

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It would just turn into generic copy / paste “we hear you” reponses which would morph into generic “lol u heard us but my pet peeve hasn’t been fixed yet” threads.

Theres no upside for Blizzard here. They are damned either way and not replying probably reduces their IQ loss when filtering the little bit of signal from the lot of noise.

Easy… they practised that for many years, now they are experts at ignoring their customers. :clown_face:

It’s also worth noting that “forum rep” isn’t exactly a full time job. At least from what I’ve learned from a few friends who work in the field is either something that gets tacked onto your job description when your main job is actually far more technical and critical, or it’s one person employed to watch over a spread of different online message boards and messaging systems simultaneously, with very little time available for each board.

It’s not like blizzard are going to pay someone just to read the EU forum all day.

Hmm. That said it’d be interesting to know how WoW boards compare to say, overwatch/HotS/StarCraft etc boards.

I really hope they are not saying anything because they are putting a lot into 9.1.

9.1 has a tall order to fulfill. If it doesn’t address all of the big issues (loot scarcity, spec balance, etc), and I mean really address them, SL is basically done and we have one more failed expansion.

I can tell you the overwatch boards is more of the same. The 2 big things i remember is an eu vs na argument. We were complaining the usually eu gets no forum support at all. The final nail in the coffin was they posted an offical “feedback on something”. Our one just linked to the us one which we couldnt post on.

The other one, i thinn is a us issue. There was a huge mercy community that would outline all her issues in a clear and consise way. They were not rude and made so many good points. They were then turned into THE MERCY MEGATHREAD to go and die. Any mention of mercy condemned the post to the megathread where it would die. Theres actually videos about the mercy mrgathread

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Honestly this isn’t really just about the forum. Blizzards communication is pretty quite for a while in general.

Did anyone recently visit the Blizzard HQ? Are we sure it’s not just a cardboard cutout?

I understand that replying to everything would be a little much and they often do get a lot of hate if they decide to respond to anything (especially here on the forum).

But just complete silence can’t be the way either. Atleast acknowledge issues. I personally don’t care if it takes month to fix it, but if there’s obvious bugs that are treated like the don’t exist I get why players get angry. Maybe they’re already working on a fix, who knows? But as long as they don’t say anything players will feel abandoned.

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Blame the amount of whining, moaning and unconstructiveness on the forums. And the lack of moderating in order to make them a better place.

So the devs do not read these boards, instead they are reading and posting on Twitter and Reddit and fansites; that has been this way for years now. And with the removal of CMs as a way to interact with the community via these forums it has only gotten worse.

Plus there has never really been any interaction with the devs at all on the EU forums in the first place.

Its sad, but it is what it is.

“it was too much of a nuisance so we gave up on it” is not an excuse a corporation can make. if people felt the presence of community managers and maybe even sometimes the class designers, the forums wouldn’t be as dumb as they are now.
twitch is a good example. streamers that interact heavily with viewers and treat them as people (even when they don’t deserve it) tend to have much cleaner chats because people are aware everything they write is being read by someone


they are home …

IF, and thats a huge IF, blizzard are reading anything, its from the NA forums.

also a while back there was a huge thing about blizzard used to interact with hand-picked players in private secret forums, but after a while they started to ignore them.
*because we all know min-max and esports players know the game better than the millions who played it since vanilla. :roll_eyes:

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Yep that is my exactly point.
Blizzard never really did that. They did had CMs wich interacted with the community, but especially in the EU, that interaction became rarer and rarer.
And yes, thats very bad and counterproductive; see the state of the forums as evidence of that.

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When they do have something to announce, they usally do so.

But they rarely care for what the random weirdos here on the forums have to say.

Well thats the problem, there are some great feedbacks and discussion on some posts but they get ignored which leads to frustration and trolling on the forums. After all, we are the customers.