Hello, I tried out Alliance recently but felt called back to Horde but from what I can tell Orgrimmar is really dry compared to Stormwind. (in terms of RP as well as landmass…)
Where can I go to find active RP on Hordeside?
Hello, I tried out Alliance recently but felt called back to Horde but from what I can tell Orgrimmar is really dry compared to Stormwind. (in terms of RP as well as landmass…)
Where can I go to find active RP on Hordeside?
Hello friend!
Here on Horde-side, we have a casual community made to give visibility to Horde Rp, be it via casual events (we do have a few of these weekly!); and to Horde communities and guilds on their own.
If you’re interested, here’s the link ^^
Horde RP is mostly guild-based. However, there are options for casual RP.
There’s a casual gathering every Sunday at a different location. These usually attract a decent number of attendees.
There are Fireside Gatherings on the first Saturday of every month, where guilds are encouraged to gather in Orgrimmar to participate in various events. They are usually quite successful.
You’ve also got seasonal public events like the Conquest Clash tournament and the Kosh’harg Festival, which will be happening in late March. These tend to be absolutely massive.
But if you are looking for a solely Horde roleplaying hub where you can find people casually roleplaying every night, there isn’t one. People don’t bother with Orgrimmar these days unless their guild is passing through and it’s a similar story for Silvermoon City.
If you’re open to cross-faction RP, then Legion Dalaran is your best bet for hub RP, though it is decidedly neutral and so it may not suit characters who care a lot about the Horde and who are built around the Horde’s themes.
But my primary recommendation would be “find a Horde guild that works for you.”
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