Where is blizzards action? X-Faction Collusion

Why didnt you make a coalition with like the other horde / alliance guilds that want the gates open asap then? If u didnt have guilds that want to be a part of that, then why didnt you farm the full mats and open the gates.

We are grouping up with members of several Horde guilds that are against it.

All I see is a spoilt gamer that doesn’t mind cheating and cheapening a game as long as they get what they want and they get it now now now!

Of course I want the gates open but would I mind if it took an extra week because PvP is happening on a PvP server? Of course not, that should be part of the game.

I get it that you don’t understand, quite happy to keep sucking on the tit of these cheating guilds like the spoilt brat you are.


“You think you do, but you dont”

Oh classic is toxic?? more on that at 11, dont miss out.

He says angrily.

Your salt is enough to season my steaks for a thousand years babyboy ^^

Not angry at all mate just find you slightly amusing in your little bubble :). Your here on the forums boasting how good you are but support cheating because you want to rush content as fast as possible, funny lad, weird outlook.

Dunno lad, ur crying awfully loudly for a guy whos trying to give of the impression that he isn’t actually malding over this xD

toxic as old school runescape

Imagine trying to rush content and being called a cheater for it… KEKW
So you would rather have it take months more to open gates so it isn’t ‘‘cheating’’?

Hardcore guilds want the gates open the sooner the better, that’s not cheating kid. Go cry somewhere else.

Is this mount and the title really worth it now?.. so much drama over this

No, they don’t. Or we wouldn’t be still at 10% of war effort for some items :slight_smile:

/just neutral observer

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