Where is DH changes?

Hey everyone, where is DH changes?
Why all classes are tuned (buff/nerfs) but dh is not?
Blizz and all ppl think dh are good in pvp? we need tuning, some buffs imho
i dont find any about it…

im speak about 80 lvl beta PVP.


DH got 13% dmg buff on all spells and 100% dmg buff on eye beam
Meanwhile doing disgusting dps before this buffs


in ur *** xd

You were the OP one for an entire expansion. It’s time for the 3 button menace to take a backseat.


Weren’t they pretty good in both bfa and sl too?.. Maybe not quite as op as their strongest moment in df but that is hard to top as well tbh.

it’s funny after playing resto druid, boomi, warrior, and just now started on a DH.
I have came to the conclusion that DH is not the easiest class to play at all.
What’s with all the 3 button stuff al the time when talking about DH lol.

Only thing that could be considert easy mode about the class is that all it’s CC is instant.

If you wanna talk about easy talking about fury and the king of easy mode would be devastation.

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Id call BM Hunter the king of easymode if you want to pick one tbh.

In general, no dps specc is really hard or challanging

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bfa ssn1 or 2 dh won the blizzcon if im not wrong, and in sl dh got multiple buffs so at the end of sl ssn1 dh was really good with boomkin

DH legit can’t lose since it’s release in Legion. Rogue Mage caliber.

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A DH asking for buffs.


Where were you asking for nerfs when DH was the most broken Mr. Анхфлэйм?

People like to exaggerate because they think it somehow makes their statement more valid. When in reality it just makes them look dense.

You can hate a class and spec without making up lies and warping reality.

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atm he’s not MOST BROKEN, atm DHs are B tier. All r1 said dat, like tren, lontar and etc. DH is too weak in DPS at arena. DKs, WARRIORS yes, they atm very strong boyz.

DH on beta is underwhelming, and rarely gets to be more than 2nd or 3rd dps in an Arena.

Developers only do something for the class every 6 months, so consider rerolling till they remember it exists.

Until then, deal with the 1800 hardstucks being happy in this thread about it. Whether DH is good or not won’t change their rating anyway :rofl: as they will find out that dying in 2 ferocious bites by feral in x3 stuns (beta average hp is 6.5m, ferocious bites crit 3-3.5 million right now) and getting 100-0 by frost mage never casting only using instants is a lot more unfun

I don’t personally care, cause I can hop on one of my backup classes, but yeah, for the people who only play DH, it will be a mediocre at best road for the first few months, good luck though

True, he isn’t. But you didn’t ask for nerfs when he was, so why do you ask for buffs now?

Why does it always have to be DH to do the most damage?

Classes like DH don’t deserve to be playable for how effortless they are.

getting Nerfed before season even starts anyway

they do this Dmg, because every feral pvp mod got reverted, i hope they dont touch the wrong stuff again, and touch just bite

or make Saber Jaws a 1/1 Node instead of a 2/2 Node, so bite gets nerfed and Feral can Spend a talent point into more energy recovery.

the Saber Jaws talent, what got introduced in mid Dragonflight, was just a Bandaid Fix to Help feral with his Dmg Profile, but created More problems longterm than actual helped, even in pve

and the Talent Saber Jaws is the income, why feral onetap People in a Opener/With Berserk.

what about fury warri, is it also good in tww? i would take a dh meta over a fury warri meta by all cost

Because it’s an AoE class with multiple dots.

With the amount of pets in the game, it’s hard not to see “big dps” in Details and then realize 20-40% of that total dmg is on useless pets like Rdruid Trees, Warlock, Enha, Hunter, DK and others.

But DH’s single target damage is trashy, which is why it’s not a good class to kill alone with. Your only real burst window is like 3 seconds which is extremely easy to avoid.

This is why DH sucks vs classes with low CD defensives or big wall passives, such as Priest and Hunter. Disregarding the fact that Rogue stomps the class in every way, if a Rogue ran improved Feint over Cheat death, they could literally never die since all the dmg is AoE.

A great example of DH being bad single target dmg is the average duration of 2v2 games. You just don’t get to kill anything before dampening. But if you were a Windwalker for example, all you need is one stun on a target without trinket and a guy dissapears. Or a Sub rogue, or MM hunter, or even DK.

Great statement! So what is “high effort” DPS class?

Fire mage? Spam brainless instants from 40 yards and press alter time blink for fun before some1 even reaches you?
Frost mage? Spam brainless instants from 40 yards, have a oneshot, have infinite CC, have 2 bonus lives?
Assa Rogue? Press Garrote whenever possible and Kidney off CD and auto win?
MM hunter? 2 button rotation, rapid fire takes half of somebody’s life?
BM hunter? don’t even need to comment this one
Demo warlock? spam fear until pets win for you?
Warrior? Zugzug same way as DH but be tankier?
DK? Zugzug, perma 90% slow ppl, grip people, have 50 ways to stop casts, use IBF and AMZ to be immune to everything in the game so you get your dmg out?
Ele shaman? 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 flame shock earth shock lava burst

Who exactly “deserves” to be playable? I can list another 10 specs.

Face the facts. DPS specs are extremely dumbed down in 98% of the cases. Casters don’t have to cast. Most DPS connect extremely easily. So you’re left with a few specs in the game where you actually have to constantly play perfect to win, like Destro lock.

Fury is good yeah.

People will realize melees with heavier single target zug potential than DH will pose much bigger problems.

But it’s okay. People can have their opinions, even if those opinions are uninformed or outright stupid. After you get killed 100-0 a few times by other classes, or zugged down by Fury or other specs, you will wish it was a DH instead where you could use roots or avoid a 3s dmg window by pressing a feign death or fade or something, instead of neverending Rampage spams with 36% antiheal =)

ur so bad lmao