Where is DH changes?

DH has LOW solo-target damage atm its’ fact. AOE, nah, B tier thats all what i can say. Dat syain R1 boyz, i think blizz gettin buff DH, but not too much… i hope, if not, we are lobby trash and warriors/dks/rogues hard stucks in arena

hehe xd

provide us with some coaching lessons to break duelist as mage, use one of your 11 mages for it


mvq has bottom dmg in most games he played on beta and gets deleted by half the dps specs like hes made of butter

so yeah

don’t expect a fun experience

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yeah, exactly this is why i prefer dh meta over fury warri meta, even last season when fury warri got buffed, it felt worse to play against, compared to an dh

and fury Warri is also easier to pilot and much more Tanky compared to a leather class, i think most of the people already forgot Shadowlands season 4

idk why nobody mention this, everytime when i looked into details when i played against a fury, it was most likely rampage spam, i played last season with a friend j4f dh x comp, and i have faced furys what just Stormbolt me, and had close in every Stormbolt kill potencial by just Spaming low cd burst macro and then rampage

as a fury warrior you can use rnd trinket and not even get punished for it, im really curious why nobody mention it

i get the point, about Dh, beeing easy when it comes to Dmg rotation, but there are more classes that are like this, where rarely mentioned

for example Bm hunter (when this class is Overtuned dmg wise) or ret´s last season when it comes to solo shuffle, where you saw rets on 2.6 mmr who don’t know what sanc is just full zugzug

All R1 who dont play DH and who playin, all ppl see how DH is now unplayble, we dont ASK be OP, we wanna be equal like all ±

Doesn’t matter, they just buffed Assa and Sub by another 10% on most abilities, why would you play DH in pvp anyway, you are trash rogue now, lower burst, lower ST damage, lower CC, lower survivabilty and defs.
Either play the real leather damage class, or go Fury, Unholy, good thing I can play both of them well enough (anyone can, it’s not big brain time, it’s also 5x easier then DH, you don’t have to track buffs, timers, anything, just click on what’s shining, 3 buttons both).
I recommend against sticking to one class because it’s not worth it with the unpredictable class balance of today, reroll the better class any time you see fit, nobody will care that you hit 2400 as Enha when you are AWC skill level. You can stick to DH but open yourself up to frustration, negative emotions, etc. life is too short its just a video game, play anything that is S+ tier.

Then gut half your kit. You certainly didn’t need netherwalk

irony is so bad and should stop posting on every pvp forum post
dh main kek

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Unplayable for sure.

With every expansion You’re told by rogues, dhs and mages how unplayable and tough it’s gonna be right before they completely take over and dominate as per usual.



Yet again, you tryhard the living hell out of this game with 11 geared alts of the same class ( !!! ) and end up with 40% something win rate in all brackets after 2000 games played…In a HUGELY inflated season.
Maybe you should not be calling other people bad or losers from this POV?

Gg, Dh buffed lol.

that was fast lmao

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Not like these 3 classes are the poster childs of wow PvP and whenever underperforming even a little bit Blizzard will make sure a quick hotfix pushes them back to SS++ and degrade the fun of every match.

Isn’t for example enhance like the worst spec in the entire game for years now? Dh wasn’t once overtuned for a prepatch and there we go, oh well.

Dh was bad in s1/2s shadowlands. Which was about 2 years? Mage was bad in s3/s4 shadowlands, mediocre entire df. Sub rogue was only playable 1 month in s1 of df
And when all those 3 classes were op, nothing was game breaking
Meanwhile real degradation happened when ret rework was done

Nobody cares about spec like enh. Same with frost dk, fury war, bm, demo. All of them must be unplayable in pvp forever. But dh doesn’t have 3rd dps spec and that’s why people complain, they want to play class with cool animations

Believe it or not… there are people who cares about specs like enhance.
They want to play a class “with cool animations”.


I don’t think your math adds up.


Maybe in your solo shuffle lobbies.

Obviously nothing game breaking, people are used to it. Just another day in the office.

It is what it is.

In case of rogues it’s not about which spec is good, but which spec out of the 3 is the most busted. Very often after a tuning (nerf) rogue players with an above average IQ (all of them) discover the other specs are even better.

Dunno what is wrong about enhance?

While these specs are terribly designed for PvP, unfortunately they are very often the better option.

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And there is people care about demo and bm, so this specs should be playable.
Tanks also should be playable in pvp, because some people care about it

You don’t play arena neither shuffle

Probably you didn’t even play game, if you don’t know that s1-s2 sl was long af

Shadowlands was released in November 2020. Season 2 ended in February 21 2022
It’s 1 year and 2 months. Still it’s a lot. But it doesn’t matter classic wow affected your last single braincell

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Some guys… :sweat_smile:
But tell me why you think, Enhace should be unplayable.

To be viable spec just need to do a lot dps in details and be tanky like his brother elemental. Basically another ele but melee. Enh and ele toolkit is the same
So, in 3v3 it’s only turbo for enh. Oneshot lovers are not worth to be mentioned (enh+sub and other variations)
In shuffle it will be another op spec that just does dmg like dh, but even dh does some cc on healers

But if ehn is getting proper rework it’s ok to be viable. I bet if enh dmg will get buffed it will oneshot everyone because probably nothing was changed compared to df in talent trees

All in all, the spec is bad designed. Like demo, bm, fury, frost dk etc

This is what we want.

pretty much yeah.

some peoples do, and even if it is the minority, everyone except fury warriors and tanks deserve to be viable