Where is DH changes?

Not S2 of SL. It was it’s best season for that expansion overall.

An accurate rundown since SL start would be:

S1 Shadowlands: C Tier (ultra squishy, no new talents, bad scaling, played Night Fae, could only kill every 90 seconds with The Hunt and if that didn’t kill, you were back to running, giving healer panic attacks and waiting for next one)

S2 Shadowlands: A+ to S tier due to many required buffs and Necrolord. Necro classes had great synergy with Kyrian classes and were tankier.

S3 Shadowlands: A- tier after multiple nerfs to this from S2, but was still good, just not very strong or OP.

S4 Shadowlands: B- tier after every spec in the game that wasn’t Outlaw Rogue, Fury Warr and Feral was unviable. 2 of those 3 specs hard countered the class by default, and were made completely unkilable as well.

S1 Dragonflight: A+ tier for 2 weeks, nerfed like 10 times in a row, slowly shifting to A > B+ > B- tier. Became extinct and didn’t exist during Ret patch, as it was already nerfed about 5 times in a row by that point as well.

S2 Dragonflight: B- to C+ tier. Was largely left untouched since late S1, while other specs saw buffs. Was the squishiest melee in the entire game, especially in Shuffle, due to lack of buttons to press and damage was lower than other melees like Windwalker, who had more CDs to survive and more damage. Your only way of winning was via playing with super strong class partners that were OP at the time like Boomy or Aug, and it wasn’t equal, you were more like a debuff / stun bot and your teammate’s dmg was more important and bigger.

S3 Dragonflight: S+ tier to A+ tier over the course of the season. Rework numbers were too high for a while, so it was the best melee for about 2 months. FOTM material. After many nerfs, people started playing a completely different talent tree build, which turned out to be good, and kept the class very strong. That was also nerfed, but still the spec remained strong. People stopped crying as the FOTM rerollers went other classes by mid - late season 3.

S4 Dragonflight: With the introduction of Fated Raids, you could now have magic damage proc effect items which resulted in a resurface of the spec, and it was between A+ and S- tier. It received multiple nerfs once again, bringing it more around a solid A tier. Mid to late season of S4 DF was about as balanced as the class could be, since you could win most games with it if you play good enough, but wouldn’t do anything too strong to be considered overpowered, and had many matchups which generally sucked for you.

To me mid to late S4 was the best balance state it had, since it was more based on how you play whether you win or not, other melees were on the same level and you had your hardcounter specs that deleted you.

S1 of TWW (so far): C to B- tier. Multiple bugs with talents, which we reported since Beta, are still unfixed. Multiple talents which existed for like 5 years - removed with no explanation.The buffs done are not exactly in the correct direction, and don’t change much. Item scaling isn’t great because you lack too much mastery. You don’t have a single ability that crits people for more than 1 million, when total hp pools are 6.5-8 million.

So yeah, you want accurate history, you get that. Ups and downs. From S1 SL to S4 DF there were 8 total seasons. 3 of those DH was very strong to strong and 2 of those it was strong to okay-ish. 3 others it was completely garbage.


4 months* Season lasted 5 months I believe.
The only nerfs that made a real difference in their massively overtuned defensives were at 13th march. Season ended April 22.

dh is overtuned loser class that was still #1 melee after 3x nerf in df for a long time, mega viable better version of warrior and most melees in fact (rogues) they can only balance it nerfing/buffing numbers or by nerfing utility outplay potential with rando stun dodges mobility whatever. it has milion viable comps cuz its all around very strong except for the time its dmg is not big which used to be the case

Raiku, Tren, Whazz, Party and another R1 boyz and PVE streamers, said only 1, DH IS TRASH DPS in PVP.

Good thing

Might be a decent season then

UDKs not sure about dat…) with warriors

Bring proof plz

dh need nerfs yes hopefully come soon

Fury war will get another nerf for sure!!! thats obvious, about dk, they will touch the Ams i think, the absorb is way too high currently

open twitch and ask :slight_smile: u will see, a NICE answer about it :slight_smile: rly, just ask, any of them

Nobody properly tested dh on beta, only eu dh players are good and they cannot play with 150-200ms on NA, because dh is impossible to play with high ms.
Not a single dh crafted heavy mastery gear on beta.
Btw Raiku was doing more than fine in full pvp gear in multiple sub/mm lobbies on 2300-2400 on beta, you can check his vods

mvq and mes do that and tell the same

Opened mvq’s last vod https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2228277756?t=0h12m23s and he did 5-1 in full caster lobby doing same st dmg as shadowpriest who is cleaving all 3 targets on 2300 mmr

300k dps, hunt 400k mmm so nice damage… and u show me solo shuffle R1 DH, and i see the numbers 400-500k dps if 3 targets near by, vs UDK 3 targets (FURY,MAGE and etc giga classes) who get 1.2-1.5 mil AOE gucci yea

Dh should be s++ tier to be playable?
This is some ret/warrior brain type of complaining when their specs are always A tier every season.
Even when dh was c-tier spec in shadowlands season 1, people still managed to get r1 with it, git gud
Btw, dh is second best class in new rgb mode right after rogues

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Yes, youre forgetting dhs didnt need to use hands nor brain till now (well they still dont tbh, just saying Now so they feel better about themselves). They’re not used to concept of playing bad/well since their existence is enough to make hell of my life. So since they don’t know how it feels to not be s++ they believe being S tier means its unplayable and when they win its cos they’re godsgifts. Rogues 2.0.


Dracthyr as well