Where is The Burning Crusade Classic Option?

I was thinking about starting a new character to play TBC, but I don’t seem to have a TBC option when launching the game… I only have two options, Wrath of the Lich King Classic & World of Warcraft Classic.

Where do I find or How do I unlock The Burning Crusade Classic option?


It’s not currently available.
You can play through most of the content in Wrath or Dragonflight.

Blizz stupidly decided not make TBCclassic Era server. You can’t go there. If you can stand Wrath Classic gameplay, this is choice for you. Else Classic Era is still option for almost old-style gameplay (only few, inane “QoL” added).

Like 20 million bots and layers without any solution

We tried nothing and we outta ideas like a gnome is out of coolness or a ice cream shop on a warm summer dsy

Wrath is the same. Whether you stand in Dalaran, Shattrath or Dragonflight City doesnt matter. Its all falsely so called expansions following the same lazy formula.

Same games.

TBC devalued Vanilla content and WotLK devalued TBC content. It’s the main issue with expansions and lore in any MMO. Not providing a server for each major release is simply bad service and “same game” a very bad excuse.

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Fact is that arenalog and raidlog you can even in retail or wotlk. With nowdays minmax mentality injected in majority of players would TBC classic just be another bot like gameplay snd experience. I know many will get offended, and you still could have your TBC(as I dont mind if thrre was One) but it would be epic ghosttown out of arena npc quers and summoning stones.

How other people play each version of WoW isn’t my business and I don’t tell anyone how to have fun. It’s about server options (Vanilla, TBC, WotLK), not solving problems that exist in all games.

I’m busy playing the game I love, and will not waste my time with problems caused by Blizzard. (Bots, Tokens and more)

There are things I can’t change as a player and it’s not worth getting upset about.
Even if I cannot get a TBC server, I’m still thankful for classic era.


Will try say it more clear. This hype minmax locust mentality would not really keep tbc classic alive for long. I know how empty classic era was at begginning of TBC and wotlk. I am aware that there are people who would play TBC classic, but its all about Blizzard is also aware of not diverting population across milion versions of wow. There are just higher movements behind curtains of Blizzard ‘‘not only how people prefer’’ play the game, its more about how to milk people and keep them playing. That we have even classic ERA is kind of miracle. And even here it seems its gonna been turn into retail version soon or later, just because its common sense that they will try milk ERA players too and make ‘‘everyone’’ happy but bringing retail crafted changes into the this game. Just to make sure the most of them stay as long they can.
TBC is beggining of everything retail accomplished. Take that as good or bad. Both, Blizzard and players have their share on it equally.

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There is not but for ppl asking for a fresh… I can only see a tbc fresh coming next right up… only that expansion would make sense and stay forever…

I don’t care about hypes and I don’t make my self depend of people who do.
It’s in my hands to enjoy the game, nobody else can do that for me.

Made up problems or trends in any gaming community is waste of time.
I’m playing the game to have fun, everything else no longer matters to me.

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But it matters in plans of others. Blizzard knows that TBC was least popular expansion comparing to vanilla or wotlk. So it was sacrificed in knowledge of that it will be ‘‘the lesser evil’’ to sacrifice to keep others two expansion alive.
No matter how you care or not, or not made problems, it still affects you because you dont have at this very moment TBC classic. So yeh you can care less.

That’s your assumption and part of the problem.

It doesn’t matter what Blizzard thinks about TBC expansion, what matters is if a customer/subscriber has freedom of choice.

Even if I cannot expect full servers, I still would like to decide where to play.
It’s not complicated and there is no reason to defend Blizzard for lack of service.

Currently, TBC server is a missing option. Period.

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