Where the elves at? 🧝‍♂️

Im not big on rping in SW as an nelf. Feels to out of place. Even the park where the Nelf NPC’s are is still to human. Always prefered the real night elf areas like Ashenvale, Feralas and Darnassus(rip).

I roleplayed nelf for years till about 2 years ago but looking to get back into it.

Ty for the suggestions. I’ll look into these guilds. :smile:


There are elves in this game?

Ashenvale belongs to the Warsong now. Elves have no place there.


Rubbish! Why else would the orcs clear out so much prime real estate for a sin’dorei hunting lodge?

We keep it to make a Museum of extinct weakling races. Because we have a heart.

Nuh-uh, we won it back. The epic reconquista may have been buried on a single page in Copeland’s infamous book, behind mission table descriptions glimpsed for miliseconds before AddOns automatically skipped through them and cutscenes only shown if you played through BfA’s worst timesink under the right conditions but we’ll take what we can get.

OP: People begin to trickle in to Astranaar around 8pm ST and tends to be active every night. It’s pretty dead before then.


Turn on your monitor OP there is no dearth of elves on AD.

Oh also open your eyes after turning on your monitor. Should work. :+1:

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You should go back, the job remains unfinished.

There are a few guilds in Ashenvale, yet if they are all away on evens like ours is, it can be a bit empty. Isil’Theran is currently away on an expedition to Pandaria! Though we are based in Ashenvale, our guild does like to travel!

The Warsong gives the Kaldorei time to regain their strength. Ashenval is like a hunting ground, you have to know how to maintain the ecosystems and let our prey make young to continue hunting them afterwards.

Teldrassil was just a ten years old tree. This here Primordial Predator of ancient fury will enjoy hunting you down, child. By fang, claw, typhoons and cosmic fury, countless defilers met their final rest beneath the fertilized soil over the course of thousands of years; many more will follow.

hey cool badass semi-ic posts that will make for great commission prompts of “hey draw my character standing on top of a pile of faceless elves/orcs that they’ve singlehandedly slain on their own” but can we not do that in a forum post of a returning player genuinely trying to figure out where to find rp


Step aside, Spawn of Shadow!!!

–That being said- going on topic: Normally you will find Solavel roaming the wild ecosystems of of the world, on the chase for any Primalists who threaten to overthrow the balance of nature.

She is also actively investigating the Naga’s activities, since there have been hints about how they intend to actively help Azshara claim a ‘higher throne’ of sorts judging by her quote in Nyalotha, and by the Naga preach parchment found in The Forbidden Reach in the Dragon Isles

Main ecosystems she works at are: Feralas, Sholazar Basin, Dragon Isles -Especially the Shady Sanctuary in Ohn’aran Plains-, also Un’Goro Crater. But at sometimes she might be found elsewhere, depending on the current mission at hand.

She is also a fishing enthusiast, so whether you are looking for a wild and risky adventure or simply looking for a fishing partner to chat with, don’t be shy!

Yeah okay but the topic is about where night elf role players gather as a community, not just you.


It’s true, sorry.

A few months ago I was on a Kaldorei Druid to see what the Kaldorei RP looks like on Argent Dawn. I often saw people in Astranaar around 20h realm times. If one wants to find RP Kaldorei in Kalimdor, I think this is the place.

Or maybe in Feralas ?

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The OP didn’t specify whether he meant communities or individuals.

He asked where night elves are hanging out, and I mentioned the places where I hang out, and actually RP at, with at least 2 other players.

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That’s fair. I just interpreted your posts as a bit arrogant but no ill will towards you whatsoever, and it’s cool that you’re bringing RP to otherwise pretty barren zones (Sholazar deserves more love).

With that said I’ll echo what’s already been said and nudge OP towards Astranaar. Should be a solid starting point.

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I think individuals are part of which make the community, not just guilds and therefore Solavel’s point is valid. One thing which frequently happens in Kalimdor is that individuals are often overlooked unless they are part of a large guild, can bring OOC friends along, or have constant “buzz” around them.

Guilds do attract people and that’s how they often become the most visible part of community. There have been some frequent talks in Astranaar about how to bring more refugees back to Kalimdor and revive the dying community, but when people do come to RP in Astranaar on their night elves, they meet either a dead hub or guilds being reclutant to engage with them, or any event/activity which they try to introduce to the community. And therefore it becomes a self-feeding cycle that those who want to integrate into the community feel either bored or rejected and move back to larger hubs for more chances to interact.

Some guilds are more open to interact with outsiders than others, but naturally it’s no guild’s solemn responsibility to integrate individuals. I think that the community itself could become more healthy by opening up, whereas arriving individuals shouldn’t just look at guilds but also individuals for interaction.


I comitted crimes and ate them

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