Where to find the new WoW Classic Anniversary PvE Discord/Community?

I would like to already find a guild that I can plan my class/spec choice around on the new PvE realm that goes live on the 21th, but looking through the forum I cannot really find a concentrated pool.

I heard from prior top PvP guilds that they are already grouping up, and making alliances, etc, so I have the feeling that I am missing the area/spot/community where I could actually join a proper guild before launch.

Please let me know if you have heard of anything like that, as I could only find 1-2 guild posts about the upcoming PvE realm on here.

Thanks :3

I guess there will be Server Discords once the game starts. Atm I only know that some class discords have a sub-category for the new fresh classic version.

E.G. Light Club (one of the 2 paladin discords “Light Club” and “Paladin Classic”) just announced the sub category today.

Fresh Classic PVE discord

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Thank you!

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