Where Would You Like To Go Next Expansion?

I’d personally like to just go back to Azeroth. Back to the basics, where my love of the game started. Doesn’t have to be dark or end of the world in order to be appealing for me personally.

Murlocs, Gnolls and all that good stuff. Maybe a new class or class customization, and an extra tier of talents for each class.

What’re you hoping for next expansion in terms of where we’ll be heading?


Anywhere but here

For realzies, not another dimension or world, i wanna be in azeroth, i liked bfa in terms of setting


I’d like to reconnect with the roots of WoW. As far as the proverbial stage of that story goes, Azeroth is squarely at the top of my wishlist. Whether that involves an update to the zones still locked in a Cataclysm-era state of affairs, or yet new lands, is ultimately all well and good with me… though I would be partial to the former.


We need an expansion based around the Virmen and their homeland. It’s a secretive island region that has been concealed by a mystical magical mist for over twenty thousand years.


Well. I think going back to Azeroth would be fun. Would love to see an expansion based on rebuilding and restoration of zones and areas. Perhaps with being able to pick a zone to “specialize” in. Let’s say Lindomien comes from Winterspring, she sets up her base there.

Her favoured zone would have a lot of quests for her to do dailies/weekly quests that help on the restoration of that zone and local area.

*She could build her own home there, almost like a garrison, but with more options to make it her own home. With a nice fireplace. (Maybe with quests to get wood and tinder?)
*Foraging for mets and fish to make her own food and buffs foods?
*Ability to invite other players there to roleplay and have fun. (And maybe show off nice furniture and throphies)
*Home complete with bedroom to log out in for a small 1/2 hour buff of well rested.
*A trophy cabinet where you can get nice trophies from current content, questing (The Seeker trophy?), archeology trophies, raiding ones…anything you can imagine.

I too would love to see questlines that are a little less epic, because sometimes it is enough to go to hunt down Hogger. Great storytelling can often be rather down to Azeroth (Earth) and heroes are often the people we meet that is not the Mawwalker, The Commander etc.

I would love to be a village elf protecting my neighbours, restoring nature and making sure everyone is happy.


I want us to go to the Dragon Isles and an expansion based around the Dragon Aspects reforming to repair the damage done to Azeroth by Deathwing, Sergaras sword & Azerithe Woons, the Jailor’s “remaking”.
This would give a new Zidormi phase to most (if not all) Azeroth zones with max level quests, which could then join Chromie time quests in the future.


As an added note, I’d be thrilled to have the Burning Crusade race zones added to the maps and updated. Quel’Thalas and the draenei isles could do with a facelift and some love in terms of story.

With all of the draenei buildings and assets added in WoD and to a lesser extent in Legion, making Azuremyst Isle home to a proper draenei city would be spectacular.




To the Void, facing the Void Lords.

Yeah, i know, it wont happen.

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I’m actually hoping to see something similar, Annie. I just want to be a simple adventurer in good old Azeroth. That would make me happy.

Please, no Virmen, I beg you. They’re annoying little creatures :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Back to Azeroth, but in an alternate timeline where King Mechagon won, and we are the sole non-mechanical beings on the planet. We’d defeat King Mechagon in the first raid, and spend the rest of the expansion rebuilding, with such features as player housing, cross-faction play, a full profession revamp, and race/class restrictions relaxed.


Yes, back to Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor.

Certain zones could be phased via Zidormu and updated for new level questing and endgame. It would be amazing to see Winterspring and Un’goro Crater - well actually just all of the zones - updated with modern fidelity.

Actually I’d prefer it if they finally found a way to merge levelling and brand new content together so the game actually feels like ONE GAME, not this disjointed 1-50 levelling experience that is entirely disconnected from the new 10.

They could certainly flesh out the ‘old world’ with places like Dragon Isles.

I’d love to see endgame activities in Strangethorn Vale.


Same here, Back to Azeroth to face the assault of a fanatical light army aiming to purge this world from the influence of other cosmic forces (Death with the undeads, Void with the old gods, arcane with the titans, nature with the dream etc). It was basically stated in the lore that most realms are dominated by one force in particular & Azeroth is smh at the same time the strongest world soul and inhabited by all cosmic forces.

Would kinda make sense than Yrel launch a large scale exterminatus on us heretical plebeians, as hinted in the Mag’har recruitement questline.

You can also add the promised civil unrest among the alliance on the background, with the lightforged Turalyon on one side & the now Death knight Anduin on the other.

A world revamp would be long overdue, and we already have HD versions of the vanilla human buildings added in the 9.1 game files along with the 9.1.5 weather effects added to Stormwind & Orgrimmar.


Tel’Abim or nothing :desert_island:

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The Candy shop with 50 cent.

Or a updated and more dangerous version of Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. :slight_smile:
New mobs, NPCs and quests

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Azeroth would be great!
Covenant-type landscapes that are at least 2-3 times larger and that are more consequential and ‘end-game useful’ would be fine too… maybe…

Azeroth would be best though.

Also more depth in classes and chosen professions.
Class hall quests were great and the mission tables seemed more ‘relevant’ when it’s about developing your character.

Also why not approach professions in the same way they expanded all the covenant follower extras?
They could add that kind of dimension to professions with extra quests (Legion style), added cosmetics and ‘precious’ hard-to-get recipes.


Well i would not mind discovering a massive massive land on the other side of azeroth, dragon isles would be nice
We need a new strong story lore based adversary one that we know a bit about already.


How rude!


Yes, you are right - the Virmen are rude indeed :stuck_out_tongue:

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is where the /fart is.

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