Where Would You Like To Go Next Expansion?

You mean half the zones destroyed again? Nah.

azeroth Revamped!


I mean the zones finally recovering.

And now that we have the tech we won’t lose the previous versions.

Same as you except I’d like the events of cataclysm to finally be healed.

I’d also like an update to Outland/Northrend, the originals can still ofc be experienced via timewalking.

However I know my ask is very big!

But I’d be fine with it being a rather grounded expansion again, based in Azeroth.


I know it does seem like they have left so much to go to waste with the excessive linear themes of expansions.

A reason to revamp Dragonblight could be to have some more story with the Nerubians. An event, more quests and a raid. Even perhaps finally the zone underneath that was played around with early in Wrath’s development.

There’s just no reason why the couldn’t add more wings to Dire Maul. A new raid in Blackrock Mountain…

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A lot of peeps, (ok maybe just the peeps in my house), would like to see a return to an Azeroth style of new content. Bringing back memories of past expansions without interfering with old content. The moment there’s phasing in WoW it ruins the game immersion eg. Blasted Lands flight paths can only be accessed by speaking to Zidormi.

To give variety of new game locations but still in old Azeroth, there’s always the option of going underneath existing zones, eg. Dwarf/Gnome expansion.

They always say “You can’t go home again” if you try to return to a place you remember from the past it won’t be the same as you remember it.

Because WoW has so many changes i.e. Cataclysm, it definitely won’t be the same. It saddened me when quests were removed or landscapes changed to make way for the Cataclysm expansion.

I would like to see a return to Azeroth but not changing the Vanilla/Cataclysm questing. There’s many small areas in Azeroth not being used that could be expanded into as well. Or places of interest such as the evil underneath Ghostlands?!

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Cataclism 2.0 will be the best way to go.


I don’t know if i’m the minority here but i usually like zones / areas with the least amount of structures as possible.

Give me some wildlands, Un’goro / Feralas style where our factions base are a bunch of tents / small outposts at best.

I would not mind a Cata 2.0 to EK ( quel’thalas ) and Kalimdor with how the zones have changed over time or even expanding on said zones, double the size of Ashenvale forest, remake Barrens as it once was but on a larger scale etc.


I want to go home , home as in Azeroth. I don’t mean some island we never seen or heard before. I wouldn’t mind if they re-did 8 zones in Kalimdor or EK and that’s our new quest hubs. All zone stories upgrades and that jazz.

If they want to do a war light/shadow as people expect let us fight it on home turf

then 10.5 dragon isles.


Dragon theme or void vs light , this 2 would do it for me .

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Reading through all the comments I noticed a theme , we want to go play in old world Azeroth. I wonder if the devs will ever see this.


Plain, simple. Back to basics, no overcomplicating different time zones and dimensions.

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Wrath of the Pandas

best add-ons combined is my dream

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Ion kinda crushed the dream of going back to some simple stuff with the interview so I guess toned down cosmic world ender is the best outcome.

Maybe some kind of cosmic puppet master villain who for no reason really wants a peasant uprising type scenario so we can at least pretend we’re back in Azeroth.

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Chromie Time exists to preserve old versions and timelines.

However somewhat contrary to that I certainly think they need to think about changing the tiresome method of pushing the previous content into obsolesence.

I don’t see them revamping everything before because it’s too much work, plus some people will want the old Cata timeline. However they could do an Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor revamp that is designed to stay relevant from the point it is introduced.

Say in the future they could redo Northrend, but one could still use Chromie Time to visit it during the Arthas event.

Pretty much this.
I wouldn’t even need new zones; just updated ones would do fine for me.

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(Updated)Azeroth for me as well.

Something went wrong with the portal or whatever that sends us officially back to the world of the living and when we arrive alot of time has passed.

With the heroes of Azeroth gone the balance of power has shifted and the Horde/Alliance are on the verge of annihilation. This forces us to band together to reclaim what was once ours.

Due to the remaining effects of Azerite old enemies have evolved and risen up to once again challenge us.

~~ something like that ~~

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If they bring back anything to do with Azerite I’ll scream :joy: rest is nice tho

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Evolution usually takes a lot longer so I figured something would’ve had to speed it up a little. Then again this is Azeroth and not real life so it could’ve happened naturally as well :thinking:

So long as we don’t have to grind any more Azerite I’m fine with it story-wise :wink:

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They better address the gigantic sword!

Maybe it got dismantled and melted down and used for ‘stuff’. Maybe there’s a whole new base in Silithus made from the remnants of that sword!