Which class would be most useful IRL?

Mages! We could end world hunger and port people around the world, no more boring flights :slightly_smiling_face:


This…as much as i want to say hunters mages portals and food summon would be amazing
Not to mention the ability to turn your co-worker or boss into a monkey


Realistically any healer spec tbh


Mage or Warlock

On second thought yeah healer would be great to, basically eternal life for everybody.


Healers don’t stop or undo aging, even in lore.

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Their Portals for logistics and travel.

'Nuff said.


But druids can rejuvenate :face_with_monocle:

They dont, but they can make sure everyone at least stays healthy until they pass away

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The world would be overpopulated if we could revive the dead and mend almost every wound.

Mages, easily.

Portals and food have been mentioned, but Alter Time…!


Magic would be useful so mages. Open sesame!

:man_mage: :magic_wand: :dizzy:

Uuuh time stop! :smiley:

Mages for sure. The food, the portals to major cities. Imagine saying “Hey I wanna go for a holiday to Hong Kong” and you just ask this mage for like 5 EUR and you’re there in 2 seconds.

Warlocks could be useful for getting summoned to work. The downside is that they need the anima of souls to summon people, but since office jobs are generally considered souldraining anyway, people probably won’t notice.

Druids would probably be quite capable in dealing with the global warming issue. Grow trees super fast, you say? Summon rain? Maybe bring a shaman along? Well then. Forests. Forests everywhere!


and everything else is negative, considering that you damage yourself with some spells it’s also painful.
Druids can basically live eternally by the way, rejuvenation spell isn’t called like that for funsies


Because pets!
Ehm… Yeah, that’s all. Pets are life. Pets are love. :sweat_smile:

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yeah, because mages wouldn’t charge retail prices for their food XDDDDDDD
damn commies are it again.

in-game mages would charge tens to hundreds for portals (pre-portal room)… you think you’d have portals cheaper than flight? think again :smiley:

Paladin. We will take back Jeruselem! And we could also heal and cure illneses. And fight evil.

Mage for sure as they provide food and water and travel.

Mages as almost everyone is saying above could have a pretty big impact with portal to big cities, conjured food, and the ability to chill your own drink.

Another strong suit would be shamans. Healing could provide a pretty good job security, but the real bonus is the utility. Got teleport to home, got the elemental summons for odd jobs, but most powerful is reincarnation. Gotta love the security of not needing a rez from someone else.

My last choice would be druid. Apart from the healing and debatable ability to “rejuvenate” people, shapeshifting to some animals would provide some pretty good job opportunities. And I am just gonna throw that out there, there are some jellyfish that can reverse aging and live forever (if someone could use that information, that someone would be a druid).