Which class would be most useful IRL?

Healer will resurrect the dead this is angel gift , I love every Day we select Healer for this, I think Priest , Holy Holy !

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Dh´s 10/char

death knights, being already undead and having the ability to create an undead army to boot.

I agree that mage would be the most useful. Portals, conjure food, don’t forget invisibility… :eyes:

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And if its too warm they can just make a blizzard to cool things down again :laughing:

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Mages just need to learn Conjure Beer :beers:

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Priest cus of MC :grimacing:

Yeah, I wouldn’t take part in any “holy war” for any “religion” if I was a Paladin IRL. I’d fight those damn mages who are turning people into animals,

the priests who are mindcontroling people,

and maybe even you, who wants to start a “crusade”.

Definitely mage!

Would say healers but we already do too much to bend the rules of natural selection.

I say Evoker, because who wouldn’t want to walk around in visage and heal people and can fly on the boot.
Fine, can say the same about druids but I like my scaly friend, no wet dog fur smell to be worried about when it rains.

Druid, so I can finally grow and keep my veggies alive…

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Paladin. When you see your problems closing in on you, just pop a bubble.
But then life gives you Mass Dispel/Shattering Throw.

Yes it would be great to be able to use divine shield before that bus hits

Rogues can use Evasion when it comes to taxes tho. Then just pop Vanish.

Easy question, rogue obviously. Invisibility + ninja abilities . Ofcourse I would use those abilities for good, don’t even think about Translucent of The Boys :grin:

The travel aspect really makes Mages super desirable.

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Yes i can see it now ÂŁ100 pound charge for portals to holiday locations

Don’t forget your portal license fee.

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With that comes it’s own problems. No one should be living for eternity :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m planning to though…