Which class would be most useful IRL?

Sure; “One portal to [location] please”
Naturally you have to pay them and then upon entering the portal you realise … hey why is it so cold now? And you realise you are on the arctic.
Nah, rather have my own wings though. (Or have one as a good friend who can help you around)

Druidic spells cannot de-age you, nor make you live forever. Druidic magic is overwhelmingly focused on healing wounds and creating new life.

That’s why the Night Elves were so sad when they lost their immortality. If it hadn’t mattered, well… yeah.

All I know is it is a dwarf. the class does not matter too much

If I’m the mage then no issue with destinations.

Warlocks are just mages happy to touch questionable things!

Oh from you I would trust it perhaps but seeing how the general IRL people are, nope.
I cant give those a 1 out of 5 star feedback “Wanted to go to a warm place, ended up in a volcano”.

Nope, rather have a “Rescue” from the massive traffic jam, from my Evoker friend and soar through the sky, waving down to all those stuck in traffic.
And then scold at my evoker friend for not taking off my borrowed jacket that has now vanished when he went out of visage.

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Me neither. I couldn’t even imagine dropping you off somewhere in the middle of the pacific ocean.


concentrates hard

portal opens to somewhere

Enter :slight_smile:

Plot twist: It’s Honolulu. Have a good vacation!

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I just assume that most-powerful druids can live forever or very long compared to most classes and nelves losing immortality was implied to be race-wide.
Every important druid that we see is very old, and even if they die their soul is transported in emerald dream

Well realistically speak IRL, while you don’t really see it in game, it would take a heck of a lot of energy to generate a portal. Hence mages can conjure food to stay nourished and energized. Of course IRL they would require rejuvenation assistance from a druid in case they get far too drained to be able to conjure food.

Hunter, since I can friendly animals. (I’m animal lover)
But dont use bow or gun. Maybe I use spear.

or Druid. Since I can flying or run faster wihout car

Would be ethical to keep them in a Mage-farm…?


We can teleport both long and short distances and burn the entire farm to the ground without taking damage ourselves.

Good luck! :four_leaf_clover:

A lot of people saying mages, but hear me out:


“The logistics…” Locks can port
“The healing” Locks can heal
“The Hunger” Locks can feed
“The dead…” Locks can resurrect them
"The national security " Locks can remote spy
“The manual labour…” Locks can summon and bind demons

“The people you dislike…” Locks can curse the Shaite out of them, explode them to smithereens or torment them endlessly with an army of demon prosecutors.

The list goes on…
Feel free to add to it ; )

Demon hunter! I would like to glide from my balcony for example as it would save time. Also DH has extreme reaction times and is very fast. so Playing like Any combat sport/running etc as DH you would be unbeatable. Also DH is immortal, you reform in twisting nether eventualy.

Mage would be the most useful for the infinite food/drink and portals. Imagine just conjuring whatever you want whenever you want. No ingredients? No problem. Fancy a holiday in Greece? Walk right through the portal. Always wanted to visit Japan? Cut out the 200hr flight time and walk right through. Could just pop over to Hawaii for my dinner break. It would be amazing.

Second most useful would be warlock. You can cheat death with soulstones, breath underwater and summon succubi for… reasons.

Until you get a mage that opens multiple portals on top of each other and end up god knows where.

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