Which one is the best number 1 Blood Elf Warlock name?

Hi guys hope all is well) please from these 24 names pick the best One for Blood :drop_of_blood: Elf Warlock

I’m struggling picking a name for my Blood Elf Warlock (I’ll make it Destruction spec based mostly)

Please let me know guys , I would much appreciate it:

Razael, Izrael, Kahnael, Raziel, Orhael, Barozael, Azael, Kahnaan, Shazael, Illidarazim,

Razazim, Ederzael, Illizrael, Rezael, Vorazael, Illidael, Illidaen, Arizael, Azerael, Razageddon,

Radeus, Kahnrael, Vorzael or Illidaerius


95% of them dont sound like warlock names at all to me.

my picks would be either Radeus, Kahnaan or Razageddon. the rest doesnt fit at all for a warlock imo.


Illidaerius is my BE Havoc DH in Shadowlands (Retail) Izrael sounds like which Class + Race then ?

My other friend also told me Kahnaan is a solid pick for Blood Elf Warlock (Destruction based spec mostly)

Thank you - I much appreciate it


Obviously, the best name is Wowmobile

Imagine getting killed by Wowmobile. Or seeing Wowmobile topping the dps charts.


Check Dnd demon/ devil names.

Other than that perhaps Maleficus or Male(ph)is


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what about… I don’t know… “Bob”? :rofl:

EDIT: :rofl: No reference to the Warlock who got payed by Blizzard :rofl: I realised too late.


A lot of these demonic names sound much more Demon Hunter than warlock - especially anything with “illi” in it!

Kahnaan makes me smile as I’m pronouncing it as “car naan”, i.e. a tasty Indian bread to be eaten on a road trip! :grin:

I think Razael, Shazael and Vorzael are the best ones. I love Razazim but he sounds like a jazzy gnome entertainer rather than a serious blood elf warlock!


Unless he took a new name he was named at birth well before he chose a career as a warlock so could have any old elf name.


reminds me of a warrior i once had named Batmobile. :joy:


Rehati,Sekhmet and Zhao…

sounds like a belf/human, maybe undead + paladin, priest or mage to me tbh.

yeah i like that one for a warlock. its quite solid in my opinion. :slight_smile:

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Imagine playing a character named Izrael :joy:

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That name opens up some title combos that would trigger alot of people xD

These sound like eredar or demon names to me.

Most warlocks don’t actually have “warlocky” or demonic sounding names, maybe their last name alludes to it.

This is from lore PoV, If not concerned by that, then go nuts I guess, although I’m more a fun of pun names when lore is being ignored. Ie Dotstuff, Toodottohandle, tearsforfears, etc.

If I were making a belf lock, I’d go for names that have that demonic ring, but use belf naming conventions. Stuff like Aztherien, Solanthar, Izthrius, Kethanius, Kalmorian etc.

I’m thinking between these names : Razael or Kahnaan for my BE Warlock in TBC Classic

For my BE Rogue in TBC Classic I’ll pick : Shazael, Vorzael or Izrael

And Illidaerius is my name in Retail Shadowlands for my BE Havoc DH

My fav number 1 name is Illidaerius and it suits BE Havoc DH + Rogue + Warlock (Lore wise + logic wise) (Since DH is a combination of Rogue + Warlock basically with Fel Energy & Magic)

I’ve made up my mind it’ll be Illidaerius just like Havoc DH BE in Retail - Shadowlands
Illidaerius is my name in Burning Man and it’ll be my name in WoW :wink:

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Raziel sounds cool. My velf is called Hastiel (Kastiel was taken xD)

Tryhardius, seems to fit the names you like. :>


Also definitely not this one.
