Which one is the best number 1 Blood Elf Warlock name?

i dont know
maybe Chaosflame or Infernalfury perhaps?

If I have to choose from these names, I like Razael, Raziel, Radeus. Just don’t pick any of the ‘Illi*’ names :smiley:


Choose Imawhat, I do have a name for you but it’s probably against the naming rules as it involved a sexual orientation.


Those names are good, but a little boring, it’s like you’ve googled “Warlock name generator” and it’s just throwing in Il’s, R(a/e)z’s and Z’s.

I’d probably go for Vorzael though.

I’m the answer you are searching for


Alori. Don’t ask why.


Block and Bellock.

You’re welcome.

Gets my vote.

Izrael means “god will plant” in hebrew, and is the name of a real life valley in Israel (usually called Jezreel in English).

Generally El means god, this is why all angel names end with it it’s basically a verb/adjective + the word god afterwards.

For me names like that work better for priests/paladins.


End of contest.


“Don’t you guys have Recount?”





Most of your names end with “el” and use “ael” as a formula.

To avoid making people roll their eyes while they sit you down in BG’s, or for others to imagine you believe yourself to embody a densely concentrated demonic elf of hell incarnate, and also roll their eyes. Go for something a bit out of the box.

Not bob, not kitty or rainingfyreqt and you always wear goggles…

but something with pizazz. Check out some songs from black metal bands from Finland or industrial metal from germany, I’m sure you’ll find something you can take inspiration from.

Malzahar. :slight_smile:

Or would that name fit a blood elf shadow priest more? :thinking:

these 2

Shadowpriest 100%, and possibly Velf, not Belf.

Second sight ordains it.

None of em
Call him donutslinger

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