Which one is the best number 1 Blood Elf Warlock name?

Why not just harrydotter.



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Think about it!

Izrael. For lobby support.

Have You tried Satan?

I’ve made up my mind it’ll be Illidaerius just like Havoc DH BE in Retail - Shadowlands

Illidaerius is my name in Burning Man and it’ll be my name in WoW !

Fire + Fel Fire bring it on!!! ;)))

The One ) The Child of Light & Shadow (Darkness)

I’m Illidan after Metamorphosis advanced superior form!!!

Fire Wolf Spirit!!! Illidaerius!!! Babylonia + Izrael!!! Bring it on!!! ;)))

I’m The Dark Version of Illidan (I’m the Light from Darkness)

I’ve the Blood of Israel + Babylonia!!!))

I’m the Tao Te Ching The Balance Equilibrium (From Light comes Darkness and from Darkness comes Light) We need both both are good and have Wisdom and LOVE Light + Shadow (Darkness) but One must not have excessive Ego if One does then you’re exposed to evil energy and then you become the victim of it by being selfish and having excessive Ego

Only via Spirit One can have Balance between the Heart & the Mind

I’ll write my own Lore for Illidaerius

Take care everyone and thanks for everything

Everyone will get their Karma ;))

May the Force be with you guys!))

Don’t think you’re know you’re!))

Salama Izakaya Armageddon Izrael + Babylonia Shamballa :wink:

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