Which race & gender for warrior class? (aesthetics)

Hi all

I am used to playing male human (paladin) and that is my immediate choice of comfort when it comes to combat animations and attacking sounds. But staying in the comfort zone is easy, thus I am willing to push myself out into something new. Besides, I already have a human male paladin and have to watch and listen to these attack sounds/animations.

I could not find a proper Youtube video that presents combat animations (of 1h, 2h, 1h + shield, dual wield weapons and special attack moves) and corresponding sound effects.

When I play warrior, I want to feel the power of those swings and hear the character go berserk when performing a special move or crit.

My candidates so far are: female orc & male dwarf, but I am willing to go beyond that.

Which race & gender would you recommend, personally?

(I don’t care much for racials, btw)

Nelf female
Nuff said

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I’m not sure about Warriors but female UD-Rogues do some cool flips and stuff and also have the imho best casting animations in General.

I also likemale Troll Warriors but only if they use 2H Weapons.

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Male orcs, you cannot get fiercer than those.

Use Wowhead model viewer and you can select race/class and go through every single animation in the game.



I agree. Orc warrior looks kinda lame for quite some tine, but once you get to high level gear they just look badass. Certaib helmets suck though

Female Gnome Warrior. You know you want this, don’t deny it. :+1:


fem orc, bis racial for pvp, bis racial for pve, bis animations for warrior, ez

Orc zug zug

go orc, 95 % stun resist is game changing.
also dont look at tooltip, it only says 25 % stun resist, but it has not been updated yet.

This is also very tempting. Though i dont like it that their weapon is clipping through the ground (due to their shortness) and that they swing it casually like a kid is swinging a tree branch. But yeah… tempting…

Horde : Tauren Male.
Alliance: Dwarf or Human male.

Damn, I use that a lot but never noticed the animations feature :slight_smile: thanks

I already have tauren male shaman :slight_smile:

female human. obviously.
its the only race/gender combination that knows how to properly hold a shield.

female nightelf is the next best choice. they have the closest 2h attack animation to real world fencing.

either human or orc because weapon spec racials. gender is a matter of preference, but imagine being a dude playing as a female… pretty cringe if you ask me.

Orc: reason saurfang thrall and the 1 in the trailer
UD: u have alrdy died so not rly smart move for a warrior if u cant even stay alive
Tauren: literally best tank can stun and beat every1 melee
Troll: fits race
Human: normal warrior just go irl and fight at medieval festival
Night elf: why risk immortality by getting head chooped off stay in forest and cry me a moonwell when i warm my cabin
Dwarf: respect i must say easy to play soccer with and always drinking lol un intentional zig zag
Gnome: if u want to be birth by a mechanical chicken fart be my guess (and gank target)

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Nelf female if dual wielding
Dwarf male if 2h.


Orc/troll male if dual wield
Tauren if 2h

I went human male only because I played human male in vanilla

orc would be cooler

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