Hi guys,
Just wanted some guidance on which pvp server to play on? Preferably as horde but i dont mind. Just looking for a fun server with decent population and active world pvp.
Thanks in advance
Hi guys,
Just wanted some guidance on which pvp server to play on? Preferably as horde but i dont mind. Just looking for a fun server with decent population and active world pvp.
Thanks in advance
That depends on which classic version you are on! I can only speak for myself, but I find Firemaw on era to be good. It’s a friendly community without the mega layering stuff and content rushing that is on the anniversary realms.
The downside of joining an era realms these days is of course a lower population while leveling. Just to check though, I did a /who search for different 5 level brackets such as 20-25 etc, and got back over 50 characters currently online for each last week. Another downside is the economy being inflated, but again that also means getting mounts and stuff is easier, as what you sell will have good returns on what you sell.
To me era is the definitive version of classic with as few changes as possible and a friendly community. I would check it out
Thank you for taking the time to reply, I’ll look into it
Just not really sure on the difference between classic era, and anniversary, can’t seem to find a straight answer online? I sound like a noob but I’ve played since 2005
Just sick of retail now, it’s time to go back! I would level on hardcore but I’ve read if your character dies, you can only be sent to a PVE realm?
Anniversary is in phase 2 and has duel spec and is going into tbc in 10months, era is where all the classic players from 2019 are. Anniversary has very high pop atm.
Lots of Era players are currently playing on Anniversary with the hope that they can transfer their characters to Era when TBC hits.
thank you