Which side is morally better?


Timestamp 4:36
The funny thing is. For all of the trash talks about High Elf girls and their Half Elf - Half Human offspring.
It is obvious that Blood Elf girls can not resist Human Males either.
:man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


The dialog was referred to his lover, this pirate.

Lack of lore and imagination abuse are terrible…

Hearing honey elf voice with suggestive words “omg rommmance”

No there is no romance

All High elves female are not spoiled like 2 sisters.

Was it though, because his lover was shown to be really into a prticular raven haired girl who happens to be the daughter of the Lich King. Also he seemed pretty vaulnerable to that female siren. Until the fanbase started coming up with fan theories after the cinematic in the zandalaar vaults, which frankly I don’t understand, I didn’t see any romantic chemistry there just two rogues having a duck measuring contest on which spec was better.

Sigh. This could be pandering by Fujoshi or something else.
For some reasons it has been discussed since 2020. Remember Blizzard is a company known for these kind of tricks. Soldier76 and Tracer are not gay in Chinese versions of Overwatch. Just the West.

As for the clip. It was clear that Sanguinar was coming on to Matthias and her response if you read between the lines was: “don’t take too long”.
A lot of people like to ship “romances” that does not exist. Even the Winchester brothers (despite being biological brothers) there was fujoshi shipping them as a couple.

Shaw and Fairwind was just two Rogues that went on missions together. Playing the game there is nothing of the sort that there is a romance between them. Shaw takes himself too seriously and Fairwind is a relaxed sea faring guy that just wings it (figures it out as he goes).

The Windrunner family practically rule the High Elf and Blood Elf peoples.
Sylvannas will inevitably return to the Horde.
Had she not died power sliding into Arthas. She might have had a halfu as well.

high elves are not japanese people.

keep your “halfu” for your own personnal mind.

lol there are many terms for hybrids. Half casts - impure bloods and more.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Talks of The War Within means that there are going to be A LOT more Half Elves running around. So it’s not just the Windrunner sisters to blame.

Which side is morally better? Neither the Horde or the Alliance in my opinion.

The Alliance holds honour and justice in high regards. Yet they often use these ideals as an excuse for their prejudice and loathing for anything that doesn’t fit into their perfect order of things.

The Horde also values honour and justice. But they also emphasize the need to survive and defend their family against a hostile world, often using this as justification for needless agression or cruel acts of war.

Both factions are capable of great heroic deeds, and both are capable of evil ones too.

Something MoP has shown far better in its narrative than BfA to be honest.


I’m with the side that agrees with my morals/opinion. Afterall, I’m 100% morally right.

The issue here is normal people are evil.

Comrade Japser, suprising to see you here but a welcome one

Both daedric lords right? More just bothered me cos i had to start a separate play through to get werewolf again. Funny how the werewolf haters are silver hand and we have that in wow and yet they’re closer to the scarlet crusade

Hircine and Molag Bal are Daedric Princes. Closer description would be a demon god. Equal but different entities to the Aedra which are light side gods essentially. From the Elvish languages Aedra = Our Ancestors, Daedra = Not our Ancestors. The Aedra was tricked into creating creation by Lorkhan and used parts of themselves into doing so. Lost their immortality but are eternal and still powerful despite being bound to creation.

Daedra took no part in creation but endlessly meddle with and into the affairs of what the Aedra created. Which almost always ends up very badly for the mortal races their playthings.

The loophole around that will be to collect the daedric artefact called: the ring of Hircine. If you are a Werewolf before obtaining it then you can change at will or change at random. If you are not a Werewolf it gives access to a Werewolf.

All Werewolves or Were creatures upon death are claimed by Hircine then taken to his realm called the hunting grounds. Where everything that is not Hircine is prey to be hunted.
Molag Bal’s titles are: Lord of domination - father of vampires. A “daughter of cold harbour” (cold harbour is molag bal’s realm of oblivion) is a more powerful vampire made by direct blood contact with Molag Bal. But oddly enough the “Lord of domination” must turn to Vaermina who her sphere of influence is nightmares - dreams - bad omens torment and psychological terrors. (Daedric Princes don’t really have a gender despite the form they take)

For Molag Bal to have to turn to Vaermina for a cure for Vampirism means that the Vampire is more of a living Nightmare, that you can never wake from.
The first ever Vampire Lamae Beolfag or Lamae Bal she was a former Priestess of Arkay. Arkay is an Aedria whose sphere is origin and end. Everything has a starting point everything will come to an end. Arkay is the one who decides this.

So the Vampire itself being Undead is Molag Bal curing at Arkay. As very bad things was done by Molag Bal that created Lamae Beolfag and through her all Vampire clans variants of Vampirism and their abilities descend from.

I think you underestimate Vader, deeply.
He was a competitive war criminal

Its entirely meric interpretation of creation mythos, most of the TES cosmology is biased and you get information from unreliable narrator, aldmers use aedra and daedra generalization to basically define which deity is cool to worship and which isn’t, but honestly they aren’t much different from each other

Really now? How many did he commit?

  • Treason against the old republic
  • Genocide of the Sand People
  • Genocide of the Wookies
  • Murdering younglings
  • Murder of Mace Windu
  • Torture disguised as “advanced interrogation”
  • Murdered his own troops when they failed a task
  • Ordered the destruction of Alderaan
  • Put people into the airlock and jettisoned them into space
  • Murdered the separatists leaders, their allies in the clone wars
  • Murdered everyone aboard the Rogue one
  • Choked his pregnant wife

Even though the sand people had it deserved a bit, i heard they had the order to kill her.

nobody ever deserves a genocide.

If you were in Anakin’s place and under the same stress and sadness you’d most likelly want to too.

Want, doesn’t mean do.