Until the Horde broke the neutrality. Dalaran was seen as an example that Alliance and Horde can coexist.
How she ran the Kirin Tor was always outside of Alliance influence. She said something to the effect to High King Varian Wrynn when he told her that her actions drove the Blood Elves back to the Horde.
If someone called me a fluffy bunny. Is the words: Fluffy bunny itself an insult?
Even if I am devastated and emotional. For years “alphabet people” was a self described term.
To the reader. Just like the term Fluffy Bunny. FINDING offence where the is none simply means that the person(s) was seeking to be offended.
I agree. There is a difference between Black people and BLM the organisation.
There is a difference between people who happen to have their dating and romantic orientations and alphabet people.
It’s like claiming that f3m1n1$m speaks on behalf of all biological females everywhere.
We tried to get it back on track until you derailed it again.
By admitting this on a public platform you could be targetted.
Besides. Void Elves are Purple.
Decent LGBT characters actually exist. I have used One Piece as an example. Mr Scissors - Mr Swan - Emperio Ivankov. Good quality written characters who HAPPEN to be whatever orientation. Their orientation is not the sole focus.
Which is why I mentioned Pandering. Hey look people: Your new character of Assassin’s Creed is a PoC AND AND AND an Alphabet person.
Do you see how…with how things are marketed. Pandering causes more than just cringe. But repellent to people?
What does skin color and orientation have to do with skills as an Assassin?
To explain. What you are dealing with is similar to Faith and Belief.
Rawani Kanae the Troll Paladin and first boss of the Zulduzar raid for the Alliance side believed that the Light of the Loa is all that she needs. But was defeated.
Point is. Many believe that legitimate criticism can not exist. Not for alphabet people or characters. Which is in part why you will rarely if ever get any decent alphabet characters in the West.
Ones orientation does not make them special. It is not a superpower. It does not even make them interesting. So why is for some people: that the sole focus? why is that their personality?
Many things were wrong with the converted Iceman from Marvel’s X-Men.
That is always the tactic. Something demonstrated on the thread. Do not address the points made. Instead attack and demonise the person that made it, attempt to force the accused to defend against the slur.
The Horde understand more than the Alliance. That the Barrens is a dangerous place. So the civilians of Taurajo once released chose to take their chances.
Quillboar and Horde relations have always been extremely hostile.
The explanaition is simple. Deportation. Deportation is not a pleasent experience. But the Blood Elves that did NOT fight Jaina was safe and unharmed in the Violet Hold to then be released back to Lorthemar Theron at a later time. Still safe and unharmed.
The funny thing is. That despite all that the Tauren have done for the Horde. The Horde done nothing as Baine Bloodhoof was about to be executed. I believe Thunderbluff itself was not under siege but measures were taken to see that the Tauren do not save Baine Bloodhoof.
Regarding the political part: Dude just stop please, no need to explain it, whoever is interested knows, the rest don’t care. Just stop bringing up politics and re-opening the subject (and this goes out to everyone).
Well, maybe the term is new but the concept is very old.
Socrates, imprisoned and killed for his teachings.
Cisero had to leave Rome for quite a qhile due to some of his speeches.
Oscar Wilde and James Joyce had to go to Paris to publish their works.
The 80s moral panics over Dungeons & Dragons, Heavy Metal or Rap, Occult groups, and Video Nasties.
I apologize for my exhange this morning… I might not agree with you very often… But bringing up ancient past things and saying you where insane and sounded like a bi polar person amongst other things was to take things too far and not very fair play of me… Most of all cause I am the last person on earth who should be diagnosing people or question anyone’s sanity.
Im sorry i treated your replies too me with indifference as well… I was not playing very fair and honest… Now for real this time I will not reply any further. Cross on the tail this time. And I am sorry for my part in derailing this thread before.
This is one of the lies you told only to then roughly 10 hours later put out of context quotes of 2 year old posts.
Which is then debunked and also I pull 5 year old quote to show the reader that it is a topic that have been discussed for years. Nothing new here and itself is not controversial. Further debunking the ‘crusade against alphabet people’ lie.
Then the usual ad hominems and personal attacks. As the ongoing attempts of bullying and dogpiling continues. The Ists / Isms / Phobics.
Weaponizing Bi polar peoples mental health challenges online then. Now there is this poor attempt of damage control. As things are easy to say on forums and online. But unless you edit or delete your posts people see Skullfox for what he/she is offline.
Now you continue with the lies when you say.
Which just about everyone knows is a lie. Reason being that Moltensage lives rent free in your (and a few other people’s) head. You either engage in the topic of discussion or not. But posting on WoW forums just to come at / targeted harassment against Moltensage says a lot more about whoever Skullfox is offline.
There will most likely be another response and another after that.
Because I would have thought that after posting that… You too would leave this alone and withdraw as well… But imidetley afterwards you called everyone who disagreed with you bullies and took it further
You call them ad hominem and personal attacks and what not… But I am not making this stuff up… My first memory of you arriving on the EU forums where pretty bombastic… About LGBT people and colored people in regards too inclusion… And the threads are now unlisted and deleted. And I cannot find them again.
But I am pretty sure I am not the only one who where there those days too have seen them.
Again I genuinly apologize for that… truthfully… that was a really unfair and dishonest card for me too play… and I take the L for this one… I shouldn’t have done that. And that was genuinly a unfair card too play… I am sorry.
I mean I tried… I honestly did feel bad about how things turned out this morning and I did actually feel bad for how I treated you. But you make it so difficult for us both to just walk our seperate ways and leave each other alone. Cause every reply you make too me and others is designed too make us look as bad as people as possible.
But I genuinly did want too apologize for those things before. And I do honestly want us both too walk away and stop fighting.
Like I said. Damage control. Each post / response only proves me correct.
But yes there is no point in engaging further. Just another bad faith actor.
I have already moved on since post 535.
The Alliance has pragmatists like Matthias Shaw who would depending on orders…just get the job done. A good soldier (for a Rogue) but is not really part of the leadership. Just intelligence. As an intelligence officer there is no good or bad. Just shades of gray. Leaving it to Alliance leadership to give the orders.
Establishing a Gilnean intelligence network could take time. The big wall that kept outsiders out could be a checkpoint or something.
His romance with Valeera Sanguinar…technically she has always done her own thing. So can not be considered a Horde asset.
Point is morality does not apply to Rogues.
Most will think that the next conflict between Alliance and Horde might be a Gilnean vs Kul Tiran one. Lets face it. Since fleeing the fall of Lordaeron Calia Menethil does not actually know the Undead. The few Lordaereon Undead that are left I mean.
Then is Tess Greymane being naïve? What is her rulership going to look like. Rebuilding efforts began immediately on their return.
There are a lot of Gilnean dead that could be added to Forsaken.
Lol Had to get rid of Cisero in Skyrim. His blade skills was NOT worth putting up with him.
Don’t really remember interacting with him after the initial intro into dark brotherhood tbh. It’s still my second favourite tho (after companions the whole werewolf stuff is awesome. Bar the fact in order to become a vampire you have to lose werewolf which is stupid. I get mythologically they’re seperate and likely incompatible but it’s a single player rpg.
It was.
But “The Moral Majority” as they liked to think of themselves really hated Dungeons & Dragons because it had demons and magic.
They also hated Harry Potter when it started as these moral panics were still going in the 90s when it was more about GTA and ganster rap but also Harry Potter.
So the funny thing is that the zealsous right tried to cancel JK Rowling for turning the kids into cultist demon worshipers.
And now the lunatic left want to cancel her because she thinks 11 year olds shouldn’t be pumped full of drugs to de-sex them.
Werewolf and Vampire are two different things.
I like that Skyrim is well designed. The Vampires can sense the Werewolf within you.
But when you think about Hircine is the one behind Were creatures. Wolves - Bears and more. Molag Bal is behind Vampires.
Both curses in one body. It is too much for one vessel.
You are not paying attention. A lot are trying to Cancel J K Rowling for daring to disagree with the topic of what is or what is not a biological adult human female. They still try to smear her in mainstream and social media.
Point is that it is always going to be something depending on how deep down the rabbit hole you go.
You had the Jack Thompson era back in 1991 and the: videogames makes people violent narrative.
You had the Sarkeesian era from the 2000s and the: videogames makes people $exi$t against women and girls era.
Now you have the DEI and ESG era that is costing companies hundreds of millions of $$$ in some cases billions of $$$ as customers vote with their time and money.
It will always be something. In the mean time the sane and well adjusted just want to: kick back relax and play our videogames / enjoy our hobbies / consume the content.