No, it wasn’t a ‘legitimate act’ and if she looked like Garrosh I strongly suspect she wouldn’t get nearly the same amount of support and excuses that she receives.
For starters, Jaina herself disrespected the rules of neutrality both with Theramore and Dalaran. Before the Sunreavers did. Secondly, she spoke out in disgust and horror when Arthas Menethil conducted a brutal slaughter of civilians in the name of the ‘greater good’. Many of whom also ‘resisted’ as most people with sound mind do when dragged from their homes with no forewarning.
I still not gave up on hope, in Pandaria there is a nine tailed tall variant of Vulpera, thanks to the waters of the vale
Similarly how thew Murlock evolved to the tall and wise jinyu - and one day it becomes palyable
In which case?
The support for Theramore get acknowledged by rhonin (her predecessor) AND Aethas himself.
And in dalaran, she tried to keep being neutral, there was even a whole cutscene she expalond it.
Bad comparison since they dint have a choice, if they didn’t act, the whole city woud turnd underdead and flood northern lordaeron with huge amount of undead, that its unlikely they coud stop them.
Even at hearthglenn they barely survived because the onslaught
Cleric: “Please, I’m begging you: Stop.” Warlock: “What? We’re saying the same things?” Cleric: “For the last time. When I pray ‘Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned’ - it is NOT THE SAME as you saying ‘I’m sorry, daddy, I’ve been naughty’ to your patron.”
Filoni confirmed Time Lord in Star Wars is Canon
And the episode of the new Doctor Who with Maestro mentioned Star Trek as the Doctor wants to chek on them…
People will argue that by the Sunreavers having that traitor they commited the first act of aggression. And therefore the Sunreavers broke their neutrality.
The Alliance propeganda machine is for sure going to come down on you for this one.
The Alliance cannot do wrong. And if they do? They where justified doing it. Cause the Horde has always done something worse…
Truth is in my opinion… No faction are above doing bad things. there are no ‘‘always the good guys no matter what’’ Scenario here…
Jeez that became credibly tiny. Click too be able to read lmao
That could be a Prattchet bit but I don’t remember it specifically.
Speaking of Dr. Who, I thought I’d see what the new one was like so watched his first ep over the weekend. Dreadful episode, he seemed ok though. If this is the writing just now I think I’ll steer clear.
You know what? At this point I wish the Alliance didn’t exist, I wish we just did what the Orcs did and left this planet. Then We could revel in the absolute toilet show that would be “Horde dominace”. You can just bet that you would be able to buy (or fight to the death for) vulpera hot dogs on every corner, and thats even before the forsaken get their hands on everything.
Calm down Amon… I am not saying the horde are the good guys in this by any means… But just that if your really gonna commit and do the same attrocities that they do?
Your just as capable and able to do harm to innocent people as we are.
My entire point from entering this thread. All i said this entire time… is that sometimes just -Sometimes- the alliance are capable of doing bad things as well.
No one here has never wronged an innocent here before.
Innocent people being the key phrase here. How is it innocent people when Jaina invited them as refugees, part of them betrayed that trust, and then they refused to go to jail for questioning? I mean how are you still innocent when you say “Yeah I side with the Horde, let Garrosh get another nuclear level weapon and eradicate you”.