I think your a little bit wrong here… the Sunreavers where never refugees of dalaran where they? Or have I missed out on a major piece of lore in this case?
From the context of the lore from the horde side. It didn’t seem like a civil ‘‘we’re just asking you in for a friendly questioning’’
People where getting murdered infront of each other on the street… I think you underestimate how brutal the purge of Dalaran was…
But … I feel like by saying this we’re just going to take this further by a case by case basis and forget my over all point…
that the alliance is capable of just -sometimes- doing things that brings harm to civilians too undeserved.
Like how is this such a huge and hard thing too believe? That just -sometimes- Although rare… Blizzard shows us that the Alliance are capable of bad things too.
Literally a few quests before the purge you have to talk to Jaina about the Sunrevers in Dalaran. She explains that she is letting them stay there because “Not every Horde is Horde, and that its only Garrosh so Dalaran will be a refuge for those that want to escape the war”. Don’t have screenshot this time though and I am not going back and doing those yet again.
I believe you and your right but… the Sunreavers where a part of Dalaran way before the war broke out in Pandaria… Calling them refugees?
I mean sure I suppose you could say that. If by the time Jaina became the ruler of Dalaran they by default joined the alliance…
But as someone above posted… She broke the rules of neutrality. As dalaran was before the war broke out. Jaina choose too bring the city of dalaran into the Alliance…
And we can argue to the heath death of the universe when she made that decision or not.
But the Sunreavers have been a part of Dalaran ever since the wrath of the litch king expansion… they are not refugees in their own city.
I just disagree with your point in calling them refugees… The Sunraver where never refugees in Dalaran.
Dalaran city always consisted before they where introduced to the game… By Humans and High elves…
Some high elves remained loyal to Silvermoon and became the sunreavers… Some remained loyal to the Alliance and Veressa and became the Silver covenant…
But the Sunreavers where never refugees in Dalaran.
Ok so someone commits a crime in your neighborhood. You and a few others match the description of said person, the cops ask you to come in for questioning, but you decide to go YOLO ACAB…
Oof… No… But you have jaina and the Silver covenant going purge squad in the street? You see others before you getting frost bolted down infront of you on their porch.
Like come on. Blizzard made this scene too look bad.
" Lady Jaina Proudmoore]), leader of the Kirin Tor, accused Archmage Aethas Sunreaver and his faction of having orchestrated the treason and promptly declared the expulsion of all Sunreaver forces from Dalaran. It transpired that, while not having been directly involved in the theft himself, Aethas had been aware of it and chose to remain silent.
In a confrontation in the Violet Citade, Aethas refused to leave Dalaran, citing that the city belonged to the Sunreavers’ as much as it did any other. In response, Jaina imprisoned him within the Citadel and began mobilizing the Silver Covenant, under the command of Vereesa Windrunner, to begin forcibly dealing with any Sunreavers who refused to surrender.
The purge proved to be a bloody affair. Though compliant Sunreavers were imprisoned, many proved defiant in the face of exile from Dalaran and took up arms against Jaina"
But hey I found something that might be in your favor.
“while some Silver Covenant opportunists took the chance to rob, attack, and otherwise harass the civilians of their political rivals.”
Proof that the Alliance is as if not more evil than the Horde.
Oh also this.
"In the wake of the successful purge, Jaina pledged the Kirin Tor to the Alliance once more, while the Kingdom of Quel’Thalas added the remaining Sunreavers to their own ranks. "
By how it is worded it seems that Kirin Tor and Sunreavers were in fact considered neutral before the stealing of the bell. It was after the purge that Kirin Tor rejoined the Alliance.
I disagree that the purge was immoral. We killed those that swore to the Horde and refused to surrender. I agree that its immoral for some Silver Covenant member to be looting and harassing civilians. Buuuuut you can’t pit those actions against either Jaina or Vareesa. And we have already been over this with Taurajo, those were not direct orders.
Is your argument that no name NPCs of the faction can be evil? I mean if so then yeah obv, but can you honestly say that the whole faction is responsible for said actions?
By the way is it possible to do this questline in mop remix? I did not reach such quests there but just wondering, since mop remix you locked to the pandaria and not sure if you have access to outside events happening during that time
No but the same rules you just apply also apply to you alliance… The lore is written overwhelmingly in the Alliance favor as the always good guys… But the few times that they are bad? They do bad…
We cannot blame the whole Alliance for the action of garrithos for example. Or that commander for camp Taurajo as the acts of all the Alliance.
Then you cannot blame the whole of the horde for the acts of Horde NPC’s either…
No one is saying what Sylvanas and garrosh did was alright here. I am not about to do that…
But if you Alliance fellows are gonna justify ever act against us as a legitimate act of war. We are fair game to do that in return.
And I am just saying that not everything the Alliance has ever done can always be justified… None of us are saints in this conflicts or innocent.
Both the Alliance and the Horde has innocent blood on their hands.
The other way, Jaina became neutral.
Why should the because by default alliance shen Jaina took over rhonin jib, just replaced one human with another
And why ws it the case, because the sunreaver betrayed dalarsn which was ti the mentioned cutscene neutral.
The sunreaver first sworn loyalty to the horde.
But one case is insubordinate soldiers the other is the leader of the faction starting a war and 99% of said faction following orders to the letter until they decide to rebel… Like both Baine and Saurfang signed off on the attack on Teldrasilll.
Also we are justifying everything as an act of war because you guys are starting the wars. We wouldn’t be sacking Taurajo, killing Sunreavers or burning rodents if there wasn’t a war.